![]() | TCSET-2018: 14th International Conference on Advanced Trends in Radioelectronics, Telecommunications and Computer Engineering Lviv-Slavske Lviv-Slavske, Ukraine, February 20-24, 2018 |
Conference website | http://science.lpnu.ua/tcset-2018 |
Submission link | https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=tcset2018 |
Submission deadline | December 31, 2017 |
Acceptance letter | January 20, 2018 |
Payment | February 5, 2018 |
Submission Guidelines
All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference.
The paper (4-6 full pages in English) and application form prepared strongly in line with IEEE Manuscript Template for A4 paper size in MS WORD, should be submitted using EasyChair conference management system.
Organizing Committee will not consider papers received after deadline and by e-mail. Information about the including author’s submission into conference program will be provided by e-mail.
Presentation materials may be prepared in ppt, pptx or pdf file formats, or printed for poster sessions.
List of Topics
Signal and electronic circuit's theory
Simulation in radio electronics, communications and computer sciences
Simulation of electro-technical and electro-energetic systems
Models, algorithms, software and hardware construction means of information and communication and radio electronic devices and systems
Electronics and photonics: systems and devices, micro- and nanotechnologies
Innovative optical technologies and nanoengineering: nanocomposites, its synthesis and properties
Telecommunications: wired and wireless systems, network services, management
Information systems and technologies
Quality, reliability and diagnostics of electronic and information systems and devices
ICT systems and networks
Internet of Things
Information processing
Biomedical engineering
Antennas, microwave technology and electromagnetic compatibility
Radar systems
Satellite communication, navigation, positioning systems and monitoring
Computer-aided design
Conference Honorary Chair
Prof. Yuriy Bobalo, Rector of Lviv Polytechnic National University
Organizing committee
- Prof. Ivan Prudyus, Lviv Polytechnic National University
- Prof. Marek Kuchta, Military University of Technology
- Prof. Myroslav Kiselychnyk, Lviv Polytechnic National University
- Assoc. Prof. Leonid Ozirkovskyy, Lviv Polytechnic National University
- Doct. Candidate Orest Lavriv, Lviv Polytechnic National University
- Assist. Prof. Daria Bachyk, Lviv Polytechnic National University
- Prof. Antypenko R., (Kyiv, Ukraine)
- Prof. Barannik V., (Kharkiv, Ukraine)
- Prof. Berkman L., (Kyiv, Ukraine)
- Prof. Bolshakova I., (Lviv, Ukraine)
- Prof. Bondarev A., (Lviv, Ukraine)
- Assoc. Prof. Fast V., (Lviv, Ukraine)
- Prof. Gepko I., (Kyiv, Ukraine)
- Prof. Grudzinski E. (Wroclaw, Poland)
- Prof. Kawalec A., (Warsaw, Poland)
- Prof. Konatowski S., (Warsaw, Poland)
- Assoc. Prof Korzh R., (Lviv, Ukraine)
- Prof. Kryshchuk V., (Zaporizhzhya, Ukraine)
- Prof. Kychak V., (Vinnytsya, Ukraine)
- Assist. Prof. Kulyk I., (Lviv, Ukraine)
- Prof. Lemeshko O., (Kharkiv, Ukraine)
- Prof. Mosorov V., (Lodz, Poland)
- Prof. Pavlysh V., (Lviv, Ukraine)
- Pichkaliov Y., (Kyiv, Ukraine)
- Prof. Politanskyy L., (Chernivtsi, Ukraine)
- Prof. Semenko A., (Kyiv, Ukraine)
- Prof. Skachkov V., (Odesa, Ukraine)
- Prof. Sunduchkov K., (Kyiv, Ukraine)
- Sen. Researcher Tkachenko V., (Lviv, Ukraine)
- Prof. Zakharchenko M., (Odesa, Ukraine)
Program Committee
- Prof. Mykhailo Klymash, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine
- Prof. Andrzej Dobrowolski, Military University of Technology, Poland
- Prof. Andriychuk M., (Lviv, Ukraine)
- Prof. Bezruk V., (Kharkiv, Ukraine)
- Prof. Bluvband Z., (Tel Aviv, Israel)
- Prof. Dąbrowski T., (Warsaw, Poland)
- Prof. Druzhinin A., (Lviv, Ukraine)
- Prof. Dubrovka F., (Kyiv, Ukraine)
- Prof. Dyvak M., (Ternopil, Ukraine)
- Prof. Fedasyuk D., (Lviv, Ukraine)
- Prof. Gajevski P., (Warsaw, Poland)
- Prof. Georgiev G., (Veliko Tyrnovo, Bulgaria)
- Prof. Globa L., (Kyiv, Ukraine)
- Prof. Gotra Z., (Lviv, Ukraine)
- Prof. Hahanov V., (Kharkiv, Ukraine)
- Prof. Ilchenko M., (Kyiv, Ukraine)
- Prof. Jo M., (Seoul, S. Korea)
- Prof. Kaniewski P., (Warsaw, Poland)
- Prof. Kevanishvili G., (Tbilisi, Georgia)
- Prof. Kryzhanovskyy V., (Vinnytsia, Ukraine)
- Prof. Kyrylenko O., (Kyiv, Ukraine)
- Prof. Levin B., (Holon, Israel)
- Prof. Lobur M., (Lviv, Ukraine)
- Prof. Lukin V., (Kharkiv, Ukraine)
- Prof. Luntovskyy A., (Drezden, Germany)
- Prof. Mandziy B., (Lviv, Ukraine)
- Prof. Matuszewski J., (Warsaw, Poland)
- Prof. Matviykiv O., (Lviv, Ukraine)
- Prof. Modelski Y., (Warsaw, Poland)
- Prof. Nichoga V., (Lviv, Ukraine)
- Prof. Pavlikov V., (Kharkiv, Ukraine)
- Prof. Pavlov S., (Vinnytsia, Ukraine)
- Prof. Popovskyy V., (Kharkiv, Ukraine)
- Prof. Rashkevych Y. (Kyiv, Ukraine)
- Prof. Romanyshyn Y., (Lviv. Ukraine)
- Prof. Rusyn B., (Lviv, Ukraine)
- Prof. Schill A., (Dresden, Germany)
- Prof. Semenets V., (Kharkiv, Ukraine)
- Prof. Shubitidze F., (Dartmouth, USA)
- Prof. Skalskyy V., (Lviv, Ukraine)
- Prof. Shynkaruk O., (Khmelnitsky, Ukraine)
- Prof. Stakhiv P., (Lviv, Ukraine)
- Prof. Telenyk S., (Kyiv, Ukraine)
- Prof. Toliupa S., (Kyiv, Ukraine)
- Prof. Trzaska H., (Wroclaw, Poland)
- Prof. Voloshynovskyy S., (Geneva, Switzerland)
- Prof. Vorobiyenko P., (Odesa, Ukraine)
- Prof. Watral Z., (Warsaw, Poland)
- Prof. Yakymenko Yu., (Kyiv, Ukraine)
- Prof. Yanovskyy F., (Kyiv, Ukraine)
- Prof. Yashchyshyn Ye., (Warsaw, Poland)
- Prof. Zaridze R., (Tbilisi, Georgia)
- Prof. Zubkov A., (Lviv, Ukraine)
Conference proceedings will be published in electronic form before the beginning of the Conference.
All papers are subject to peer-review process.
All accepted papers, which are oral or poster presented at TCSET-2018 will be submitted for inclusion in IEEE Xplore Digital Library as well as other Abstracting and Indexing (A&I) databases (Scopus, Web of Science etc).
Please pay attention that “No-show” papers won’t be included in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library.
The Conference venue – mountain resort Slavske in Lviv region. The Organizing Committee sincerely invites you and your institution representatives to participate in the conference and visit beautiful Ukrainian Carpathians.
Conference Fee
Conference fee should be transferred after receiving the acceptance letter. Payment acknowledgment document has to be sent to the organizing committee by e-mail.
Participant Categories |
Conference Fee, € |
VAT (20 %), € |
Conference fee from particiapnts from Ukraine and Georgia, UAH |
VAT (20 %) (ПДВ), UAH |
IEEE member |
80 |
13 |
400 |
67 |
Regular fee |
100 |
17 |
500 |
83 |
IEEE student member |
50 |
8,5 |
200 |
33,5 |
Student's regular fee |
70 |
12 |
300 |
50 |
Bank details
- participants from Ukraine:
Громадська Спілка «Українська Секція ІЕЕЕ»;
Адреса: Україна, 04128, м.Київ, вулиця Стеценка, буд. 19/91, офіс 18;
Р/р 26003649966200 в АТ «УкрСибБанк», м. Київ, МФО 351005;
Код ЄДРПОУ: 40967004;
Призначення платежу:
„Для участі (зазначити ім’я та прізвище учасника) у науковій конференції TCSET-2018 в т.ч. ПДВ 20% ______ грн. ”.
- participants from abroad and sponsors (EUR and USD):
Legal Entity: IEEE Ukraine Section PU;
Enterprise Code: 40967004;
Address: Stecenka Str., 19/91, office 18, Kyiv, 04128, Ukraine;
Account number: 26003649966200;
Bank Name: Public Joint Stock Company “UkrSibbank”;
Bank code: 351005
07205696; UKRSIBBANK; Andriivska Str. 2/12, Kyiv, Ukraine; SWIFT Code: KHABUA2K; INTERMEDIARY BANK: BNP PARIBAS SA; Paris, France;
020061151200138; UKRSIBBANK; Andriivska Str. 2/12, Kyiv, Ukraine; SWIFT Code: KHABUA2K; INTERMEDIARY BANK: BNP PARIBAS U.S.A. – New York Branch; New York, USA;
Please, indicate purpose of payment:
“Participation of (please specify participant’s full name) according Invoice # ___ in TCSET-2018 Conference including VAT 20% _______ ”
Accommodation in the mountain resort (depending on the class) costs about 30-50 EURO a day per person. Participants will pay for the residence after arrival to the conference.
Conference fee does not include accommodation and board (additional information about places of residence and prices will be available on the Conference website).
Application Form of the Participant
The application form must contain the following information:
- Surname
- Name
- Affiliation
- Academic rank
- Scientific degree
- Office address
- Phone/fax
- Mobile phone
- Title of the paper
Topic – according to the topics list. Be so kind to send the application form to the conference e-mail.
TCSET’2018 Organizing Committee, Institute of Telecommunications, Radioelectronics and Electronic Engineering, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Profesorska Str., 2, Lviv, 79013, Ukraine.
email: tcset.lp@gmail.com
Organizers and Partners
- IEEE Ukraine Section
- Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine
- Military University of Technology, Poland
- Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Ukraine