ACM SaT-CPS 2025: ACM Secure and Trustworthy Cyber-Physical Systems Pittsburg, PA, United States, June 6, 2025 |
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Submission link | |
ACM Workshop on Secure and Trustworthy Cyber-Physical Systems (SaT-CPS) aims to represent a forum for researchers and practitioners from industry and academia interested in various areas of CPS security. SaT-CPS seeks novel submissions describing practical and theoretical solutions for cyber security challenges in CPS. Submissions can be from different application domains in CPS. The workshop will be held in Pittsburg, PA on June 06, 2025 in conjunction with the 15th ACM Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy (CODASPY 2025).
Submission Guidelines
All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference. Submissions should clearly state the author names and their affiliations. All papers must be submitted electronically via Easychair system:
Deadline: March 01, 2025, 11:59 pm anywhere in the world.
The following paper categories are welcome :
Full Length Papers
- Papers must be at most 10 pages in length in double-column ACM format (as specified at Submission implies the willingness of at least one author to attend the workshop and present the paper. Accepted papers will be included in the ACM Digital Library. The presenter must register for the workshop before the deadline for author registration
Position Papers and Work-in-progress
- We also invite short position papers and work-in-progress (or vision) papers. Such papers can be of length up to 6 pages in double-column ACM format (as specified at, and must clearly state "Position Paper" or "Work in progress," as the case may be in the title section of the paper. These papers will be reviewed and accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings.
List of Topics
Example topics of interest are given below, but are not limited to:
- Secure CPS architectures
- Authentication mechanisms for CPS
- Access control for CPS
- Key management in CPS
- Attack detection for CPS
- Threat modeling for CPS
- Forensics for CPS
- Intrusion and anomaly detection for CPS
- Trusted-computing in CPS
- Energy-efficient and secure CPS
- Availability, recovery, and auditing for CPS
- Distributed secure solutions for CPS
- Metrics and risk assessment approaches
- Privacy and trust
- Blockchain for CPS security
- Data security and privacy for CPS
- Digital twins for CPS
- Wireless sensor network security
- CPS/IoT malware analysis
- CPS/IoT firmware analysis
- Economics of security and privacy
- Securing CPS in medical devices/systems
- Securing CPS in civil engineering systems/devices
- Physical layer security for CPS
- Security on heterogenous CPS
- Securing CPS in automotive systems
- Securing CPS in aerospace systems
- Usability security and privacy of CPS
- Secure protocol design in CPS
- Vulnerability analysis of CPS
- Anonymization in CPS
- Embedded systems security
- Formal security methods in CPS
- Industrial control system security
- Securing Internet-of-Things
- Securing smart agriculture and related domains
- LLMs for trustworthy IoT/CPS
- XAI for trustworthy IoT/CPS
- Cyber deception technologies for CPS
- Trustworthy and secure drone swarms/UAVs
- Transportation system security
Organizing Committee
- General Chair: Maanak Gupta (Tennessee Tech University), Email - mgupta AT tntech DOT edu
- PC Co-Chair: Mahmoud Abdelsalam (North Carolina A&T State University), Email - mabdelsalam1 AT ncat DOT edu
- PC Co-Chair: Mir Pritom (Tennessee Tech University), Email - mpritom AT tntech DOT edu
Steering committee
- Ravi Sandhu (University of Texas at San Antonio)
- Anupam Joshi (University of Maryland Baltimore County)
- Bhavani Thurasingham (University of Texas at Dallas)
- Karuna Joshi (University of Maryland Baltimore County)
ACM SaT-CPS 2025 proceedings will be published in ACM Digital Library
The workshop will be held on June 06, 2025 in Pittsburg, PA, USA.
All questions about submissions should be emailed to Maanak Gupta (