![]() | TIS Roma 2024: AIIT 4th International Conference "Greening the way forward: sustainable transport infrastructure and systems" ACI - Automobile Club d'Italia Building Via Marsala, 8 Rome, Italy, September 19-20, 2024 |
Conference website | https://tisroma.aiit.it/ |
Submission link | https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=tisroma2024 |
Abstract registration deadline | December 18, 2023 |
Submission deadline | April 15, 2024 |
The objective of the AIIT International Conference TIS Rome 2024 is to promote the knowledge of the new trends of development of mobility systems and transport infrastructures. The Conference aims at providing a forum for discussion, interactions and exchange among researchers, scientists and engineers whose fields of interest concern transport and infrastructure engineering. The conference is organized by the Italian Association for Traffic and Transport Engineering AIIT founded in 1957.
Papers presenting contemporary research about different transportation modes are welcome, including air, road, railway, maritime and inland waterways, logistics. The program will cover the following topics, but will not be limited to:
Transport Infrastructure
- Sustainable Road Design and Construction Practices
- Life-Cycle Assessment and Life cycle Cost Analysis of Transport Infrastructures
- Asset Management and in Advancement of Inspections in Transport Infrastructures
- Innovation in Pavement Design and Asphalt Materials Modelling
- Innovative Maintenance and Rehabilitation Techniques
- Sustainable Materials for Roads
- Infrastructure Operation Optimization and Energy Management
- Road Asset Management and Road Safety Management
- Climate Change Adaptation Actions for Road Infrastructures
- Building Information Modelling (BIM) for Infrastructures
- Sustainable Railway Design, Construction, and Maintenance
- Bridges, Tunnels and Underground Structures
- Airport Infrastructures and Pavement Management Systems
- Port Infrastructures, Operations, Maintenance and Development Issues
- Stone Pavements, Ancient Roads, and Historic Railway
- Intermodal freight transport: Terminals and Logistics
- Safety Strategies for Vulnerable Road Users
- Human factors and Driving Simulation Studies for Safer Road Infrastructures
- Surrogate Measures of Safety for proactive approach
Transport Systems
- Environmental, social and economic sustainability of transport systems
- Climate Change mitigation and adaptation strategies
- Social inclusion in transport planning and management
- Sustainable urban mobility planning
- Mobility management and travel demand management
- Participatory transport decision-making processes
- Artificial intelligence and big data for transport models and planning
- Connected, cooperative and automated mobility
- Multimodal and integrated transport systems
- Digitalization in transport
- Intelligent Transport Systems
- Mobility as a Service
- Shared mobility and mobility on demand
- Active mobility and micromobility
- Transport and tourism
- City logistics and urban freight transport
- Green ports and port-city interaction
- Railway transport planning and management
- High-speed rail and it impact on sustainability
- Air transport planning and management
Submission Guidelines
Authors are invited to submit their abstracts no later than December 18th, 2023. Abstracts should be text only, up to 300 words long, and should be written in English. Also at least 3 keywords should be provided. The authors will be informed about the acceptance of the abstracts no later than January 30th, 2024.
Authors of the accepted abstracts are invited to submit full papers in English no later than April 15th, 2024. The full paper should not exceed 8 pages including abstract, figures and references. The paper presentations should last up to 15 minutes, including the time provided for discussions.Both abstracts and full papers will be reviewed by two international reviewers.
TIS ROMA 2024 proceedings will be published in Transportation Research Procedia (Elsevier), indexed in Scopus. Special Issues in Scientific Journals with a selection of papers are planned.
Conference Chairs
Michela Le Pira, AIIT CSR Director, Scientific Commitee Coordinator
Enrico Pagliari, AIIT National President, Organizing Committee Coordinator
Organizing Committee Members
(by alphabetical order)
Michela Bonera
Angela Carboni
Elena Cocuzza
Luigi Di Matteo
Nadia Giuffrida
Marco Medeghini
Rocco Sorropago
Contacts & more info
All questions about submissions should be emailed to tis.conference@aiit.it
Please visit https://tisroma.aiit.it/ for updates regarding the conference