![]() | 2021 NATO CA2X2 FORUM: 2021 NATO Computer Assisted Analysis, Exercise and Experimentation Forum - Virtual Edition NATO Modelling and Simulation Centre of Excellence - Online Platform Rome, Italy, October 4-8, 2021 |
Conference website | https://www.mscoe.org/event/nato-ca2x2-forum-2021/ |
Submission link | https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ca2x2forum2021 |
Abstract registration deadline | September 20, 2021 |
Submission deadline | September 30, 2021 |
Theme: "Shaping NATO's Future Modelling and Simulation Capabilities"
Submission deadlines: abstract due on 31 August 2021, presentation due on 30 September 2021.
NOTE: the upload of a paper/article is optional, not mandatory. A selection of uploaded papers/articles will be published in the CA2X2 Forum "paper collection".
The 16th edition of the NATO Computer-Assisted Analysis, eXercise and eXperimentation (CA2X2) Forum, organized by the NATO Modelling and Simulation Centre of Excellence (M&S CoE) in Rome, is an event where military, industry and academia experts and users meet to discuss M&S topics like M&S Discipline, Exercises, Experimentation, Wargaming, Analysis, Standards, Interoperability, and so on. During the event it is possibile to attend presentations, workshops, demonstrations and round tables on latest technologies and trends.
The 2021 NATO CA2X2 Forum main event will take place from 4-8 October 2021, completely online.
The official forum will be followed by a "M&S Sprint Week" (11-15 October 2021), where more informal and practical activities will take place (demos, workshops, hands-on, courses, ...). Tentatively, the Sprint week could have some activities executed in a hybrid fashion, with a limited number of people hosted at the M&S CoE in Rome.
Despite the adverse condition, the previous 2020 edition (the first one held completely online) was very successful. 630 digital visitors, 41 nations, 124 companies, 59 exhibitors, 22 workshop sessions and 11 sponsors guaranteed an active participation and a huge media interest. Find more information on the past edition on: https://mscoe.org/15th-nato-ca2x2-forum-modelling-simulation-coe-in-rome/ (2020 forum agenda: https://www.mscoe.org/event/nato-ca2x2-forum-2020/page/nato-ca2x2-forum-agenda/).
Submission Guidelines
Submissions should be properly filled with data about authors and the presenter, including short bios, and an abstract about the content of the presentation that will be delivered.
The upload of the presentation and the clearance/release form is mandatory, however it can be done later, once the abstract is accepted. The upload of a paper, which can be also in the form of a short article, is optional and not mandatory. The clearance/release form refers to all the material uploaded and the recording of the presentation itself (made during the event).
Please, select the topics (up to 3) that applies to your paper/presentation/speech: this will help to put your work in the right session.
Later, a moderator and an OPR (officer of primary responsibility, who can be also the moderator) will be nominated to manage the session.
Updated information about the event will be regularly posted on the NATO CA2X2 Forum 2021 Virtual Edition webpage in the NATO M&S CoE website: https://mscoe.org/event/nato-ca2x2-forum-2021/
List of Topics
- M&S Standards and Technologies
- M&S Lessons Learned
- Education and Training
- Wargaming
- Cyber M&S
- Space M&S
- Artificial Intelligence
- Capability Development and Experimentation
- Support to Military Operations and Decision Making
- Computer-Assisted eXercises
- M&S Commercial-Off-The-Shelf
A selection of the uploaded papers/articles will be published in the annual CA2X2 Forum "papers collection" in both digital and limited printed edition (past editions documents are available in the M&S CoE library: https://www.mscoe.org/library/cax-forum-library/).
The main conference, from 4-8 October 2021, will be held completely online. Tentatively, the following "M&S Sprint Week", from 11-15 October, could have some activities executed in a hybrid fashion, with a limited number of people hosted at the M&S CoE in Rome.
For questions about submissions and information about the event in general (including sponsorship opportunities and proposals for M&S activities), send an email to: LTC Claudio Zamponi, mscoe.cde02@mscoe.org (please, cc also the address natoca2x2forum@mscoe.org).