citers2023: Centre for Information Technology in Education Research Symposium 2023 The University of Hong Kong Hong Kong, Hong Kong, May 19-20, 2023 |
Conference website | |
Submission link | |
Call for Proposals | March 1, 2023 |
Call for Reviewers | March 1, 2023 |
System Opens for Proposal Submission | March 1, 2023 |
Abstract registration deadline | March 31, 2023 |
Submission deadline | March 31, 2023 |
Notification of Acceptance | April 24, 2023 |
* For the most updated information, please visit:
Call for Proposals
The Centre for Information Technology in Education (CITE) of the Faculty of Education of the University of Hong Kong (HKU) is holding its research symposium, that is, CITERS 2023, on 19 and 20 May, 2023 at HKU. The theme of this year’s symposium is ‘Empowering Communities and Transforming Learning’.
We invite you to submit a proposal (online submissions will accept proposals starting from March 1) for the CITERS 2023. The symposium will bring together researchers and practitioners interested in educational uses of information technology in order to:
- share and learn about recent research results and evidence-based practices
- improve the use of design and technology in teaching and learning, and
- support participants’ professional learning, growth, and networking with colleagues
As researchers and practitioners focus on creating meaningful change in education, we seek to empower individuals and communities to take action and create positive outcomes in their respective fields. Learning technologies allow us to bring together experts, practitioners, and innovators to share best practices, collaborate on solutions, and support one another through building an empowered community. This symposium is an opportunity to come together, learn from each other, and build a better future for all in the field of Information Technology in Education.
To that end, we invite high-quality presentations from a wide diversity of disciplines focused on empowering communities and transforming learning in different contexts. We welcome empirical, theoretical, and practitioner-oriented presentations from educational researchers and practitioners, including teacher educators, principals, teachers, government officers, librarians, students and graduates from education programmes, CITE members and those interested in IT and educational research.
We invite you to submit your contributions to one of the five sub-themes:
- AI in Education: Contributions to AI in Education should address the design, development, application, and evaluation of artificial intelligence technologies in education. We also welcome proposals concerning ethical issues in AI in education.
- Learning and Instruction with Emerging Technologies: Learning and Instruction with Emerging Technologies welcome proposals that are particularly interested in the application, implementation, and evaluation of emerging technologies within learning contexts. The research in emerging technologies includes but is not limited to learning games, simulations, transmedia, adaptive systems, mobile technologies, XR technologies, robotics, and 3D printing for learning and instructional purposes.
- Learning Design and Development: Learning Design and Development focuses on the theoretical and empirical practices of design/development processes concerning various information technologies in education. Contributions may include the theories and practices that have significant implications for applications of technology or instructional design in formal or informal educational settings and various subject areas.
- Culture, Technology, and Learning: Research, professional, and personal perspectives are invited to explore, reflect on, and investigate how to create new culturally-situated pathways for learning and technology that are essential to the connection between culture, learning, and technology. Proposals are encouraged to address issues related to underrepresented populations, inclusive design, digital citizenship and literacy, ethical considerations, etc.
- Measurement, Assessment, and Analytics in Learning: Measurement, Assessment, and Analytics in Learning focus on research in educational measurement, psychometrics, assessments, learning analytics, and educational data mining that support researchers and practitioners to develop data-driven understandings of learning and teaching processes in diverse contexts. Topics of interest include but are not limited to new assessment and analytical methods, learner cognition and behavior models, and implications for policy, practice, and equity.
Presentation Formats
The symposium will feature various presentation formats. All accepted proposals can be considered for the publication of proceedings and will require the submission of a short or full article. Authors will be notified of this option after acceptance.
Paper Presentations (Extended abstract: 300-500 words)
Paper presentation proposals should spell out work/research that is in progress or completed on studies related to the conference theme. The aim of the presentations is to stimulate discussions among academics and practitioners. The papers should provide a framework and the main recommendations of the study for facilitating productive discussions. Each session for paper presentation will last for 20 minutes (15 mins presentation and 5 mins Q&A). Paper submissions must address the objectives or purposes, conceptual perspectives or theoretical framework, methods, results, and academic or practical significance of the work.
Poster Sessions (Extended abstract: 150-300 words)
Posters are designed to showcase a project, program, process, activity, or similar experiences that are completed, in progress, or in early stages and for novel and promising ideas. All posters will be showcased in a parallel session. Feedback and insights from colleagues on these innovative developments are especially encouraged. Poster submissions must address the objectives or purposes, conceptual perspectives or theoretical framework, methods, results, and academic or practical significance of the work in a brief fashion.
Interactive Sessions (Extended abstract: 150-300 words)
The interactive sessions are to provide an opportunity for sharing experiences on sound pedagogical and research practices in an interactive fashion. Potential focuses include implementation and demonstration of effective design, innovative application of technologies in teaching and learning, discussions on developing research or pedagogical ideas or issues related to IT in education, etc. The aim is to stimulate the development of pedagogical and research ideas and practices through rich interactions and conversations. The time for each demonstration session would be 30 minutes (15 mins presentation, 15 mins audience engagement). The submission must address the objectives, overview of the presentation, details about the work, how the authors plan to engage the audience in rich conversations, and the academic or practical significance of the work.
Practitioner Sessions (Extended abstract: 150-300 words)
In these highly concrete, practical sessions, presenters will share best practices or do teaching demonstrations about IT in education. The goal of these sessions is for attendees to learn about evidence-based practices, or to use technology to implement innovative ways. The time for each practitioner session would be 30 minutes (20 minutes presentation, 10 minutes Q&A). Session proposals must include a clear statement of the technologies that will be discussed and identify specific evidence-based teaching and learning practices to be implemented. Presenters can choose to deliver the session in Cantonese.
Panel Discussion (Extended abstract: 150-500 words)
These four- to five-person panels focus on vibrant topics of contemporary concern and professional interest. In these sessions, panelists quickly compare and contrast disciplinary expertise with an active, participating audience. Submissions require a designated chair to organize and facilitate the interchange between the panel and the audience. The time for each discussion session would be 30 minutes. Abstracts should state the purpose of the discussion and identify panel members and each member's expertise in the session.
Professional Workshops (Extended abstract: 150-300 words)
Workshops are intended to provide intense professional development opportunities that result in participants acquiring new skills. The time for each workshop session would be 1 to 2 hours. Workshop proposals should identify specific learning goals or outcomes for attendees. The proposal's short description should indicate if attendees should bring any equipment, software, or materials with them to the session.
Technology Showcase (Extended abstract: 150-300 words)
Technology Showcase is an expo-like interactive session that allows participants to share experiences with the latest tools or novel use of old technologies for learning and teaching.
Required Information for Proposal Submission
Title of proposal: This is the title that will appear on the CITERS 2023 website and within the printed symposium program. Capitalize all words except the articles. After the proposal rating process begins, 'Title' changes may be made only at the discretion of the Program Committee.
Abstract (no more than 75 words): This is the short summary that will appear on the CITERS 2023 website and within the printed symposium program. This abstract should clearly indicate the content and scope of the session, giving the reader a good idea of who would benefit from attending. Good descriptions lead to better decision-making on the part of satisfied convention attendees as to which sessions to attend.
Presentation Format: Paper Presentations, Poster Sessions, Interactive Sessions, Practitioner Sessions, Panel Discussions, Professional Workshops, and Technology Showcase
Keywords: Three to five keywords are required. Keywords and phrases are useful for the program committee in scheduling related presentations.
Extended Abstract: The submission should present a clear overview of the contribution and how each of the proposals contributes to the theme of the symposium. The submission should not contain any author identification. Please refer to the presentation formats for detailed required information, including the word limit for each of the presentation format.
The program committee may also contact the authors to update their abstracts after a proposal is accepted, if necessary.
For the most updated information, please visit our conference website:
For questions about the submission, please contact: