![]() | WCNPS 2019: 4th Workshop on Communication Networks and Power Systems Brasilia, Brazil, October 3-4, 2019 |
Conference website | https://ieee-wcnps.org |
Submission link | https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=wcnps2019 |
Submission deadline | August 3, 2019 |
Following the success of the third edition of the Workshop on Communication Networks and Power Systems, we are pleased to announce the fourth workshop. WCNPS 2019 will be held at the University of Brasília, and will count on several plenary talks held by experts and researchers of the industry, the government and the academia. Moreover, the event also includes the presentation of contributed papers, that will undergo peer review in order to provide feedback to the authors and ensure a high-quality program.
Submission Guidelines
All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference. The following paper categories are welcome:
Prospective authors are invited to submit original full-length papers, with up to four for technical content including figures and references, using the formatting guidelines on the website for reviewing purposes.
Original research papers are invited in the listed areas, but not limited to, in the Call for Papers. PAPER SUBMISSIONS: Manuscripts should be prepared according to IEEE standard template. These are available for both Word and Latex at: https://www.ieee.org/conferences/publishing/templates.html
All submitted papers will be subject to a thorough peer-review process and sent to at least 3 independent reviewers. The review outcome will determine the acceptance or rejection of the paper. Submitted papers will be also tested for a potential plagiarism/self-plagiarism, so it is in the interest of the authors to become familiar with IEEE guidelines in that regard. The guidelines are available at:
List of Topics
- Internet: Traffic modelling, Protocols, Embedded Internet devices, Internet of things, Resource and information management, Adaptive QoS provisioning, Smart grid communications, Emerging Technologies.
- Communication theory and techniques: Channel measurements and modeling, Coding and modulation techniques, MIMO, Multi-carrier systems and spread spectrum techniques, OFDM technology, space-time coding, diversity techniques, ultra Wide-Band Communications, antennas and Propagation.
- Information Security: Security primitives and algorithms, Security of wireless and distribution networks, Programmable networks security, Security of sensor networks, Authentication and authorization, Encryption and Data integrity.
- DSP algorithms and hardware implementations: DSP implementation in hardware, Parallel acceleration techniques, DSP algorithms, Smart antennas and tracking algorithms, Signal separation and Identification.
- Ranging and Localization: Indoor Positioning Technologies and Techniques, Radio-based Positioning Systems, Ranging and Localization Algorithms, Vehicle/Robot Navigation, Hybrid Positioning and Communication, RFID Localization/Communication, and UWB Ranging and Localization.
- Fixed Networks: Optical networks and switching, Network architectures and Equipment, Programmable networks, Test-beds and Trials, New and enhanced Services, Network gaming, and Peer-to-peer networking.
- Wireless Networks: Wireless sensors, systems, and networks, Delay and disruption tolerant networks, Cognitive radio networks and emerging Technologies, Future spectrum for wireless, Broadband Wireless Access, Cross Layer Design, Mesh Networks, Cooperative and Intermittent Networks, Wireless privacy, security and routing techniques, RFID devices and systems, Nano-networks and Test-beds and new applications.
- Multimedia signal processing: Streamed multimedia applications, Algorithms and implementations, Image and video processing, Audio and speech processing, Error concealment techniques, Management of multimedia Services, Multimedia games.
- Unconventional applications of Signal Processing and Communication Theory: Bio-Signalling, Bio-informatics, Medical Imaging, Financial modelling, Forensic applications, compressive electromagnetic sensing and Traffic modelling.
- Big Data: Large-scale systems for text and graph analysis, machine learning, optimization, parallel and distributed data mining (cloud, map-reduce), novel algorithmic and statistical techniques for big data.
- Data Science: Methods for analyzing scientific and business data, social networks, time series; mining sequences, streams, text, web, graphs, rules, patterns, logs data, spatio-temporal data, biological data; recommender systems, computational advertising, multimedia, finance, bioinformatics.
- Foundations: Models and algorithms, asymptotic analysis; model selection, dimensionality reduction, relational/structured learning, matrix and tensor methods, probabilistic and statistical methods; deep learning; manifold learning, classification, clustering, regression, semi-supervised and unsupervised learning; personalization, security and privacy, visualization.
- Control and Operation of Power Systems:transient voltage collapse, wide area control systems (WACS), Wide Area Monitoring Systems (WAMS), experience on monitoring phasor measurement units (PMUs) installed at University’s campuses, transient stability monitoring, system security, integration of AC-DC systems and operation, experience on operation of large scale systems.
- Electromagnetic Transients: digital simulation of continuous systems, transient converter simulation, transient analysis of control systems (TACS), control modelling in PSCAD/EMTDC and ATP, mixed time-frame simulation, frequency dependent network equivalents, system identification techniques (Prony, Vector Fitting, Kalman filter, unscented transform etc.).
- Non-Conventional Sources of Energy: wind energy, solar energy, energy from biomass, photovoltaic systems and integration at the conventional power grid, experience with non-conventional source of energy systems.
- Power System Modelling and Simulation: optimal power flow, power system stability, FACTS devices, HVDC, VSC, wind farm and controls, islanding detection methods, power system restoration dynamics, uncertainty quantification, power system analysis, numerical linear algebra applied to power system modelling and simulation, experience on tool simulations.
- Power System Planning: transmission network expansion planning, economic dispatch, environmental cost studies and their application, advances in simulation and modeling tools & techniques, use of emerging and innovative technologies within the realm of PMUs, FACTS and HVDC, planning and operations with increasing penetration of renewable generation.
- Power System Protection: conventional and numerical relaying, phasor estimation algorithms, special protection schemes, impact of instrument transformers on signal distortions, recent advances on fault localization methods, high impedance fault detection.
- Power Quality: harmonic power flow computation, source of harmonics, impact of harmonics on power quality and losses in power systems, modelling of flicker penetration, solutions to compensate for and reduce harmonics, insertion of electric car as a new type of load, well succeeded experiences on power quality.
- Smart Grids: smarter electricity systems, economic growth and environmental goals, technologies and policies that help to attain global energy and climate goals, future demand and supply, electrification of transport, electric vehicles and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, electric vehicle charging Infrastructure, system and cyber security, Information and communications technology integration, advanced metering infrastructure, customer-side systems.
Program Committee
- Prof.Dr. Edna Dias Canedo (University of Brasilia)
- Prof. Dr. Francisco Damasceno Freitas (University of Brasilia)
Organizing committee
- Prof. Dr. Rafael Timoteo de Sousa Junior (University of Brasilia)
- Bruno Justino Garcia Praciano (University of Brasilia)
WCNPS 2019 proceedings will be submitted to the IEEE Xplore
The conference will be held in Brasilia, Brazil
All questions about submissions should be emailed to wcnps@redes.unb.br, please visit our website https://ieee-wcnps.org/
IEEE Vehicular Technology Society