![]() | ICFNDS'21: The 5th International Conference on Future Networks & Distributed Systems Dubai, UAE, December 15-16, 2021 |
Conference website | http://www.icfnds.org |
Submission link | https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icfnds21 |
The International Conference on Future Networks and Distributed Systems (ICFNDS) – the 5th International Conference aims at addressing advances in research on distributed systems and future networks, covering topics ranging from enabling technologies to emerging applications and industrial experiences. ICFNDS aims to encourage researchers and practitioners to exchange and share their experiences. Authors are solicited to contribute original, unpublished contributions in all aspects of future networking and distributed systems.
The 2020 ICFNDS meeting was held in St. Petersburg, Russia. The 2019 ICFNDS meeting was held at The University of Paris Sud, France. The 2018 ICFNDS meeting was held at The Middle East University, Amman, Jordan. The 2017 ICFNDS meeting was held at The Møller Centre, Churchill College, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK.
List of Topics
1. Future Networks
- Artificial Intelligence-enabled communications
- Machine / deep Learning for communication networks
- Future Internet
- Future generation communication networks
- Future warehousing
- Multi-Cores, virtualization
- Clusters and grid computing
- Web-services and SOA
- 5G, 4G, LTE, LTE-Advanced, WLAN, WPAN
- Small cell networks
- Cognitive radio network
- QoE, QoS, SLA, and GoS
- Heterogeneous networks
- Wireless, VLC and LED communication
- CCN/CDN/ICN/Delay-tolerant networks
- Software-Defined Networking (SDN)
- Network Functions Virtualization (NFV)
- Future network platforms, software and services
- Network theory and network science
- Intelligent Internet communication
- Mobile computing
- Peer to peer, optical and Interconnection networks
- Network routing and communication algorithms
- Security, reliability and fault-tolerance
- Network security
2. Cloud, Distributed and Parallel systems
- Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) and blockchains
- Parallel and distributed architectures
- Theory of parallel and distributed computing
- Parallel algorithms and their implementation
- Resource allocation and management
- Task mapping and job scheduling
- Distributed data and knowledge-based systems
- Database applications and data mining
- Web technologies
- Performance evaluation and measurements
- Wireless networks and Protocols
- Optimization
- Language, compliers and operating systems
- Reusability and scheduling
- Formal methods and programming languages
- Modelling and simulation
- Crowd sourcing and cloud computing
- Big data networks and data center architecture
3. Internet of Things
- Data collection, deep learning, reality mining, and prediction methods
- Real-time decision making and information extraction
- Methods for seamless human-to-object and object-to-object interactions
- Advanced manufacturing and logistics with IoT
- Evaluation of challenges of real-world deployments of Industrial Internet and GS1
- Information architecture design on field device, edge device and servers in cloud
- Transitioning functional and processing allocation across system entities
- Advanced data capturing and networking technology
- Object identification and access
- Interoperability of IoT systems
- Service and device discovery
- Synchronization of distributed directory systems.
- Semantic data description frameworks
- Data sharing and acceptance of IoT Systems
- Data security, authentication and authorization
- Privacy protection, data sharing technologies, tampering protection and detection
- Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN)
- Smart cities and services
- Case studies in the deployment of IoT applications/services in the area of accessibility
- Wearable technology for independent living
- Pervasive platforms and applications for assisted living
4. General Conference Track
Future networks and distributed systems papers that do not fit the above tracks can be submitted to the general conference track. Subjects of interest include, but not limited to:
- Cybersecurity and darknet
- Smart infrastructure
- Vehicular Networks
- Digital Twins
Invited Speakers
Professor George K. Karagiannidis
Director of Telecommunications Systems & Networks LabAristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
George K. Karagiannidis is currently a Professor in the Electrical & Computer Engineering Dept. of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, and Head of Wireless Communications & Information Processing (WCIP) Group. His research interests are in the broad area of Digital Communications Systems and Signal processing, with emphasis on Wireless Communications, Optical Wireless Communications, Wireless Power Transfer and Applications and Communications & Signal Processing for Biomedical Engineering. Dr. Karagiannidis was the Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Communications Letters and currently, he serves as Associate Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Open Journal of Communications Society. Dr. Karagiannidis is IEEE Fellow and one of the highly-cited authors across all areas of Electrical Engineering, recognized from Clarivate Analytics as Web-of-Science Highly-Cited Researcher in the six consecutive years 2015-2020.
Professor Weihua Zhuang
Tier I Canada Research ChairUniversity of Waterloo, Canada
Weihua Zhuang has been with the University of Waterloo, Canada, since 1993, where she is a Professor and Tier I Canada Research Chair in Wireless Communication Networks. Dr. Zhuang was a recipient of the 2021 Women's Distinguished Career Award from IEEE Vehicular Technology Society, 2021 R.A. Fessenden Award from IEEE Canada, and 2017 Technical Recognition Award in Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks from IEEE Communications Society. She was the Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology from 2007 to 2013, Technical Program Chair/Co-Chair of IEEE VTC 2017/2016 Fall, and Technical Program Symposia Chair of IEEE Globecom 2011. She is an elected member of the Board of Governors and Vice President for Publications of IEEE Vehicular Technology Society. Dr. Zhuang is a Fellow of the IEEE, Royal Society of Canada, Canadian Academy of Engineering, and Engineering Institute of Canada.
Yonghong Peng
Professor of Artificial IntelligenceDirector of the Centre for Advanced Computational Science at the Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU) UK.
Biography: Prof Peng is a Professor of Artificial Intelligence and the Director of the Centre for Advanced Computational Science at the Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU) UK. He is coordinating the strategic programme of “The Future of AI” and developing the AI-2030 interdisciplinary research programme to bring AI research, innovation, education and business closer. His research interest includes AI and Data Science and their applications to health informatics, the future cities and creative industries. He is also interested in the impacts of AI to economy, society and environment. He is the Chair for the Big Data Task Force (BDTF) of IEEE computational intelligence society (CIS). He is also a founding member of the Technical Committee on Big Data (TCBD) of IEEE Communications. He is an Associate Editor for IEEE Transaction on Big Data, IEEE Access, and an Academic Editor of PeerJ and PeerJ Computer Science.
Dejan Vukobratovic
Full Professor | Department of Power, Electronic and Communication Engineering |Faculty of Technical Sciences | University of Novi Sad, Serbia
Dejan Vukobratovic received a PhD degree in electrical engineering from the University of Novi Sad, Serbia, in 2008, where he is now a Full Professor from 2019. During 2009 and 2010, he was Marie Curie Intra-European Fellow at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK. He published about 40 journal and 80 conference papers mainly in top-tier IEEE journals and conference venues. He received the best paper award at IEEE MMSP 2010 and his PhD student received the best student paper award at IEEE SmartGridComm 2017. His research interests are in the broad area of information and coding theory, wireless communications, distributed signal and information processing in Smart Grids, and massive machine-type communications in mobile cellular networks. He is IEEE Senior Member and served as a TPC Co-Chair at IEEE VTC Spring 2020, and serves as a General Chair of BalkanCom 2021, Symposium Chair at IEEE SmartGridComm 2021, and will serve as a TPC Co-Chair at IEEE SmartGridComm 2022.
ICFNDS'21 proceedings will be published in ACM ICPS. The ISBN number assigned to ICFNDS 2021 is 978-1-4503-8734-7
ACM ICPS are published in the ACM Digital Library and indexed in DBLP, Scopus and Thomson Reuters.
The conference will be held in Dubai Silicon Oasis's in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
All questions about submissions should be emailed to CFNDS@mmu.ac.uk