#graalcgo2019: Graal Workshop at CGO 2019 Washington, D.C., DC, United States, February 16, 2019 |
Submission link | https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=graalcgo2019 |
Title: Science, Art, Voodoo: Using and Developing The Graal Compiler
What: first Graal workshop at CGO (www.cgo.org)
When: Feb. 16th, 2019
Where: Washington, DC, USA Marriott Marquis
Researchers and practitioners are invited to the first Graal compiler workshop to be held at CGO 2019. The workshop is co-located with CC, HPCA, and PPoPP in Washington DC. Please register for the workshop at the CGO registration site. Discussion topics include making effective use of the Graal JIT compiler, performance evaluations and opportunities with Graal on benchmarks and applications, developing new features and optimizations in Graal, creative and novel uses of the Graal infrastructure.
Program Schedule:
9:00 AM - Welcome
9:15 AM - Keynote: Where Graal Came From and Where It’s Going Speaker: Chris Seaton (Oracle Labs)
10:15 AM - The Graal Economy Configuration for First-Tier Just-In-Time Compilation Speaker: Aleksandar Prokopec (Oracle Labs)
10:45 AM - Break
11:00 AM - Graal: How to use the new JVM JIT compiler in real life Speaker: Christian Thalinger (Twitter)
11:30 PM - Dynamic Analysis for Node.js with NodeProf on GraalVM Speaker: Haiyung Sun (Università della Svizzera italiana)
12:00 PM - Lunch
1:30 PM - Scala Loves Graal Speaker: Flavio Brasil (Twitter)
2:00 PM - Performance Characterization and Optimizations in Graal at Intel Speaker: Jean-Philippe Halimi (Intel Corporation)
2:30 PM - Break
2:45 PM - Eliminating warmup cost for Function-as-a-Service using Ahead-of-Time compilation Speaker: Chuansheng Lu (Alibaba)
3:15 PM - Swapping in Graal native-image to multiply Pants JVM build performance Speaker: Daniel McClanahan (Twitter)
3:45 PM - Break
4:00 PM - Panel
5:00 PM - Close
Uma Srinivasan (usrinivasan@twitter.com), Chris Thalinger (cthalinger@twitter.com), Flavio Brasil (fbrasil@twitter.com)
Program Committee:
Christian Wimmer (Oracle Labs), David Leopoldseder (JKU Linz), Kingsum Chow (Alibaba), JC Beyler (Google), Chris Thalinger (Twitter), Flavio Brasil (Twitter)