![]() | WCEAM-2018: The 13th World Congress on Engineering Asset Management 2018 Clarion Hotel Energy Stavanger, Norway, September 24-26, 2018 |
Conference website | http://2018.wceam.com/ |
Submission link | https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=wceam2018 |
Conference program | https://easychair.org/smart-program/WCEAM-2018/ |
Proposals for Special sessions | February 15, 2018 |
Abstract registration deadline | February 28, 2018 |
Submission deadline | April 20, 2018 |
Early bird Registration | June 30, 2018 |
Author/Presenter Registration deadline | July 30, 2018 |
The 13th World Congress on Engineering Asset Management (WCEAM-2018)
24-26 Sept. 2018 (http://2018.wceam.com)
In collaboration with
Nordic Edge Expo (NEE 2018)
26-28 Sept. 2018 (https://www.nordicedge.org/ )
The World Congress on Engineering Asset Management (WCEAM) is the Annual World Congress of the International Society of Engineering Asset Management (ISEAM). The Congress is well attended by Global experts of diverse disciplines related to Engineering assets and Public infrastructures. They represent both Public and Private sectors from various parts of the World.
The Nordic Edge aims at being the most important arena in the Nordics for knowledge exchange and inspiration to creators of smarter businesses, smarter homes and smarter cities. By bringing together the best thinkers and the best doers, Nordic Edge Expo will be a not-to-be-missed arena for ideas exchange, inspiration, insights and action. It offers a comprehensive marketing and communication platform for showcasing solutions for smart cities and communities. The Expo is where exhibitors meet decision makers from cities and municipalities, change-making companies, startups, smart technology providers and investors.
Submission Guidelines
All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference.
For more information see; http://2018.wceam.com/submissions/
- Papers, Presentations, Workshops, Seminars, Training sessions, and Round-table events
We gladly invite both Academic and Industrial community to submit top quality Research papers and Industrial case presentations related to engineering, operations, and management of Engineering assets and Public infrastructures.
The WCEAM-2018 Congress will cover a range of Technical themes that has a direct connection to your passion, professional interest, and expertise. Those areas are of interest to Asset owners, Operators, Producers, Technology developers, Service providers, Public institutions, and the Academic & Research community.
We also cover a wide range of Industrial and Public sectors, inclusive of; Oil & Gas, Refining industry, Nuclear, Hydropower, Renewable Energy, Ocean & Maritime sector, Mining, Public Infrastructures and Land transportation, Green Manufacturing, Process industry, Engineering structures and Buildings, Construction sector, Healthcare Systems, Aeronautics and Aerospace, Information and Telecommunication sector.
We also gladly invite those who have top expertise on specific Technical themes to deliver a Workshop, Seminar, Training activity, or a Round table session at the Congress. If you are keen, we will be excited to hear from you.
All papers and industrial presentation proposals submitted to the World Congress will be peer-reviewed by the dedicated International Scientific Committee & Review Panel of the World Congress for inclusion in the Congress Proceedings. The ISC & IRP of WCEAM-2018 comprises top global experts of listed technical domains.
Selected top quality Research and Industrial-case papers that are peer-reviewed, accepted, and presented at the WCEAM-2018, will be published in the Springer ebook titled, “Engineering assets and Public infrastructures in the Age of Digitalization” and subtitled, “Proceedings of the 13th World Congress on Engineering Asset Management”. The Springer ebook series is indexed by Scopus and is also currently being assessed for inclusion in EI Compendex. Past proceedings are available on the Springerlink web site.
Submit your Abstract with names of all authors, their affilliations, Title of the Paper, and a brief description of the technical content of the paper. Limit the technical description to about 250-300 words. Authors can either write the Abstract directly in the EasyChair submission portal or upload as a PDF document.
Authors will be notified about the acceptance of their Abstracts in due time according to the Congress schedule. Once your Abstract has been accepted, you will need to upload the Full paper within the deadline given. All papers submitted will be peer-reviewed by 2-3 expert reviewers of the International Scientific Committee that comprises top global experts of the technical domain. If the paper is accepted, then the final paper (in MS Word format) has to be submitted, after necessary modifications w.r.t. Review comments, using the Springer e-Book template together With the duly signed Consent to publish (in PDF format). The consent to publish is mandatory in order for your paper to be published.
Please note: The max. number of presentations per registered Speaker/Author is limited to 2. All accepted Papers/Industrial presentations must have at least 1 Author/Speaker registered at the Author/Presenter Registration rate to be eligible to speak at the Congress and be included in the Congress proceedings.
Should you have any queries please direct them to the Scientific Committee.
- List of Topics
- Smart Factory,Cyber-physical Systems, Virtual Factory,Virtual and Augmented Reality, Cloud-based solutions, Machine learning
- Advanced ICTs, Big Data Analytics, Intelligent decision support, Algorithms for Performacne optimization, Industrial informatics, Signal processing, Robotics and Automation, Mechatronics, Smart sensors and Instruments
- Modelling of Business & Operational Processes, Multiagent tenhnologies, 3D technologies, Visualization techniques
- Digital risk, Safety, Security, Reliability, Resilience Engineering, Barrier design and management, Human-Technology interface, Risk analysis and management, Data integration and Interoperability
- Financial risks, Asset investments, Life cycle costing, Beyond budgeting, Decision analysis
- Spare-parts and Warehousing, Innovative logistics, Supply chain optimization, Production planning, Quality control, Maitenance, Operations, Remote support, Collaborative work processess
- Tools and technologies for equipment and structural health assessment, Diagnostics and Prognostics,Technical and operational integrity, Pattern recognition, e-Maintenance, Inspection techniques, Fault and Failure analysis
- Service innovation, Service integration, Project engineering and management, Contract strategies and Contract management, B2B partnerships, Change management, Customer relationships
- Energy efficiency, Regulations and Standards, Legal aspects, Environmental technologies, Eco-efficiency, Carbon foot-print, Managing stakeholders
- Competence management, Education and Training, Managing work place diversity, Modern leadership
- KPI design and implementation, Performance optimization methods and techniques, Benchmarking, Learning and Continuous improvement
- Important Dates
- Abstracts submission:
- 28 February 2018
- Review feedback on submitted Abstracts:
- 28 February 2018
- Proposals for Special Workshops, Seminars, and Round-table sessions:
- 15 February 2018
- Full paper submission deadline:
- 20 April 2018
- Review feedback on Full papers and Industrial presentations:
- 30 May 2018
- Early bird registration deadline:
- 30 June 2018
- Author/Presenter Registration deadline
- 30 July 2018
Chairs & Committees
Congress Chairs and Co-Chairs
- Congress Chair: Prof. Jayantha P. Liyanage, Chair, Cluster on Industrial Asset Management (CIAM), University of Stavanger, Norway
- Congress General Chair:Prof. Joe Amadi-Echendu, Chair, International Society of Engineering Asset Management (ISEAM)
- Congress Co-Chair: Emeritus Prof. Joe Mathew, Past Chair, International Society of Engineering Asset Management (ISEAM)
Organizing committee
- Ola Trætteberg, Gassco AS, Norway
- Per Morten Harr, Region Stavanger, Norway
- Fride Solbakken, Maritimt Forum, Norway
- Frode Berge, Chamber of Commerce Stavanger, Norway
- Birger Haraldseid, Greater Stavanger, Norway
- Øyvind Rudolf Lea, Statoil AS, Norway
- Alexander Landsnes, Stavanger Forum, Norway
All papers and industrial presentation proposals submitted to the World Congress will be peer-reviewed by the dedicated International Scientific Committee & Review Panel of the World Congress for inclusion in the Congress Proceedings. The ISC & IRP of WCEAM-2018 comprises top global experts of listed technical domains.
Selected top quality Research and Industrial-case papers that are peer-reviewed, accepted, and presented at the WCEAM-2018, will be published in the Springer ebook titled, “Engineering assets and Public infrastructures in the Age of Digitalization” and subtitled, “Proceedings of the 13th World Congress on Engineering Asset Management”.
The Springer ebook series is indexed by Scopus and is also currently being assessed for inclusion in EI Compendex. Past proceedings are available on the Springerlink web site.
Clarion Hotel Energy, Stavanger, Norway
More info; https://www.nordicchoicehotels.com/hotels/norway/stavanger/clarion-hotel-energy/
Please direct any general queries to:
WCEAM-2018 Congress secretariat
Email: wceam2018@uis.no
WCEAM-2018 Congress Scientific Committee
Email: wceam2018-Submissions@uis.no
WCEAM-2018 Congress registration