Metrics2024: Measuring Success of Research, Education, and CyberInfrastructure Programs and Projects TBD Delhi, India, December 16-17, 2024 |
Conference website | |
Submission link | |
Abstract registration deadline | October 15, 2024 |
Submission deadline | October 15, 2024 |
Metrics for objectively assessing the progress, success, and impact of research, education, and CyberInfrastructure (CI) programs and projects are important for not only obtaining the required resources for their management, long-term sustainability, and community engagement but also for identifying issues and prioritizing the areas of improvement.
The main goal of the Metrics2024 conference is to bring together colleagues from a diverse range of disciplines and organizations to network, collaborate, and work towards developing and sharing "responsible metrics" for short-term and long-term evaluation of programs and projects in the scope of the conference. Towards this end, extended abstracts for presentations, proposals for panels/BoFs/exhibits, and full-papers for publication in a special issue of Springer Nature Computer Science journal are invited.
Metrics for evaluating the programs and projects related to the following areas are in the scope of this conference:
CyberInfrastructure (CI)
Hardware, Software, and Data infrastructure
Design, development and deployment of infrastructure (for High Performance Computing, Data-Intensive Computing, Cloud Computing, Quantum Computing, Data Storage and Archival, IoT, edge computing, AI, and Cybersecurity)
Network infrastructure
AI for CI
Data Centers
Designing, building, operating, and managing data centers
Sustainability (e.g., power efficiency, responsible decommissioning, reducing and tracking carbon emission, and green technologies)
Processes and Governance Frameworks
Data privacy, cybersecurity, and risk management
Data governance
Operations and maintenance (including, processes and practices such as, DevSecOps and ITIL)
Customer Service/Support
Building virtual organizations and collaborations
Education, Training, and Outreach programs
Curriculum development and instructional design
Teaching and learning tools, technologies, techniques, and platforms
Instructor and student training
Mentoring, practical training, and research experience programs for student engagement
Public engagement
Professional development programs
AI initiatives in higher education
Broadening participation
Career growth/progress
Leadership development
Organizational behavior
Team Science and Science of Team Science
Research and Research Administration programs
Benchmarking research competitiveness
Research enterprise tools, activities, inputs, outputs, and processes
Economic development - Innovation and technology commercialization
Responsible use of AI in research
Customer service
Topics of interest for papers and abstracts include, but are not limited to:
- Case-studies on measuring success of projects/programs including lessons learnt, design of the evaluation method, and data analysis
- Evolution of the metrics as a project/program progresses through different project years and release cycles
- Currently known best practices for tracking metrics
- Tools for tracking the product use metrics and experiences related to their adoption
- Challenges and opportunities in developing self-reporting software or data product/infrastructure
- Problems and solutions related to gathering certain types of metrics
- Benchmarking and performance evaluation techniques for products or programs
- Methods and experiences related to measuring accuracy, precision, explainability, and fairness of results
- Manual and automated methods for gathering quantitative and qualitative metrics
- Methods and experiences related to measuring productivity of people
- Methods for measuring the societal impact of projects and programs
- Literature review and survey of the methods for evaluating success of projects and programs from the areas that are in the scope of the conference
- New methods for analyzing success including the role and use of social-media and AI
- Taxonomy of projects/programs and associated metrics
The conference agenda will include talks, panel/s, BoF sessions, and demonstrations/exhibits.
Call for Abstracts for Presentations
We invite extended abstracts and slides for presentations on the topics related to the conference. The abstracts should be prepared following the Springer guidelines, and could be 5-10 pages in length including references. The extended abstracts that qualify for short-papers (6-10 pages in length) will be published in the proceedings (special issue of the journal). All other abstracts and slides will be made publicly accessible through a GitHub repository set up for the conference and linked to this website.
The PDF copies of the rough draft of the slides (up to 25 slides maximum) are required as a part of the submissions. The PDFs of the abstract and the slides can be merged into a single PDF file, and can be submitted through EasyChair for peer-review by going to the following link:
Please include the key-word "Extended Abstract" before the actual title of the submission. For example: "Extended Abstract: A new approach for comparative analysis of research projects".
Deadline for extended abstracts and slides submission: October 15, 2024
Deadline for notification: November 7, 2024
Submission of the final slides and abstract: November 20, 2024
Presentations: December 16 - December 17, 2024
Call for Panels
We invite proposals for panels on the topics related to the conference. The panels will be one-hour long and will involve discussions and exchange of thoughts among peers on a specific topic related to the conference.
The panel proposals should include: a title, the names and contact information of the moderator and 3-4 panelists, a description of the structure of the panel and how it will be run, and short biographies of the moderator and the panelists.
There are no formatting guidelines for the proposals and the proposals will not be published in the proceedings. Panel proposals should be 2–4 pages in length.
The PDFs of the proposals for panels should be submitted through EasyChair for peer-review by going to the following link:
Please include the key-word "Panel" before the actual title of the submission. For example: "Panel: Approaches for comparative analysis of research projects".
Deadline for panel proposals: October 15, 2024
Deadline for notification: November 7, 2024
Submission of the final slides and abstract: November 20, 2024
Panel: December 16 or December 17, 2024
Call for BoFs
BoFs are informal and interactive sessions that bring together like-minded conference participants to discuss topics and ideas related to the conference. Each BoF session will be one hour long and will be led by one or more experts on the proposed topic. Proposals for BoF should include the title of the BoF, the name and contact information of the session organizer/s, short-biography of the organizers, and a short description of how the session will be run. The proposals for BoFs would be 2-4 pages long.
The PDFs of the proposals for BoFs should be submitted through EasyChair for peer-review by going to the following link:
Please include the key-word "BoF" before the actual title of the submission. For example: "BoF: Future approaches for comparative analysis of research projects".
Deadline for BoF proposals: October 15, 2024
Deadline for notification: November 7, 2024
Submission of the final slides and abstract: November 20, 2024
BoF date: December 16 or December 17, 2024
Call for Papers
The Metrics2024 proceedings will be published by Springer Nature Computer Science in a special journal issue named as "Measuring Success of Research, Education, and CyberInfrastructure Projects".
We invite authors to submit their original and unpublished work that is in the scope of the conference, and not under review for another publication. Full papers (12 -25 pages in length including references) should be formatted as per the Springer-specified guidelines (details below) for review. Please note that the length of a page as per Springer format is different from the length of a page in a double-column IEEE/ACM format.
Deadline for submission: November 30, 2024
Deadline for first notification: January 31, 2025
Deadline for submission of the final version of the paper: March 15, 2025
Timeline for publication: April 15, 2025
Templates and instructions for authors for preparing the papers are available at the following link:
Following is the link to the submission system:
When using the Springer Nature Computer Science submission system, there would be a point during the submission process when one is asked: “Does this manuscript belong to a special issue?” and at that point one needs to click "yes" and then scroll down to the near bottom of the list to select the special issue titled "Metrics for Measuring Success of Research, Education, and CyberInfrastructure Projects."
PLEASE NOTE: The submission system for the journal paper review is different from the submission system for the abstracts/proposals for presentations, panels, and BoFs. Please send an email to Amit Majumdar ( and Ritu Arora ( that includes the paper number that you receive after submission to the SNCS system for follow-ups with the editorial team.
For any question, please feel free to email Amit Majumdar ( and Ritu Arora (