NCMA 2025: 15th International Workshop on Non-Classical Models of Automata and Applications Loughborough University Loughborough, UK, July 21-22, 2025 |
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NCMA 2025 is the 15th edition in a series of events established in 2009. The workshop welcomes research papers that contain original contributions on classical and non-classical models of automata and applications and related subjects, including descriptional complexity of formal systems. Many models of automata and grammar-like structures are the natural objects of theoretical computer science. They are studied from different points of view in various areas, both as theoretical concepts and as formal models for applications. As such, the aim of the workshops on Non-Classical Models of Automata and Applications is to provide a forum for researchers who work on different aspects of classical and non-classical models of automata and grammars to exchange and develop novel ideas.
In order to emphasize the workshop character of this event, NCMA 2025 will host also a session of informal presentations on recent results (unpublished, or published in other venues) or ongoing work in addition to full papers.
Alongside the regular programme of talks (accepted papers or informal presentations), the workshop will also host two invited talks (see below).
The 15th edition of NCMA will take place in Loughborough, UK, July 21-22,2025, co-located with DCFS 2025. It isorganized and hosted by the Department of Computer Science at Loughborough University. More information can be found on the website:
Principal Topics
Typical topics for the NCMA workshops include (but are not limited) to:
- Formal models inspired by linguistics, bio-computing, text processing, document engineering, self-assembly, etc.,
- Bio-inspired models of automata and generative devices,
- Cellular automata,
- Forgetting automata and restarting automata,
- Automata with additional resources,
- Regulated rewriting/automata,
- Networks of automata or generative devices,
- Models of cooperation and communication,
- Quantum automata,
- Automata in the framework of membrane computing,
- Complexity aspects for formal systems.
Other related topics, in particular, contributions dealing with questions on classical automata and generative devices are also welcome.
Invited Speakers
- Laure Daviaud (Norwich, UK)
- Ian McQuillan (Saskatoon (SK), Canada)
Program Committee
- Marcella Anselmo (Salerno, Italy)
- Sabine Broda (Porto, Portugal)
- Cezar Campeanu (Charlottetpwn (PEI), Canada)
- Joel Day (Loughborough, UK)
- Frank Drewes (Umea, Sweden)
- Zsolt Gazdag (Szeged, Hungary)
- Bruno Guillon (Clermont-Ferrand, France)
- Zbyněk Křivka (Brno, Czech Republic)
- Carlo Mereghetti (Milano, Italy)
- Nelma Moreira (Porto, Portugal) (co-chair)
- Frantisek Mraz (Prague, Czechia)
- Benedek Nagy (Famagusta, North Cyprus)
- Luca Prigioniero (Loughborough, UK) (co-chair)
- Juraj Sebej (Kosice, Slovakia)
- Stefan Siemer (Göttingen, Germany)
- Hellis Tamm (Taillin, Estonia)
- Matthias Wendlandt (Gießen, Germany)
Local Organizing Committee
- Luca Prigioniero
- Robert Mercas
Important Dates
- Paper submission deadline: May 2, 2025 (23:59 AoE)
- Author notification: June 16, 2025
- Informal presentation submission deadline: June 20, 2025 (23:59 AoE)
- Informal presentation notification: June 27, 2025
- Camera-ready deadline: June 30, 2025
- Workshop: July 21-22, 2025
Paper Submission
Authors are invited to submit papers presenting original and unpublished research.
Submitted full papers must not exceed 12 pages excluding the bibliography, the title page (containing only the title, authors, affiliations, abstract), and a potential appendix (see below), and must follow the EPTCS LaTeX-style (available at
Proofs omitted from the main part of the paper due to space constraints shouldbe put into an appendix, to be read by the program committee members at their discretion.
Simultaneous submissions of papers to any other conference with publishedproceedings or submitting previously published papers is not allowed. Only electronic submissions in the PDF format are accepted. Papers should be submitted electronically through the EasyChair system at this link:
The proceedings of NCMA 2025 will be published in the EPTCS series.
A journal special issue on RAIRO: ITA - Theoretical Informatics and Applications -containing selected accepted papers- is planned.