PAISE2019: Parallel AI and Systems for the Edge - Held in conjunction with IPDPS 2019 |
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Submission deadline | February 17, 2019 |
Notification of acceptance | March 6, 2019 |
Camera Ready Submission | March 15, 2019 |
Applications involving voluminous data but needing low-latency computation and local feedback require that the computing be performed as close to the data source as possible --- often at the interface to the physical world. Communication constraints and the need for privacy-preserving approaches also dictate the need for computing at the edge. Given the growth in such application scenarios and the recent advances in algorithms and techniques, machine learning and inference at the edge are unfolding and growing at a rapid pace. In support of these applications, a wide range of hardware (CPUs, GPUs, FPGAs, ASICs) is venturing farther away from the center, closer to the physical world. The diversity in edge-computing hardware in terms of capabilities, architectures, and programming models poses several new challenges.
The goal of this workshop is to gather the community working in three broad areas:
- processing -- artificial intelligence, computer vision, machine learning;
- management -- parallel and distributed programming models for resource-constrained and domain-specific hardware, containers, remote resource management, runtime-system design, and cybersecurity; and
- hardware -- systems and devices conducive to use in resource-constrained (energy, space, etc.) applications.
The workshop will provide a critically needed opportunity to discuss the current trends and issues, to share visions, and to present solutions.
Submission Guidelines
All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference. The papers submitted to the workshop will be peer reviewed by a minimum of 3 reviewers. Accepted papers will be presented at the workshop and published in the IPDPS workshop proceedings. Papers should be submitted using EasyChair in PDF format using the IEEE conference style. Templates for MS Word and LaTeX provided by IEEE eXpress Conference Publishing are available for download. See the latest versions here. The following paper categories are welcome:
- Full Papers: Research papers should describe original work and be 8 or 10 pages in length.
- Short Papers: Short research papers, 4 pages in length, should contain enough information for the program committee to understand the scope of the project and evaluate the novelty of the problem or approach.
- Emerging Platforms and Practitioner Reports: Short reports, 3-6 pages in length, describing novel hardware and Software platforms, including initial proof-of-concept design and implementation are welcome. Reports may also focus on a particular aspect of technology usage in practice, or describe broad project experiences. They may describe a particular design idea, or experience with a particular piece of technology.
List of Topics
- Edge Inference
- Hardware for Edge-computing and Machine Learning
- Energy Efficient Processors for Training and Inference
- Computer Vision at the Edge
- Cyber Security for Edge Computing
- Software and Hardware Multitenancy at the Edge
- Machine Learning Hardware
- Blockchains for Edge Computing
- Programming Models for Edge Computing
- Coupling HPC to Edge Applications
- Communication and Control Strategies for Deploying and Managing Applications at the Edge
Important Dates
February 1st, 2019: Submission deadlineAoE, February 17th, 2019: Submission deadline (extended). - March 6th, 2019: Notification of acceptance.
- March 15th, 2019: Workshop camera-ready papers due.
- May 24th, 2019: Workshop!!!
Program Committee
- Prasanna Balaprakash, Argonne National Laboratory, USA
- Juan Pablo Bello, New York University, USA
- Cristiana Bentes, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), Brazil
- John Willian Branch Bedoya, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Colombia
- Kyle Bingman, Air Force Emerging Technologies Office, USAF, USA
- Charlie Catlett, Argonne National Laboratory, USA
- Peter Dinda, Northwestern University, USA
- Nicolas Erdody, Openparallel, New Zealand
- Felipe M. G. França, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Brazil
- Nicola Ferrier, University of Chicago, USA
- Dennis Gannon, Indiana University Bloomington, USA
- Eric Van Hensbergen, ARM Research, USA
- Christine Kendrick, City Of Portland, USA
- Sandip Kundu, University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA
- Priscila Machado Vieira Lima, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- Henrik Madsen, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
- Leandro Marzulo, Google LLC, USA
- Alan Mainwaring, Intel Corporation, USA
- Eric Matson, Purdue University, USA
- Sanjay Padhi, Amazon Web Services, USA
- Vivien Rivera, Northwestern University, USA
- Koichi Shinoda, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
- Michela Taufer, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA
- Jerry Trahan, Louisiana State University, USA
- Juan Rodrigo Sanz Uribe, National Coffee Research Center-Cenicafé, Colombia
- Ramachandran Vaidyanathan, Louisiana State University, USA
- Kazutomo Yoshii, Argonne National Laboratory, USA
Organizing committee
- Rajesh Sankaran, Mathematics and Computer Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory, USA, E-mail:
- Pete Beckman, Mathematics and Computer Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory, USA, E-mail:
All questions about submissions should be emailed to: