pcg2022: PCG Workshop 2022 Serafio Athens, Greece, September 5-8, 2022 |
Conference website | https://www.pcgworkshop.com/ |
Submission link | https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=pcg2022 |
Submission deadline | June 10, 2022 |
Procedural Content Generation (PCG) attracts significant interest from both academia and the games industry. PCG hasthe potential of substantially reducing the authorial burden in game creation, improving the theoretical understanding of game design and realizing its automation, and enabling entirely new forms of games and playable experiences. This workshop aims to advance knowledge in PCG by bringing together researchers and developers, and facilitating discussion.
Submission Guidelines
We welcome submissions for one of the following threads:
- Full Papers: Describing novel research related to the workshop’s themes (5-8 pages in two-column and up to 12pages in one-column).
- Position Papers: 2-page extended abstracts for authors to raise points of discussion within our community.
- Demo Submissions: Exhibition pieces or in-progress work submitted as executable software or open-sourcelibrary, with a 2-page extended abstract to support the submission. Demos can be shown during the sessionchaired for the workshop on the day, but will also, where possible, be made available online.
Our review process will be double-blind. Papers that exceed the defined page limits for a given thread may be rejected without review.
The PCG Workshop will be held in conjunction with FDG 2022 and will therefore follow their submission instructions.
"As was the case in the previous years, we aim to publish the FDG 2022 proceedings in the ACM Digital Library. FDG invites authors to submit short or full papers reporting new research. Both short and full papers need to be anonymized and submitted in the ACM SIGCONF version of the ACM Master Template to a paper track. All contributions should be submitted to EasyChair."
List of Topics
- Real-time, online, or offline algorithms for the procedural generation of games, levels, narrative, puzzles, envi-ronments, artwork, audio, sound effects, animation, characters, items, and other content.
- Techniques for procedural animation, procedural art, and other forms of visual content in games and other areas.
- Work on procedural audio, music, sound effects, and other forms of audible content in games and other areas.
- Procedural generation of narrative, stories, dialogues, conversations, flavor text, poetry, and natural language.
- Automated generation of game rules, variants, parameters, strategies, or game systems.
- Tools, languages and systems for automated game design (e.g. prototyping, play testing, etc.)
- Automatic game balancing, game tuning, and difficulty adjustment through generated content.
- Tools and systems to aid players and game designers in creating and authoring their own content for games.
- Applications of PCG for digital, non-digital, physical, card, and tabletop games.
- Applications of procedural content generation in Virtual Reality (VR) and virtual worlds.
- Case studies of procedural generation as applied for use in the games industry.
- Challenges in mixed-mode systems combining human generated and procedurally generated content.
- Computational creativity and co-creation of games and game related content.
- Novel uses of AI and machine learning algorithms for generating and evaluating procedural content.
- Distributed and crowd-sourcing procedural content generation.
- Evaluation of player and/or designer experience in procedural content generation.
- Lessons from historical examples of PCG, including postmortems.
- Social and ethical impact of procedural content generation.
The PCG Workshop will be colocated with the International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games (FDG), in Athens, Greece, as a one-day event between September 5th and 8th, 2022
All questions about submissions should be emailed to <pcg2022__at__easychair.org>, using "PCG2022:" in the subject field.
Alternatively, you may contact the workshop's chairs, directly:
- Riemer van Rozen <rozen@cwi.nl>
- Konstantinos Sfikas <konstantinos.sfikas@um.edu.mt>
- Asiiah Song <julinas@ucsc.edu>PCG Workshop 2022 Chairs