PiCET 2024: Parul University International Conference on Egineering and Technology - 2024 Parul University Vadodara, India, May 3-4, 2024 |
Conference website | https://www.puconferences.com/ |
Submission link | https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=picet2024 |
Submission deadline | February 28, 2024 |
The PiCET-2024 has an objective of creating an international forum for academicians, researchers and scientists across the globe to discuss contemporary research status and advanced techniques to address the challenges faced as we witness Emerging technologies in Engineering & its allied branches.PiCET- 2024 will include keynote lectures from renowned speakers, original research paper, poster presentations and technical deliberations. This conference will provide a platform for young student/researcher to interact with subject experts in their area of interest. PiCET-2024 will also have a space for industries and institutions to showcase their products, services, innovations and research results.Over the past three editions, PICET has been a platform to showcase, discuss & critique the emerging trends in Engineering, the move towards era of “Smart Engineering” and the take of participants and the domain experts on it.
Submission Guidelines
All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference. The following paper formatting criteria must be followed by authors:
- Manuscript length: 6 pages maximum, including figures, tables & references. This is a strict limit for initial submission. During final submission of accepted papers, authors may purchase extra pages if they find it necessary to address the concerns of the reviewers.
- Single blind reviewing: PiCET 2024 follows a reviewe process of single blind mode. Authors must include their names and affiliations in their papers as illustrated in the sample templates. Templates (Microsoft Word and LaTeX) can be found at the following link:https://www.ieee.org/conferences/publishing/templates.html
- IEEE Ethical Requirements for Authors
- The IEEE requires all authors who wish to present a paper to declare that the paper is substantially original and that no other paper substantially similar in content has been submitted or will be submitted to any other conference or journal during the PICET 2024 review period. This declaration must be made before the paper can be presented.
- The document does not include any instances of plagiarism, and the author or one of the co-authors will provide a personal presentation of the study.
- The chairmen of the program committee reserve the right to reject any papers that do not comply with these conditions and to exclude the authors of such papers from participation in future PICET conferences.
- Plagiarism Test Requirements
- Since PICET 2024 will be submitted to IEEE Xplore, which policy requires all IEEE content to be screened for possible plagiarism.
- It is important to keep in mind that the overall similarity rate of a paper should not exceed 15%, and the similarity rate to a single source should not exceed 5%in order for the work to be eligible for submission to IEEE Xplore. The score and report are provided to assist you in revising your manuscript, if necessary. The conference will not be able to provide you with a score or a report for the revised manuscript.
- Recommendations for Revising Manuscript
- You must remove, replace, rewrite, and redraw the content (text, figures, tables) if any, from already published sources. (See your similarity report sent with reviews)
- Nothing is to be done in the “References” section.
- Full sentences or paragraphs highlighted in the plagiarism report must be removed or rewritten using new sentences
List of Topics
- Machine Intelligence
- Computational Intelligence
- Electronics and communications
- Green technologies
- Process modelling and simulation
- Robotics
- Artificial intelligence
- Data science
Program Committee
- Dr. Vipul Vekariya
- Dr. Vishal Sorathiya
The conference will be held in Parul University, Post Limda, Waghodia, Gujarat 391760, India
All questions about submissions should be emailed to picet@paruluniversity.ac.in