![]() | BSML23: Milano SecurityBsides TBC Milano, Italy, July 3-8, 2023 |
Conference website | https://milano.securitybsides.it |
Submission link | https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=bsml23 |
Abstract registration deadline | April 30, 2023 |
Submission deadline | April 30, 2023 |
"BSides" is a community-driven framework for building events for and by information security community members. These events are typically held in parallel or in close proximity to major industry conferences. BSides events are meant to provide an opportunity for community members to present and share their ideas and research, as well as to foster interaction and collaboration among attendees. It creates opportunities for individuals to both present and participate in an intimate atmosphere that encourages collaboration. It is an intense event with discussions, demos, and interaction from participants. It is where conversations for the next-big-thing are happening.
BSides Security Conference is an annual event that aims to provide a platform for security professionals to share their ideas, knowledge, and research with the community. It is organized by volunteers and is typically held in conjunction with major industry conferences. The conference features presentations, workshops, and discussions on a wide range of topics in the field of information security. The conference is known for its focus on the community and its inclusive and welcoming atmosphere. Additionally, BSides conferences are often considered an alternative to larger events and are often more affordable.
Much like Noisebridge, and other hacker spaces, we are a do-ocracy; in other words, if you want it, then you do it or make it happen. We do not have members, but rather participants. You are the "we" and we can only be successful if you make that happen for yourself.
BSidesMilano 2023 is the local transposition of this concept, and we are happy to have you in our community.
BSides does not compete with any other event. The goal has and always will be to expand the spectrum of conversation and enable a greater variety of events. Certainly one can take the business perspective and say that any and every security conference competes with each other, but this would ignore the fact that these events are traditionally FREE and simply offer people another alternative to everything else.BSides is not the All-Conference-Rejects. Certainly the idea may have sparked after the organizer and others got rejected from a conference submission, but the goal in creating Security BSides is always to enable a greater variety of conversation. We do not want speakers who are talking about the current big thing, we want to find new talent who are discussing the NEXT BIG THING!
Submission Guidelines
The following paper categories are welcome:
- Full papers describing specific technique, or particular subject in details (40-45 min long)
Training describing what do you want to achive with the training (2-5 days)- Workshop describing what do you want to achive (3-4 hours)
List of Topics
- Mobile Device Security
- Virtualization, Hypervisor, and Cloud Security
- Malware Analysis
- Reverse Engineering
- Exploitation Techniques
- Rootkit Development
- Code Analysis
- Forensics and Anti-Forensics
- Embedded Device Security
- Web Application Security
- Threat Intelligence
- Wireless Network Security
- Cryptography and Cryptanalysis
- Social Engineering
- Bitcoin and Blockchain
- Red Teaming/Penetration Testing
- Law Enforcement Activities
- Telecommunications Security (SS7, 3G/4G/5G, GSM, VOIP, etc)
- Adversarial Simulation
- Lateral Movement
- SCADA/ICS/DCS Attack and Defense
- Others...
Program Committee
- Agostino Panico
- Simone Onofri
- Francesco Perna
- Raffaele Amodeo
Organizing committee
- Agostino Panico
- Simone Onofri
- Francesco Perna
- Raffaele Amodeo
The conference will be held in Milan and will be annunced in the following weeks
All questions about submissions should be emailed to:
- Full papers: cfp@securitybsides.it
- Training: training@securitybsides.it
- Workshop: workshop@securitybsides.it
If you want to join us and help us organizing a great event, you can sponsor us! We will advertise on your behalf during the pre-conference and the conference with the community: contact us to sponsor@securitybsides.it