![]() | IABSE-JSCE ABE-4: IABSE-JSCE Conference on Advances in Bridge Engineering-IV InterContinental Hotel Dhaka, Bangladesh, August 26-27, 2020 |
Conference website | http://www.iabse-bd.org/2020/ |
Submission link | https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=iabsejsceabe4 |
Abstract registration deadline | January 31, 2020 |
Submission deadline | July 31, 2020 |
The Bangladesh Group of IABSE, jointly with the Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE) is going to organize the IABSE-JSCE International Conference on Advances in Bridge Engineering-IV (IABSE-JSCE ABE-4) in Dhaka, Bangladesh during 26-27 August 2020. This time, the theme of the conference is Definitive Outcomes for the People.
Advances in Bridge Engineering-I, the first ever conference in Bridge Engineering in Bangladesh was organized in 2005. Steel and composite constructions were given the special theme for that event. In 2010, after a five year interval, the Advances in Bridge Engineering-II was organized in close collaboration with Committee of Steel Structures, JSCE. IABSE, Switzerland was the other key partner. Bearings, expansion joints, base isolation system and shock transmission units were given the special attention in theme for that event. At the five year interval, Advances in Bridge Engineering-III with the theme Towards Owing a Resilient Infrastructure was held in 2015. It was with the Centennial Celebration of the Hardinge Bridge. This spirited the idea of giving special attention to strengthening, repair and maintenance of the bridge for owning a resilient infrastructure in the Asian region.
In 2020, the experts from Japan, Europe, Oceania and the neighboring countries are expected to provide in-depth deliberations on bridge forms, architecture, aerodynamic design, vibration and serviceability requirements but giving some attention also to the conference theme. In order to enhance regional cooperation, the conference always aims to generate further discussions on the necessity and format of a unified Bridge Code for the Asian countries. It is important to know each other, the technological know-hows, potentials and also the social needs! The 2020 bridge engineering conference will also host special thematic sessions on outcome-based education in association with the Board of Accreditation for Engineering and Technical Education (BAETE), Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh (IEB). This surely emphasizes the necessity of an up-to-date, internationally benchmarked engineering education system in Bangladesh to meet modern needs and expectations. We invite experts in the field worldwide to contribute papers to the conference and participate in its discussions.
Guidelines for preparation of abstract and paper
All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference. The following guidelines should be followed for preparation and submission of the abstract and conference paper:
- The language of the Conference shall be English.
- Participants wishing to present a contribution shall submit an abstract related to the conference themes by the deadline. The abstract shall be typed in English within 500 words.
- Abstract should clearly state the purpose, results and conclusions of the work to be described in the final paper. Final acceptance will be based on the full-length paper, with the understanding that the paper will be presented at the conference.
- Authors will be notified of the decision of their abstracts and full length papers as per schedule indicated.
- Full length papers should be typed on A4 paper using MS Word'97 or higher version in accordance with the template IABSE-JSCE.dot and the detail instructions written therein.
- The editable version of the soft copy of the abstract and the paper shall be uploaded at the conference web site by duly registering at the site.
- The template for the full length conference paper can be obtained in the following link: http://www.iabse-bd.org/2020/author.php
List of Topics
All areas of Bridge Engineering but not limited to
- History and Planning (Historic bridges; Architecture and aesthetics; Geometric design of bridge, approach roads and viaducts)
- Materials and Construction (Materials; Codes on bridge engineering; Methods for analysis; Composite bridges; Construction sequence, phases, technology)
- Design for Dynamic Forces (Protection from earthquake; Base isolation technique; Bearings and expansion joints; Bridge dynamics, vibration control, aerodynamics; Design of shock transmission units)
- Geo-environmental Issues (Geotechnical aspects; River training works; Bridge hydraulics; Environmental issues)
- Administration and Monitoring (Bridge administration; Bridge health monitoring; Instrumentation and field observations; Serviceability issues)
- Repair, Renovation and Retrofitting (Repair, maintenance and retrofitting of bridge elements; Repair and replacement of bearings and expansion joints)
International Advisory Committee
- Prof. Dr. Y. Fujino, Yokohama National University, Japan
- Prof. Dr. H. Yamaguchi, Saitama University, Japan
- Prof. Dr. H. Mutsuyoshi, Saitama University, Japan
- Klaus H. Ostenfeld, Ambassador, IABSE
- Prof. Dr. K. Sugiura, University of Kyoto, Japan
- Prof. Dr. Eiki Yamaguchi, Kyusyu Institute of Technology, Japan
- Dr. B. C. Roy, India Group of IABSE, India
- Prof. Shunichi Nakamura, Japan Group of IABSE, Japan
Technical committee
- Prof. Dr. Y. Okui, Saitama University, Japan
- Prof. Dr. A.F.M. Saiful Amin, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Bangladesh
- Dr. Md. Mozammel Hoque, Dhaka University of Engineering and Technology, Bangladesh
- Prof. Dr. A.K.M. Saiful Islam, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Bangladesh
- Prof. Dr. Abdur Rahman Bhuiyan, Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology, Bangladesh
- Dr. Md. Robiul Awall, Rajshahi University of Engineering and Technology, Bangladesh
- Dr. Khondaker Sakil Ahmed, Military Institute of Science and Technology, Bangladesh
- Prof. Dr. M.R. Kabir, University of Asia Pacific, Bangladesh
- Prof. Dr. Salekul Islam, United International University, Bangladesh
- Prof. Dr. Arshad M. Chowdhury, BRAC University, Bangladesh
For information about other committee, please visit
The conference will be held in InterContinental Hotel, Dhaka, Bangladesh
All questions about submissions should be emailed to
Conference Chair
A.F.M. Saiful Amin, PhD
Chairman, Bangladesh Group of IABSE
Professor, Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET)
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Email: aminsaiful@iabse-bd.org