SCSS-2022: RTG Situated Cognition: Spring School 2022 Ruhr University Bochum Bochum, Germany, March 28-31, 2022 |
Conference website | |
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Poster | download |
Submission deadline | January 29, 2022 |
Our spring school brings together leading researchers in the field of the situated mind. We aim to exchange the latest advancements and ideas on situated cognition and show how these concepts also apply in the real world to tackle diverse problems. For this goal, interdisciplinary researchers from all ends of the spectrum are invited, like philosophy, psychology, neuroscience, animal research, or artificial systems. Highly promising doctoral students and early postdoctoral researchers from European or international universities and research institutions are cordially invited to apply for a talk or poster presentation. We will ensure an open and constructive setting to foster networking, intensive discussion, and exciting exchange with leading experts and fellow students of this research area.
The spring school is intended to take place as a face-to-face event. The current development of the pandemic heavily constrains predictions of the legal situation regarding restrictions to the number of participants allowed. At minimum, we want to meet in person with the members of the Research Training Group ‘Situated Cognition’, the invited speakers, the external postdocs selected for a talk, and ten PhD students whose submissions have been ranked best. In case the legal situation at the time allows for more participants, we are happy to welcome up to 60 participants to the conference.
More concrete decisions about the format of the conference will be made at the end of February. In case the development of the pandemic becomes significantly worse, we might be forced to switch to a hybrid format, that is, both online and offline. Only in this case, a pure online participation is possible. Given the hard to predict dynamics, whether or not pure online participation will be possible can only be confirmed at the beginning of March.
If you want to participate without submitting a proposal, you may still apply and explicitly state this desire in your application. Note however that we will give priority to those who submitted a proposal. If we have the space available, or in case the conference takes place as a hybrid event, we will allow for some participants who did not submit a proposal.
Talks and Poster Presentations
Tuition is free, thanks to the DFG-Graduiertenkolleg/Research Training Group "Situated Cognition" located at the Ruhr University Bochum and University of Osnabrück.
We invite applications from PhD students and post-doctoral researchers for poster presentations and a few contributing talks. Accepted presenters who do not have their own institutional funding will receive support: 250 Euros for those based in Europe and 350 Euro for non-EU PhD-students or postdocs. This support will be limited to max. 20 applicants (to be decided after acceptance).
Leading researchers will present state-of-the-art research in the following areas:
- Theories and concepts of the situated mind
- Situated comparative cognition and animal cognition
- Situated cognitive development
- Intelligent systems form a situated perspective
- Situated action & perception
- Extremism and radicalization research form a situated perspective
- Psychological disorders from a situated perspective
Keynote Speakers (alphabetical order)
- Kristin Andrews (Animal Cognition, York University, Canada)
- Ferdinand C. Binkofski (Clinical Cognitive Science, RWTH Aachen, Germany)
- Stefan Kopp (AI & Cognitive Systems, University of Bielefeld, Germany)
- Robert Rupert (Philosophy of Cognition, University of Colorado, Boulder, USA)
- Gudrun Schwarzer (Developmental Psychology, Gießen University, Germany)
- Anne Speckhard (Extremism Research, Georgetown University, Washington D.C., USA)
- Leon de Bruin (Situated Cognition & Philosophy of Psychiatry, Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands)
- Henrik Walter (Psychiatry & Philosophy of Mind, Charité Berlin, Germany)
Further speakers will include members of the RTG and those selected by the previous call.
We extended the deadline of the call. Applicants are asked to submit the following until January 29, 2022 (notification of acceptance until Feb. 7, 2022):
Complete the online application in EasyChair:
- Upload one PDF file containing your CV and (if applicable) a list of publications
- Insert an abstract of 400 words summarizing the presentation
- Indicate whether you would like to present only a poster or only a paper, or if you are indifferent
Submission to:
Organized by members of the Research Training Group "Situated Cognition":
- Prof. Dr. Albert Newen (Ruhr University Bochum)
- Dr. Sabrina Coninx (Ruhr University Bochum)
- Prof. Dr. Achim Stephan (University of Osnabrück)
- Dr. Gregor Hörzer (University of Osnabrück)
The spring school will take place at Ruhr University Bochum. Further information will follow on the website.
For further information, please visit our website or send us an email.
<lloock[at]uos[dot]de> Louis Loock
Gefördert durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)—Projektnummer GRK-2185/1 (DFG-Graduiertenkolleg Situated Cognition); Funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation)—project number GRK-2185/1 (DFG Research Training Group Situated Cognition).
See website of the Research Training Group "Situated Cognition":