ICSB 2017: International Conference on Systems Biology 2017 Blacksburg, VA, United States, August 6-12, 2017 |
Conference website | http://www.cpe.vt.edu/icsb2017/ |
Submission link | https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icsb2017 |
Conference program | https://easychair.org/smart-program/ICSB2017/ |
Workshop/tutorial proposal submission deadline | April 6, 2017 |
Abstract registration deadline | May 13, 2017 |
Submission deadline | May 13, 2017 |
Early Registration Discount Rate | June 6, 2017 |
ICSB 2017 Call for Paper Abstracts
Blacksburg, VA, Aug 6-12, 2017
Conference Website: http://www.cpe.vt.edu/icsb2017/
International Conference on Systems Biology (ICSB) is a premier conference in systems biology, organized by the International Society for Systems Biology (ISSB), and hosted by leading research institutions around the world. In previous years, ICSB was held in Spain (2016), Singapore (2015), Australia (2014), and Denmark (2013); for details, please check http://www.issb.org/conferences.html for previous meetings.
ICSB 2017 will be held at Blacksburg, VA in the week of Aug 6-12, 2017. We invite submissions of original paper abstracts on a broad range of topics of interest to the ISSB community. Examples of relevant topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Cellular Signaling Networks
- Cellular Decision Making
- Regulatory Network Architecture and Dynamics
- Cellular Variability
- Developmental Dynamics
- Synthetic Biology
- Cancer Systems Biology
- Computational Methodologies
- Omic Technologies and Applications
- Multicellular Systems Biology
- Systems Neuroscience
- Biocomplexity
- Control Theory and Cell Physiology
- Systems Biology Education
- Model Organisms
- Emerging Technologies
- Information, Precision and Energy
Submission Guidelines
Paper abstract submission:
The length of the abstract should not exceed 300 words in either MS-Word (.doc or docx). The abstract should be submitted through the submission website https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icsb2017 on or before May 13th, 2017. You are strongly encouraged to choose the most-related track for your submission. If you are not sure about your track, you may choose the general track. All abstracts will be reviewed by at least 2 reviewers. The ICSB 2017 scientific committee will select papers on the basis of these abstracts. Successful submissions will be announced for oral presentation or poster presentation at the ICSB 2017 conference. The abstracts should be submitted to the Conference by May 13th, 2017, and presenting authors will be required to register for the conference. Any presenter not registered for the conference by July 1st, 2017 will not have their abstract included in the conference program.
For further questions, please contact the organizing committee chairs:
- Chair: Young (Yang) Cao, ycao@vt.edu
- Co-Chair: John Tyson, tyson@vt.edu
- Co-Chair: Xueyang Feng, xueyang@vt.edu
Important Dates:
- Paper Abstract submission due: May 13th, 2017
- Notification of paper acceptance: May 27th, 2017
- Conference registration discount rate due date: June 6th, 2017
Scientific Committee
- Tyson, John (chair) VT
- Albert, Reka Penn State
- Barberis, Matteo U Amsterdam
- Crampin, Edmund University of Melbourne, Australia
- Elston, Tim UNC, Chapel Hill
- Hoefer, Thomas DKFZ, Heidelberg
- Hohmann, Stefan Gothenburg
- Jensen, Rick VT
- Kemp, Melissa Georgia Tech
- Kummer, Ursula University of Heidelberg, Germany
- Kitano, Hiroaki Tokyo
- Leslie, Christina MSKCC
- Mather, Will VT
- Murali, TM VT
- Okada, Mariko RIKEN Center for Integrative Medical Sciences, Japan
- Plevritis, Sylvia Stanford
- Price, Nathan Institute for Systems Biology, Seattle
- Smolke, Christina Stanford
- Tang, Chao Peking Univ
- Tsimring, Lev UCSD
- Walhout, Marian U Mass
Organizing committee (all from Virginia Tech)
- Chair: Young (Yang) Cao (Computer Science department)
- Co-chair: John Tyson (Biological Sciences department)
- Co-chair: Xueyang Feng (BioEngineering department)
- Mike Bowers (School of Neuroscience)
- Jing Chen (Biological Sciences department)
- Lauren Childs (Mathematics department)
- Silke Hauf (Biological Sciences department)
- Lenny Heath (Computer Science department)
- Stefan Hoops (Biocomplexity Institute)
- Lulia Lazar (Biological Sciences department)
- Will Mather (Physics department)
- Madhav Marathe (Biocomplexity Institute)
- T Murali (Computer Science department)
- Jake Tu (Biochemistry department)
- Naama Barkai (Weizmann Institute) https://barkai-serv.weizmann.ac.il
- Bela Novak (Oxford University) https://www.bioch.ox.ac.uk/aspsite/index.asp?pageid=593
- Sunny Xie (Harvard University and Peking University) https://bernstein.harvard.edu/pages/AboutProfXie.html
- Frank Doyle (Harvard) http://doyle.seas.harvard.edu
- Tim Elston (UNC-Chapel Hill) http://www.med.unc.edu/pharm/elstonlab/
- Thomas Hoefer (DKFZ Heidelberg) http://www.dkfz.de/en/modellierung-biologischer-systeme/
- Edda Klipp (Humboldt Univ, Berlin) https://www2.hu-berlin.de/biologie/theorybp/
- Ursula Kummer (Univ Heidelberg) http://www.cos.uni-heidelberg.de/index.php/u.kummer?l=_e
- Sylvia Plevritis (Stanford) http://med.stanford.edu/plevritis.html
- Uwe Sauer (ETH Zuerich) http://www.imsb.ethz.ch/research/sauer.html
- Hiroki Ueda (RIKEN, Japan) http://www.cdb.riken.jp/lsb/ index.html
- Jianhua Xing (Univ Pittsburgh) https://www.csb.pitt.edu/jianhua-xing/
- Lingchong You (Duke Univ) https://bme.duke.edu/faculty/lingchong-you
- Yvonne Chen (UCLA) http://yvchen.bol.ucla.edu
- Kevin Janes (U Virginia) http://bme.virginia.edu/janes/
- Julio Saez-Rodriguez (RWTH Aachen) http://www.combine.rwth-aachen.de/index.php/people-detail/julio-saez-rodriguez.html
- Nick Buchler (Duke Univ) http://buchler.phy.duke.edu
- Chris Bannett (Virginia Tech) https://www.bi.vt.edu/faculty/Christopher-Barrett
- Keren Lasker (Stanford University) https://profiles.stanford.edu/keren-lasker
- Anre Levchenko (Yale University) http://levchenkolab.yale.edu
- Leslie M. Loew (UConn Health) http://facultydirectory.uchc.edu/profile?profileId=Loew-Leslie
- Carla Finkielstein (Virginia Tech) http://www.biol.vt.edu/faculty/finkielstein/
- Jae Kyoung Kim (KAIST, Korea) http://mathsci.kaist.ac.kr/~jaekkim/
The conference will be held at Squires Student Center on the Virginia Tech campus in Blacksburg, Virginia, USA. Squires Student center consists of an inner core (the original Squires Hall) and surrounding buildings added later. The facility contains two ballrooms, a 510-seat theater, a food court and dining areas, various activity rooms, meeting rooms, an art gallery, lounges, music and theater production spaces, offices and practice rooms for the music department, and offices for student publications and Student Engagement and Campus Life.
All questions about submissions should be emailed to ycao@vt.edu.