![]() | ANS NETCRIME19: Structure and Dynamics of Crime |
Website | https://appliednetsci.springeropen.com/ |
Submission link | https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ansnetcrime19 |
Submission deadline | August 23, 2019 |
Abstract feedback notification | September 6, 2019 |
Call for papers for the Applied Network Science journal (ANS) special edition on the Structure and Dynamics of Crime.
Submission Guidelines
Papers of broader aspects of crime and their applications will also be considered as possible contributions for this Special Issue. Survey and review papers are welcome.
Manuscripts relevant to this special issue include, but are not limited to, the following:
description of criminal networks;
data-mining for intelligence purposes;
modeling crime interactions;
dynamics of terrorist events;
disruption of illicit markets;
structure of criminal enterprise groups;
understanding crime as a complex system;
social dynamics and structure of transnational crime;
social dynamics of criminal hotspots in cities;
use of social media for crime analysis;
dynamics of cyber-crime;
use of communication data in criminal activity;
detection of criminal organizations in cities;
social network analysis of co-offending;
network-based tools for analyzing crime;
sensitivity analysis to investigate missing data and fuzzy boundaries;
visualization of criminal networks.
Guest Editors
Bruno Requião da Cunha - Federal Police, Brazil, and MACSI, University of Limerick, Ireland
Gisela Bichler - California State University, USA
Luiz G. A. Alves - Northwestern University, USA
Marcos Oliveira - GESIS, Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, Germany
Toby Davies - University College London, UK
All questions about submissions should be emailed to ANS Editor-in-Chief Hocine Cherifi - hocine.cherifi@gmail.com.