![]() | SSTD21: The 17th International Symposium on Spatial and Temporal Databases Online Online, CA, United States, August 23-25, 2021 |
Conference website | https://www.sstdendowment.org/sstd-2021 |
Submission link | https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=sstd21 |
Abstract registration deadline | April 9, 2021 |
Submission deadline | April 23, 2021 |
The International Symposium on Spatial and Temporal Databases 2021 (SSTD 2021)
Online (Possibly Hybrid Mode to be Decided Later) (23-25 August, 2021)
The International Symposium on Spatial and Temporal Databases 2021 (SSTD 2021)is the seventeenth event of a series of biannual symposia that discuss new and excitingresearch in spatial, temporal and spatio-temporal data management and relatedtechnologies with the goal to set future research directions. The primary focus ofSSTD symposia is on original results in the areas of theoretical foundations, design,implementation, and applications of spatial and temporal database technology. SSTDalso welcomes experience reports from application specialists and the commercialcommunity that describe lessons learned in the development, operation, andmaintenance of actual systems in practical and innovative applications. The goal is toexchange research ideas and results across academia, industry and government fromdiverse geographies, and career stages.
Conference Format
Due to the pandemic situation, SSTD 2021 is scheduled in an online mode, with apossibly hybrid mode to be decided later depending on how travel and pandemicsituations will evolve later. But, at least one author of each accepted paper must atleast attend the conference virtually no matter which mode the conference will be.
Call for Contributions
SSTD 2021 solicits submissions in four tracks.
1. Research Track
Authors are invited to submit long research papers that present original researchcontributions. The selection criteria include quality, novelty, correctness, andrelevance to SSTD.Authors are also invited to submit short research papers that discuss exciting newwork that is not yet mature enough for a long paper. In particular, novel but significantproposals will be considered for acceptance to this category despite not having gonethrough sufficient experimental validation or lacking strong theoretical foundation.
2. Demo Track
Authors are invited to submit demo papers, describing demonstrations of systems,developed or under development. The selection criteria for the demonstrationproposals include: the novelty, the technical advances and challenges, and the overallpractical attractiveness of the demonstrated system.
3. Industry Track
Authors are invited to submit industry papers that describe original experiences,challenges, systems and applications in industry. For each industry paper, at least oneauthor should have a non-academic affiliation.
4. Vision Track
Authors are invited to submit vision papers that describe revolutionary ideas that arelikely to guide research in the near future, challenge existing assumptions prevalent inthe research community, or identify novel applications and technology trends thatcreate new research challenges.
Submission Guidelines
All submissions should be in English, formatted in PDF according to the ACM SIGConference Proceedings (sigconf) template availableat: http://www.acm.org/publications/proceedings-template. If you use Overleaf, youcan access the ACM official template at:https://www.overleaf.com/gallery/tagged/acm-official#.WOuOk2e1taQ
Long research papers and industry papers are limited to 10 pages (ACM sigconf).Short research papers, demo papers, and vision papers are limited to 4 pages (ACMsigconf). These page limits are inclusive of references and any appendices.Papers should be submitted via Easychair to the appropriate track.
Best submissions will be selected for an extended journal submission to a special trackof “SSTD 2021 Best Papers” in GeoInfomatica. One of them will be selected as “SSTD's Ralf H. Güting Best Paper Award”.
Co-General Chairs
- Erik Hoel (Esri)
- Dev Oliver (Esri)
Co-PC Chairs
- Raymond Wong (HKUST)
- Ahmed Eldawy (UCR)
- Akrivi Vlachou (University of the Aegean)
- Amr Magdy (University of California, Riverside)
- Andreas Züfle (George Mason University)
- Anton Dignös (Free University of Bozen-Bolzano)
- Apostolos N. Papadopoulos (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki)
- Bart Kuijpers (Hasselt University)
- Bernhard Seeger (University of Marburg)
- Carola Wenk (Tulane University)
- Cedric Du Mouza (CNAM)
- Cheng Long (Nanyang Technological University)
- Chengyang Zhang (Amazon)
- Chenjuan Guo (Aalborg University)
- Chi-Yin Chow (City University of Hong Kong)
- Chiara Renso (ISTI-CNR, Pisa, Italy)
- Christophe Claramunt (Naval Academy Research Institute)
- Christos Doulkeridis (University of Piraeus)
- Claudio Bettini (University of Milan)
- Cyril Ray (Ecole Navale)
- Cyrus Shahabi (University of South California)
- Dan Lin (University of Missouri)
- Dieter Pfoser (George Mason University)
- Dimitrios Skoutas (Research Center "Athena")
- Dimitris Papadias (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
- Dimitris Sacharidis (Vienna University of Technology)
- Gao Cong (Nanyang Technological University)
- Haiquan Chen (California State University Sacramento)
- Hua Lu (Roskilde University)
- Jae-Gil Lee (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)
- Jagan Sankaranarayanan (Google)
- Jia Yu (Washington Statee University)
- Jianzhong Qi (The University of Melbourne)
- Jie Bao (JD Finance)
- Jing Dai (Google)
- Karine Zeitouni (University of Versailles-Saint-Quentin)
- Kjetil Nørvåg (Norwegian University of Science and Technology)
- Kyoung-Sook Kim (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST))
- Kyriakos Mouratidis (Singapore Management University)
- Marcos Antonio Vaz Salles (University of Copenhagen)
- Maria Luisa Damiani (University of Milan)
- Markus Schneider (University of Florida)
- Martin Werner (Bundeswehr University Munich)
- Michael Mcguire (Towson University/Computer and Information Sciences)
- Michela Bertolotto (University College Dublin)
- Mirco Nanni (KDD-Lab ISTI-CNR Pisa)
- Mohamed Mokbel (University of Minnesota)
- Nikos Mamoulis (University of Ioannina)
- Panagiotis Bouros (Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz)
- Peer Kröger (Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich)
- Peter Revesz (University of Nebraska)
- Rui Chen (Samsung Electronics)
- Sergio Ilarri (University of Zaragoza)
- Shashi Shekhar (University of Minnesota)
- Shen-Shyang Ho (Rowan University)
- Spiridon Bakiras (Hamad bin Khalifa University)
- Timos Sellis (Facebook)
- Vassilis Tsotras (UC Riverside)
- Wei-Shinn Ku (Auburn University)
- Xiaofang Zhou (The University of Queensland)
- Xunfei Jiang (Earlham College)
- Yannis Theodoridis (University of Piraeus)
- Yaron Kanza (AT&T Labs - Research)
- Yunjun Gao (Zhejiang University)
- Zhe Jiang (the University of Alabama)