![]() | SIGIR2018: The 41st International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI, United States, July 8-12, 2018 |
Conference website | http://sigir.org/sigir2018 |
Abstract registration deadline | January 22, 2018 |
Submission deadline | January 29, 2018 |
The 41st International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval
July 8-12, 2018. Ann Arbor, Michigan, U.S.A.
Call for Full Papers
The annual SIGIR conference is the major international forum for the presentation of new research results, and the demonstration of new systems and techniques, in the broad field of information retrieval (IR). The 41st ACM SIGIR conference, to be held in Ann Arbor, U.S.A, welcomes contributions related to any aspect of information retrieval and access, including theories and foundations, algorithms and applications, and evaluation and analysis. The conference and program chairs invite those working in areas related to IR to submit high-impact original papers for review.
Full paper abstract registration deadline | January 22, 2018 |
Full paper submission deadline | January 29, 2018 |
Submission Guidelines
All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference.
Submissions of full research papers must be in English, in PDF format, and should not exceed ten (10) pages in the current ACM two-column conference format (including references and figures). Suitable LaTeX and Word templates are available from the ACM Website (use the "sigconf" proceedings template). Full research papers must describe work that is not previously published, not accepted for publication elsewhere, and not currently under review elsewhere (including as a short-paper submission for SIGIR 2018). Submissions should not contain any author identification and should be submitted electronically via the conference submission system. Authors are required to take all reasonable steps to preserve the anonymity of their submission. While authors can upload to institutional or other preprint repositories such as arXiv.org before reviewing is complete, we generally discourage this since it places anonymity at risk (which could result in a negative outcome of the reviewing process). Authors should carefully go through ACM’s authorship policy before submitting a paper. Authors should note that changes to the author list after the submission deadline are not allowed without permission from the PC Chairs. At least one author of each accepted paper is required to register for, attend, and present the work at the conference in order for the paper to appear in the conference proceedings in the ACM Digital Library.
All full papers are to be submitted via EasyChair:
SIGIR 2018 will also be soliciting submissions for short papers (4 pages), with a later deadline of Feb. 12, 2018.
The CFP for short papers, as well as workshops, tutorials, doctoral consortium, industry day, and other SIGIR 2018 venues will be released separately.
List of Topics
SIGIR 2018 will follow a new track-based reviewing structure. Relevant topics include, but are not limited to topics in the following six tracks:
Search and Ranking. Research on core IR algorithmic topics, including IR at scale.
Queries and Query Analysis (e.g., query intent, query understanding, query suggestion and prediction, query representation and reformulation, spoken queries).
Web Search (e.g., ranking at Web scale, link analysis, sponsored search, search advertising, adversarial search and spam, vertical search).
Retrieval Models and Ranking (e.g., ranking algorithms, learning to rank, language models, retrieval models, combining searches, diversity and aggregated search).
Efficiency and Scalability (e.g., indexing, crawling, compression, search engine architecture, distributed search, metasearch, peer-to-peer search, search in the cloud).
Foundations and Future Directions. Research with theoretical or empirical contributions on new technical or social aspects of IR, especially in more speculative directions or with emerging technologies.
Theoretical models and foundations of information retrieval and access.
Novel approaches to IR (e.g., as part of a vision for important future IR scenarios)
Ethics, Economics, and Politics (e.g., studies on ethical views and implications, economic value, political impact).
IR with new devices (e.g., consumer devices, wearable computing, neuroinformatics, sensors, Internet-of-Things, vehicles).
Domain-Specific Applications. Research focusing on domain-specific IR challenges.
Local and Mobile Search (e.g., location-based search, mobile usage understanding, mobile result presentation, audio and touch interfaces, geographic search, location context in search).
Social Search (e.g., social networks in search, social media in search, blog and microblog search, forum search).
Search in Structured Data (e.g., XML search, ranking in databases, desktop search, email search, entity-oriented search).
Multimedia Search (e.g., image search, video search, speech and audio search, music search).
Education (e.g,. search for educational support, peer matching, info seeking in online courses/MOOCs).
Legal (e.g., e-discovery, patents, other applications in law).
Health (e.g., medical, genomics, bioinformatics, other applications in health).
Other Applications and Specialized Domains (e.g., digital libraries, enterprise, expert search, news search, app search, archival search, new retrieval problems including applications of search technology for social good).
Content Recommendation, Analysis and Classification. Research focusing on recommender systems, rich content representations and content analysis.
Filtering and Recommending (e.g., content-based filtering, collaborative filtering, recommender systems, recommendation algorithms, zero-query and implicit search, personalized recommendation).
Document Representation and Content Analysis (e.g., summarization, text representation, linguistic analysis, readability, NLP for search applications, cross- and multi-lingual search, information extraction, opinion mining and sentiment analysis, clustering, classification, topic models).
Artificial Intelligence, Semantics, and Dialog. Research bridging AI and IR, especially toward deep semantics and dialog with intelligent agents.
Question Answering (e.g., factoid and non-factoid question answering, interactive question answering, community-based question answering, question answering systems).
Conversational systems (e.g., conversational search interaction, dialog systems, spoken language interfaces, intelligent chat systems).
Semantics (e.g., semantic search, knowledge graphs)
AI (e.g., deep learning for IR, embeddings, intelligent personal assistants and agents)
Human factors and interfaces. Research into user-centric aspects of IR including user interfaces, behavior modeling, privacy, interactive systems, and evaluation.
Mining and Modeling Search Activity (e.g., user and task models, click models, log analysis, behavioral analysis, modeling and simulation of information interaction, attention modeling).
Interactive Search (e.g., search interfaces, information access, exploratory search, search context, whole-session support, proactive search, personalized search).
Evaluation (e.g., user studies, test collections, experimental design, effectiveness measures, session-based evaluation, user engagement).
Searching Socially (e.g., collaborative search, social tagging, crowdsourcing)
Information Security (e.g., censorship, privacy, encryption, security in IR)
Important Dates (Timezone: Anywhere on Earth)
Full paper abstract registration deadline | January 22, 2018 |
Full paper submission deadline Full paper notifications |
January 29, 2018 April 11, 2018 |
Program chairs
- Brian D. Davison, Lehigh University
- Yiqun Liu, Tsinghua University
- Emine Yilmaz, University College London
General chairs
- Kevyn Collins-Thompson, University of Michigan
- Qiaozhu Mei, University of Michigan
The conference will be held in Ann Arbor, Michigan, U.S.A., Sunday July 8 - Thursday July 12, 2018.
All questions about submissions should be emailed to sigir2018-pcchairs AT easychair DOT org.