ETSI-IOT-2023: First ETSI IoT Conference 2023 ETSI Headquarters Sophia Antipolis, France, July 4-6, 2023 |
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Call for post-proceedings
ETSI IoT Conference 2023
(formerly ETSI IoT Week)
Sophia Antipolis, FR, 4-6 July 2023
ETSI’s annual flagship event returns in 2023. The 2023 edition of the ETSI IoT Conference - IoT Technologies for Green and Digital Transformation - takes place on 4-5-6 July 2023 in ETSI premises, Sophia Antipolis, France.
This gathering of IoT experts has become the must-attend event for anyone involved in IoT and who understands the importance of standard-enabled technologies for IoT service deployments.
The event will offer attendees the opportunity to learn and share experiences related to IoT technologies, services, activities, requirements, looking at present and future standardization work.
The 2023 edition includes the ETSI IoT Conference and IoT Demonstrations. It offers a mix of keynote speeches, presentations, interactive panels, IoT demonstrations, with many networking opportunities.
The 2023 edition focuses on:
- IoT for the digital and green transformation.
- IoT technologies, including but not limited to ontologies, digital twins, edge computing, IoT security, SAREF, oneM2M.
- Horizontal IoT standards for the vertical business sectors, including but not limited to smart cities, energy and grid, smart agriculture and precise farming, lift & buildings, maritime services.
This year we welcome papers for the edition of post-proceedings, which will be submitted to CEUR (
Submission is open to everyone, also to those who did not attend the conference.
How to submit:
The length is restricted to 15 pages for regular papers and 8 pages for "work in progress" papers.
The CEURART template with one column shall be used. Templates are available for LaTeX, docx (Word) and ODT (Word or LibreOffice) at
Submissions will be reviewed by at least 3 Program Committee members, in order to ensure that good quality papers are included into the proceedings volume. Publication is not an automatism: there are several quality constraints which must be fulfilled for the whole proceedings volume to be accepted by CEUR (see “Preconditions for publishing at” at
Submit your papers on Easychair:
Important Dates:
Submission deadline: Friday September 29
Notification to authors: Tuesday October 31
Camera ready version due: Thursday November 30
Program Committee:
- PC Chair & Post-proceedings co-chair, Scarrone Enrico, TC SmartM2M Chair, oneM2M Steering Committee Chair, TIM
- Laura Daniele, TNO
- Christophe Colinet, ETSI TC ATTM SDMC Chair, Bordeaux Metropole / Eurocities
- Francisco Da Silva, ETSI TC SmartM2M Vice-Chair
- Patrick Guillemin, ETSI TC SmartM2M Technical Officer
- Roland Hechwartner, oneM2M Technical Plenary Chair
- Svetoslav Mihaylov, EC DG CONNECT
- Georgios Karagiannis, AIOTI Standardization Working Group Chair
- Joachim Koss, ETSI STF 641 Leader, JK Consulting
- Maxime Lefrançois, ETSI STF 653 Leader, Institut Mines-Telecom (Post-proceedings co-chair)
- Luigi Liquori, INRIA (Post-proceedings co-chair)
- Paolo Pagano, ETSI ISG CDM Vice-Chair, CNIT
- Marco Picone, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
- Xavier Piednoir, ETSI Centre for Testing and Interoperability
- Dominique Roche, ETSI TC ATTM Chair, eg4U
- Dario Sabella, ETSI ISG MEC Chair
- Ivan Scagnetto, Department of Mathematics, Computer Science, and Physics, University of Udine (Post-proceedings co-chair)
- Massimo Vanetti, SBS aisbl