rtip2r2018: The Second International Conference on Recent Trends in Image Processing & Pattern Recognition Solapur University Solapur, Maharastra State, India, December 21-22, 2018 |
Conference website | http://rtip2r.org/2018/ |
Submission link | https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=rtip2r2018 |
Abstract registration deadline | June 30, 2018 |
Submission deadline | July 21, 2018 |
Welcome to the RTIP2R 2018
The second international conference on Recent Trends in Image Processing and Pattern Recognition (RTIP2R) aims to attract current and/or advanced researchers on image processing, pattern recognition, computer vision and machine learning. The RTIP2R will take place at the Solapur University, Solapur, Maharastra state, INDIA on December 21-22, 2018, in collaboration with Universidade de Evora, PORTUGAL and the University of South Dakota, USA.
At this event, we have invited talks by world-leading scientists. Accepted papers will be published and indexed by reputed publishers (Springer, already communicated, and therefore in DBLP). Best student paper awards will be provided at the conference. Selected or best papers will be extended for book series and journal issues (SCI and DBLP indexed plus impact factor).
Submission Guidelines
- Authors are advised to submit their original and unpublished work (related to the theme of the conference). All submissions should be written in English with a maximum paper page length of 14.
- Authors should take a note that it is a double-blind submission. Authors should not disclose their names, affiliations, funding sources and previous works that help find them via search engines of any type.
For a quick example, authors cannot cite their previously published papers saying: in our previous works [2,4]. - We recommend using the LATEX template for preparing submissions. Note that it is the authors’ responsibility to upload PDF using the easychair.
Note that it is the authors' responsibility to upload PDFusingtheeasychair. The template for preparing the paper can be downloaded by clicking on the following links: LNCS proceedings template (using \documentclass{svproc}). - Submissions should be made through the RTIP2R 2018 easychair paper submission web page.
- In our review, in the very beginning, if authors do not follow double-blind submission policy, RTIP2R will go for a desk rejection.
- The review process takes into account both the quality of writing and the scientific impact of the work. Authors should clearly identify the problem, explain their contribution(s) and provide justification with respect to the state-of-the-art works. The program committee would like to review those, who develop, argue, and provide results.
- Also, note that the RTIP2R team takes care of plagiarism (even self-plagiarism) as a serious professional misconduct. All papers will be screened for plagiarism and the RTIP2R team will reject in case there exists significant overlap with the previously published papers/papers.
- For more info., please visit rtip2r.org/2018
List of Topics
The RTIP2R2018 aims to bring researchers and practitioners from several different applications, such as document understanding, medical image analysis, biometrics, scientific computing, computational biology & medicine, bioinformatics and business data analytics.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to
- Shape representation
- Statistical, structural and syntactic pattern recognition
- Color and texture analysis
- Feature extraction and reduction
- Image segmentation
- Image compression, coding, and encryption
- Object recognition and scene understanding
- Image matching (pattern matching)
- Content-based image retrieval and indexing
- Optical character recognition
- Forensics
- Biometrics: face matching, iris recognition, foot-print verification
- Speech analysis and understanding
- Speaker verification
- Clustering and classification
- Machine learning algorithms
- Extreme learning machine
- Deep learning
- Big data
- Information retrieval
- Data mining
- Pattern recognition and machine learning for Internet of Things (IoT)
Conference chairs
- Ravindra Hegadi, Solapur Univ., India
- Teresa Goncalves, Universidade de Evora, Portugal
- KC Santosh, Univ. of South Dakota, USA
General chairs
- Jean-Marc Ogier, Univ. de la Rochelle, France
- Laurent Wendling, Univ. Paris Descartes, France
- Sameer Antani, US National Library of Medicine, NIH, USA
- D. S. Guru, Univ. of Mysore, India
Like before, our regular proceedings will be published in Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS), Springer. Selected/best papers will be extended to journal publications.
Solapur University, Solapur, Maharastra state, INDIA
All questions about submissions should be emailed to conference program chairs: santosh.kc@usd.edu; rshegadi@sus.ac.in and tcg@uevora.pt.