DFC2017: Desert Fishes Council Hotel Araiza San Luis Rio Colorado, Sonora, Mexico, November 15-19, 2017 |
Conference website | https://www.desertfishes.org/?page_id=2192 |
Submission link | https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=dfc2017 |
Abstract registration deadline | September 30, 2017 |
Submission deadline | September 30, 2017 |
Late-breaking abstracts | October 12, 2017 |
Field Trips | Field Trips |
Desert Fishes Council 2017 - Announcement and Call for Papers
The meeting web page is where you'll find links to register to attend and to pay membership dues, but here you will find everything else needed to submit abstracts for oral and poster presentations, make hotel reservations, get the program, and plan your travel.
The basic preliminary schedule of meeting events is in the DFC Calendar (click forward to November). Deadlines are noted above.
Check back frequently for details as they evolve, and subscribe to the Council’s email discussion list (DFC-L) to be advised by email of all future meeting-related news.
Hotel Araiza in San Luis Río Colorado, Sonora, México! Check out the pdf slide show of local attractions. San Luis is a small border city (150,000 residents) just 25 miles south of Yuma, Arizona. San Luis is located along the banks of the lower Colorado River, an important waterbody in the history of the Desert Fishes Council. San Luis is easily reached via numerous daily flights into Yuma (from USA) or Mexicali (from Mexico) and shuttles will be available from those airports to our meeting venue. For those facing international travel restrictions that bar staying overnight in Mexico, logding is available in Yuma and San Luis, Arizona. Pedestrians can easily cross the border each day and attend the meeting.
Discounted nightly hotel rates for the meeting were negotiated in Mexican pesos as shown below. These are ~20% below normal prices. We provide links to convert these to US dollars using the current rates whenever you click the link, but be aware the currency exchange rate varies and may be different when you pay your bill. Note also that taxes totalling 18% are not included below, but will be added to your bill.
Standard room - double or single (1 or 2 people): $990 (convert to current USD)
Deluxe room (1 or 2 people): $1190 pesos (current USD)
Suite (1 or 2 people): $1490 pesos (current USD)
Extra person: $228 pesos (current USD)
Currently, reservations can be made by email (Rosa Icela Felix: rfelix@araizahoteles.com) or telephone (011-52-653-517-2400, Ext. 715), mentioning "Desert Fishes Council" as the discount code. For USA-based attendees, it is easiest to email with your room choice, dates, and a phone number; Rosa Icela Felix will call you back from Mexico to finalize your reservations.
Meeting Schedule
The DFC calendar will be periodically updated as details become available. Subscribe to DFC-L to be notified by email of those updates.
Field Trips
Thanks to the cooperation of the meeting sponsors, we will take field trips to two beautiful biosphere reserves, Alto Golfo de California y Delta del Río Colorado and El Pinacate y Gran Desierto de Altar, the latter of which is a UNESCO World Heritage site. See the slide show.
Payment of registration fees is required of all who attend, and only current members can present papers. Deadlines are at the top of this page. Please use the DFC Store to pay membership dues and register for the annual meeting.
Abstract Submission
All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference. As always, to be considered for presentation, all contributions, whether orally presented papers, or posters, must be relevant to the mission of the Desert Fishes Council (DFC): "...to preserve the biological integrity of desert aquatic ecosystems and their associated life forms, to hold symposia to report related research and management endeavors, and to effect rapid dissemination of information concerning activities of the Council and its members."
To submit an abstract, follow the link at the top of this page to the submission form. You will need to first establish an account with Easychair.org. See our simple instructions for that. Complete your EasyChair profile (content of which is used in your abstract submission), and read the instructions provided in the form before entering your content. Submission of an abstract will notify not only the DFC officers responsible for processing the content, but all co-authors will be notified via email (using the address you input for them) of the submission, and if they too have (or get) an Easychair account they will also be able to edit the abstract. Editing of content will be possible until the the Program Chair declares the database closed for production of the program.
Area Reports - The collaborative editing capability of Easychair seems particularly useful for these. An Area Coordinator could submit a draft abstract with co-authors who could then insert their content directly into the abstract.
Special Symposia
Symposium organizers are actively seeking contributed papers and inviting special speakers to address the following regional topics:
- Lower Colorado River basin - History, management, and flow restoration efforts in lower Colorado River basin. Potential themes include impacts of hydropower generation and water transfers on aquatic species, the results of experimental floods below major dams, and flow and vegetation restoration efforts in the Colorado River Delta (contact Michael Bogan or Martha Roman for more information)
- Río Sonoyta - History, hydrology, biology, and management actions for aquatic and riparian species and ecosystems in the Río Sonoyta basin. Potential focal species include the endemic Sonoyta pupfish, mud turtle, and longfin dace, and various amphibians and aquatic invertebrates. We are particularly interested in hearing from cultural and natural resource managers and hydrologists about management challenges at Quitobaquito Spring, the mainstem Río Sonoyta, and Quitovac (contact Michael Bogan for more information)
- Río Yaqui basin fishes - History, biology, conservation status updates, and planned future management actions for fishes and habitats of the Río Yaqui basin of southeastern Arizona, Sonora and Chihuahua. Contributions by anyone working on these species and their habitats are welcome. Co-organizers Dean Hendrickson and Jennifer Fowler-Propst - contact Dean Hendrickson for more information.
If you wish to have your presentation included in any of those symposia, please indicate so when you submit your abstract by using the options provided in the form and/or via the comments field.
Invited Speakers
Travel Grants
Organizing committee
- local host - Martha Román
- DFC President - Michael Bogan
Program Committee
- Chair - David Rogowski
The general schedule for the meeting is in the DFC calendar (navigate to November 2017). A detailed program including the full schedule of events and paper and poster presentations will be published here as soon as available.
Abstracts from DFC2017 will be added to the Council's online published index of abstracts.
Contact local host Martha Roman (avoceta63@gmail.com) or DFC president Michael Bogan (michaelthomasbogan@gmail.com) with any general inquiries about the meeting. Questions about the program should be directed to the Program Chair.
This meeting is sponsored by CEDES, CONANP, and a local biosphere reserve.