SF-22: Green Finance Instruments, Fintech, and Investment Strategies: An Analysis of Sustainable Portfolio Management in the Post-COVID 19 Era |
Submission link | https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=sf22 |
Abstract registration deadline | June 17, 2022 |
Submission deadline | August 31, 2022 |
Call for Springer book Chapters
Dear Colleagues,
We invite you to submit a chapter to our upcoming book entitled “Green Finance Instruments, FinTech, and Investment Strategies: An Analysis of Sustainable Portfolio Management in the Post-COVID-19 Era”, published by Springer Nature at the end of the year 2022.
Best Regards,
Dr. Nader Naifar & Dr. Ahmed Essayed (Editors)
Important Dates
June 10, 2022: Proposal Submission Deadline
June 20, 2022: Notification of Acceptance
August 31, 2022: Full Chapter Submission
September 15, 2022: Review Results Returned
October 30, 2022: Final Acceptance Notification
November 15, 2022: Final Chapter Submission
In a post-COVID-19 pandemic era, a sustainable financial system is more and more getting due attention, and policymakers are now moving into investment and financing decisions based on sustainable development. According to the European Commission, “Sustainable finance refers to taking environmental, social, and governance (ESG) considerations into account when making investment decisions in the financial sector, leading to more long-term investments in sustainable economic activities and projects.” Sustainable finance contributes to achieving sustainable recovery from the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Green finance plays a vital role in mobilizing financial resources and hedging against environmental risk to achieve a financially sustainable system. Moreover, green financial instruments provide alternatives for investors and regulators for portfolio management and risk minimization.
Over the last few years, financial technology (FinTech) has been considered one of the most topical areas in the global financial services industry. The development of distributed ledger technology, big data, smart contract, peer-to-peer lending platforms, biometrics, and new digital has motivating innovation in the financial services industry and the development of new financing and investment strategies. The marriage of sustainability with Fintech help policymakers to achieve ESG considerations when making investment and financing decision.
This book, “Green Finance Instruments, Fintech, and Investment Strategies: An Analysis of Sustainable Portfolio Management in the Post-COVID 19 Era,” is a collection of the recent development in green finance and Fintech and their impact on achieving sustainable finance, investment strategy making, and portfolio management.
The objective of the Book
This book will provide appropriate theoretical frameworks and the latest empirical research studies in green finance, Fintech, and sustainable portfolio management. It will be written for academics, professionals, policymakers, regulators, and investors who want to deeply understand the impact of green finance and FinTech on future investment and financing strategies in a post-COVID-19 pandemic
Recommended topics
The topics of this book include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Green financial instruments and their environmental implications
- Challenges and opportunities for green finance post-COVID19
- The impact of green finance on future investment strategies
- Current FinTech trends in investment and financing decisions
- Green finance and Fintech: Toward a more sustainable financial system
- Impact investing and the growth of green bonds
- Green Sukuk and the development of Islamic financial markets
- Green cryptocurrencies and environmental issues
- The connectedness of green bonds and financial markets
- Green financial instruments and global financial uncertainty
- Opportunities and threats in FinTech
- FinTech innovation and sustainable financial system
- Distributed ledger technology and sustainable digital finance
- New payment platforms and digital wallets
- Big data and artificial intelligence for future financing and investment decisions
- Cryptocurrency and financial stability in the post-COVID-19 era
- Peer-to-peer transfer technology for mobilizing sustainable data
- Sustainable finance in energy sectors
- Network connectedness of green financial assets
- Clear energy and environmental finance
- Green financial assets and their implications for portfolio diversification
- Sustainable financial system and green recovery
- Blockchain technology’s role in achieving green finance objectives
- Fintech contribution to achieving climate objectives.
- Opportunities and challenges of FinTech in supporting biodiversity finance
- Green Fintech Taxonomy and sustainable finance
- Implementation of sustainable finance taxonomies
- Crowdfunding and sustainable financing
- Fintech, ethics, cyberattack, and cybersecurity
Contributors Instructions
The contributors of the book should use the following Springer book template:
Word: https://www.dropbox.com/s/51as2dcmfjkkrn0/Word%20Template.zip?dl=0
Latex: https://www.dropbox.com/s/lencabnm47o4txv/Latex%20Template.zip?dl=0
Contributors Agreement
All authors submitting papers to a contributed volume must grant specific permission to publish the work. Each corresponding author should print the form, enter the title of the chapter and the names of the authors at the top of the form, and sign it.
Details of the chapter authors (sequence, names, name, and affiliation of the corresponding author) given in the Contributor Agreement should be complete, final, and correspond to the details provided in the manuscript.
The Contributor Agreement: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/wh2ohatqostkiie803hyh/Contributor-Agreement.docx?dl=0&rlkey=7s82n5rw86usye2qsswdw1yws
Submission Guidlines
All chapters submitted for publication in this book will be blind reviewed.
The submission of the book chapters can be done through the link of submission provided by Easychair or through email:
naneifar@imamu.edu.sa doctoratnader@yahoo.fr ahmed.elsayed@durham.ac.uk
For additional information, please don't hesitate to contact:
Dr. Nader Naifar; Department of Finance and Investment, College of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic University (IMSIU), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia & University of Sfax, Higher Institute of Business Administration, Tunisia. naneifar@imamu.edu.sa doctoratnader@yahoo.fr
Dr. Ahmed Essayed; Department of Economics & Finance, Durham University, Durham DH1 3LB, UK & Department of Economics, Faculty of Commerce, Zagazig University, Egypt. ahmed.elsayed@durham.ac.uk