RECOMB-Microbiome 2025: Research in Computational Molecular Biology Conference 2025 - Microbiome Satellite April 24-25, 2025 |
Submission link | |
Abstract registration deadline | January 31, 2025 |
Submission deadline | February 14, 2025 |
RECOMB-Microbiome 2025 - the inaugural RECOMB Satellite Conference on Microbiome Analysis (April 24-25, Seoul, Korea)
The microbiome, comprised of the microbiota, its collective genomes called the metagenome, and myriads of macromolecules and metabolites, is an integral part of the biosphere and our body. Members of the microbiota include bacteria, archaea, microbial eukaryotes, and respective viruses. Recent studies reveal that miniscule constituents of the microbiomes in each environment play pivotal roles in global cycles of energy and elements as well as health and disease of the residing host. Not only are they important in nutrient digestion and gastrointestinal health, but they are also intimately and intricately involved in metabolism, immunity, development, circulation, and behavior, and modulate them in many ways. RECOMB-Microbiome brings together experts in microbiome research to overview enabling technologies and scientific achievements, to discuss challenges and opportunities, and to explore their ecological or biogeochemical impacts and novel pharmabiotics candidates that have potential for maintaining health or treating diseases.
Call for Highlights
RECOMB–Microbiome 2025 invites the submission of abstracts of papers that have been recently published in a journal (mostly during 2024 but not have to be restricted to 2024) or "in press" at the time of submission and are already linked on the journal website. The papers will be selected for oral presentation by taking into consideration the impact of the work on the field, the likelihood that the work will make a good presentation, and the relevance to biological and biomedical research in general. Some highlight talks will be solicited.
Submissions must contain an abstract (including title, author(s), affiliation, e-mail, a link to the published journal version, the identity of the presenter (underlined) followed by the abstract text (about 250 words). In addition to the abstract of the paper, the authors may include a few sentences to explain why the work is suitable for a highlight talk. Please also add the PDF of your full paper as Supplementary. Accepted presenters for the Highlight Track are required to make the presentation themselves and must register for the conference.
Call for Papers
RECOMB–Microbiome 2025 invites submissions that represent original, previously unpublished work. It may include those accepted but not in press for publication in a journal. The committee will rigorously review submitted papers. Selected papers will be accepted for oral presentation at the conference. Accepted papers will be published as proceedings, which will be available at the conference. Authors who prefer not to publish their work in the proceedings, may stand by the originally submitted abstract in lieu of a pages-long paper. Each accepted paper must be presented by one of the authors at the conference.
Call for Posters
RECOMB–Microbiome 2025 welcomes the submission of abstracts for the Poster Track that describe primary results. Accepted poster abstracts will be published as submitted in the conference proceedings.
Submission Guidelines
The following paper categories are welcome:
- Full papers: Submitted papers must be at most 15 pages in length, excluding references, with optionally a clearly marked appendix containing supplementary material. While appendices will be available to the reviewers, consideration of supplementary material is left to the reviewers’ discretion. Authors should submit their manuscripts in PDF format. Manuscripts should provide a complete account of the results presented without referring to the supplementary material. All submissions must be made online, through the EasyChair submission system. Please put [PAPER] on the manuscript title when inputting paper information on easychair system
- Posters: Submitted abstracts must be at most 2 pages in length including references and figures, in PDF format. All submissions must be made online, through the EasyChair submission system. Please put [POSTER] on the manuscript title when inputting paper information on easychair system
- Highlights: Submissions must contain an abstract (including title, author(s), affiliation, e-mail, a link to the published journal version, the identity of the presenter (underlined) followed by the abstract text (about 250 words). In addition to the abstract of the paper, the authors may include a few sentences to explain why the work is suitable for a highlight talk. Please also add the PDF of your full paper as Supplementary. Please put [HIGHLIGHT] on the manuscript title when inputting paper information on easychair system
Topics of Interest
Subjects including, not limited to, ...
- Algorithm/database development
- Microbiome and human disease
- Multi-omics data integration
- Machine learning in microbiome
- Metagenome-wide association study (MWAS)
- Phylogenomics and taxonomy
- Metagenomics/Metatranscriptomics
- One Health (Animal/plant/environment)
Steering committee
- Ami Bhatt Stanford University
- Peer Bork (co-chair) EMBL Heidelberg
- Jihyun F. Kim (co-chair) Yonsei University
Organizing committee
- Dong-Woo Lee Yonsei University (Secretaries General)
- Soon-Kyeong Kwon Gyeongsang National University
- Ji-Won Huh Chungnam National University
- Jongbum Jeon KOBIC
- Minsik Kim Yonsei University
- Sunjae Lee GIST
- Sukhwan Yoon KAIST
International Advisory Board
- Qi Su The Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Takuji Yamada Tokyo Institute of Technology
Key dates
All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference. The following paper categories are welcome:
- Highlight and paper abstract submission deadline: 11:59 PM January 31, 2025, AoE
- Author notification for highlights and papers: February 7, 2025
- Final proceedings version of accepted papers due: February 14, 2025
- Poster and short talk abstract submission deadline: 11:59 PM February 14, 2025, AoE
- Late-breaking poster abstract submission deadline (pending capacity)
The conference will be held in the Centennial Hall at the Sinchon campus of Yonsei University. All registration will be processed by the RECOMB local organization. Detailed information at the RECOMB website.
All questions about submissions should be emailed to