RRISTHM-19: International Conference on Recent Researches and Innovations in Science, Technology, Humanities and Management Rajkiya Engineering College Ambedkar Nagar, India, September 20-21, 2019 |
Abstract registration deadline | July 10, 2019 |
Submission deadline | July 10, 2019 |
The aim of this Conference is to create an opportunity for participants to discuss about the Recent Researches and Innovations in Science, Technology, Humanities and Management. Original research contributions, technical papers and review papers in the following areas are invited for paper presentation and possible inclusion in the conference proceedings.
Submission Guidelines
All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference.
Interested candidates should submit their paper through Easychair portal. Research paper can comprise up to 6 pages, and comply with the IEEE layout. RRISTM-19 uses Easychair Submission System for Submission and Review Process. After acceptance of the paper the candidate should proceed for registration. At least one author of each accepted paper is required to register and present their paper at the conference; otherwise paper will not be included in the proceedings.
List of Topics
- Physical Sciences
- Mathematical Sciences
- Chemical Sciences
- Environmental Sciences
- Mechanical Engineering
- Electronics Engineering
- Nano Technology
- Renewable and Sustainable Energy
- Design, Materials and Manufacturing
- Computer Engineering
- Materials Engineering
- Management Studies
- Humanities (English Literature, English Language Teaching)
Organizing committee
Chief Patron
- Shri Parwat Singh Yadav, Chairman, BoG, REC Ambedkar Nagar
- Prof. Vinay Kumar Pathak, VC, AKTU, Lucknow
- Dr. Akhilesh Kumar Mishra, Director, REC Ambedkar Nagar
- Prof. Vishal Singh Chandel, HoD, APSH, REC Ambedkar Nagar
- Dr. Devendra Pratap Mishra, REC Ambedkar Nagar
- Dr. Saurabh Srivastava, REC Ambedkar Nagar
- Dr. Amit Kumar Singh, REC Ambedkar Nagar
Organizing Secretaries
- Dr. Shailesh Kumar Srivastava, REC Ambedkar Nagar
- Mr. Vivekanand Singh, REC Ambedkar Nagar
- Dr. Prabhudatt Dwivedi, REC Ambedkar Nagar
- Dr. Sushant Chaturvedi, REC Ambedkar Nagar
- Dr. Amit Kumar Pandey, REC, Ambedkar Nagar
Technical Programme Chair Information Tech.
- Dr. Sudhakar Tripathi
Technical Programme Chair Electrical Engg.
- Dr. S. P. Singh
Technical Programme Chair Civil Engg.
- Mr. Ayush Mittal
Accepted full papers will be published in the proceedings of the conference with ISBN number by renowned publisher. Best Paper Awards will be presented to high quality papers in each track.
Department of Applied Science and Humanities
Rajkiya Engineering College, Ambedkar Nagar (UP)-India
Dr. Shailesh Kr. Srivastava +91 9643097350
Mr. Vivekanand Singh +91 9654093681
email ID: rristhm19@gmail.com