PICOS2019: Plurilingual Instruction and Competences Outlines Seminar Facultad de Magisterio UCV (Godella) Godella (Valencia), Spain, November 15, 2019 |
Submission link | https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=picos2019 |
Submission deadline | October 25, 2019 |
The Plurilingual Instruction and Competences Outlines Seminar (PICOS 2019) provides a platform for our students, academic staff and in-service teachers to showcase their research and share best practice. The seminar activities will include training sessions and workshops (9:00-14:00, 16:00-18:00) offered by experienced educators and researchers as well as poster sessions and networking opportunities. The aim of the PICOS 2019 Seminar is to contribute to the promotion of linguistics and language learning, while at the same time stimulating discussion and bringing together researchers, in-service and pre-service teachers.
El Seminario de Enseñanza y Competencias Plurilingües (PICOS 2019) ofrece una plataforma para que nuestro alumnado, personal académico y profesorado pueda mostrar y compartir los avances en investigación y buenas prácticas formativas. Las actividades del seminario incluirán sesiones formativas y talleres (9:00 - 14:00, 16:00 - 18:00) impartidos por educadores e investigadores expertos en la materia, así como sesiones de pósteres y trabajo colaborativo. El Seminario PICOS 2019 contribuye al acercamiento al ámbito de lingüística y aprendizaje de lenguas, fomentando el interés de investigadores, docentes y futuros docentes.
El Seminari d’Ensenyament i Competències Plurilingües (PICOS 2019) ofereix una plataforma perquè els nostres estudiants, personal acadèmic i professors en servei mostren la seua recerca i comparteixen la pràctica docent. Les activitats del seminari inclouran sessions de formació i tallers (9:00 - 14:00, 16:00 - 18:00) que seran oferits per educadors i investigadors experts en la matèria, així com sessions de pòster i treball en xarxa. El Seminari PICOS 2019 contribueix a la promoció de la lingüística i l’aprenentatge de llengües, al mateix temps que estimula la discussió i reuneix investigadors i professors.
Submission Guidelines
All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference. The following posters are welcome:
- Posters and abstracts describing innovative practices in plurilingual education (instruction and competences).
- All posters should be written in English, Spanish or Valencian.
- Your poster will be exhibited during the conference.
- Presentation of posters can be based on preliminary results and correspond to short studies or trials. High scientific level is expected in any case.
- Presenting authors should be available at their poster to explain and discuss their work to interested participants during the relevant poster sessions.
- Posters will be listed by session in the Conference Programme.
Dimensions and recommendations
- Posters should be printed and brought by each author to the conference.
- The poster can be up to A0 size 118,9 cm high x 84,1 cm wide (A0 size).
- We will provide materials for attaching posters. However you can bring your own if you prefer.
- Posters should include a good combination of words, pictures, and graphics. Please avoid to include too much text in it.
- Your poster should be readable from a distance of 1,5 - 2 metres.
- Posters and abstracts (250 words, 5 keywords) submission: October 25th, 2019.
- All posters and abstracts will be forwarded for a peer review.
- The acceptance of poster will be notified to corresponding author via email in November.
Program Committee
- Dra. Oksana Polyakova
- Dra. María Dolores López Navas
- Dra. Susan Warburton Labrador
- Dra. Beatriz Pastor García
- Dra. Ruzana Galstyan Sargsyan
- Dr. Miguel Hernández Marín
- Dr. Paul Mitchell
- Alfredo Ibáñez Gilabert
- María del Mar Andreu González
- Francisco Santos Juanes
Organizing committee
- OTRI, Vicerrectorado de Investigación de la UCV
- Dra. Consolación Isart Hernández
- Dra. Esther Moreno
- Alejandro García Barrientos
- Dra. Oksana Polyakova
- Dra. María Dolores López Navas
- Dra. Susan Warburton Labrador
- Dra. Beatriz Pastor García
- Dra. Ruzana Galstyan Sargsyan
- Dr. Miguel Hernández Marín
- Alfredo Ibáñez Gilabert
- María del Mar Andreu González
Alarcon García, Verónica
Lucía de Ros Cócera
The conference will be held in Godella (Valencia), Spain, on 15 November, 2019.
Facultad de Magisterio UCV - Campus Edetania, Posgrado (C/Menéndez y Pelayo, frente al nº 7. Burjassot. Valencia 46100). 1604, 11:30-14:00.
All questions about submissions should be emailed to oksana.polyakova@ucv.es