OxGradConf22: 22nd Annual Oxford Philosophy Graduate Conference Oxford, UK, November 10-11, 2018 |
Conference website | http://users.ox.ac.uk/~gradconf/ |
Submission link | https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=oxgradconf22 |
Submission deadline | July 16, 2018 |
Update (17 July 2018): The submissions portal is now closed. We hope to have a decision soon.
We welcome submissions from all graduate students in philosophy for the 22nd Annual Oxford Philosophy Graduate Conference to be held on 10-11th November 2018 at the University of Oxford.
The University of Oxford’s Annual Graduate Philosophy Conference enjoys a reputation as one of the most prestigious philosophy conferences at the graduate level in the United Kingdom.
Papers can be on any topic in philosophy. We aim to represent a broad range of philosophical debates and traditions in our final selection, across areas of both theoretical and practical philosophy.
Each student presentation will be followed by a response from a member of the Oxford Philosophy Faculty.
All submissions will undergo a double-blind review process.
For submission details, see below.
All current graduate students in philosophy may apply (except students enrolled at Oxford at the time of the conference).
Submission details:
The submission deadline is 16th July 2018.
- All submissions are to be made through the Easychair portal (https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=oxgradconf22). You will have to register for an account.
- When registering for an account, please include your full name, affiliation and degree being studied, and contact details.
- On the submission form, you will be asked to provide the following:
- A (preliminary) title;
- An abstract of no more than 500 words;
- Three keywords identifying the areas of philosophy the paper deals with; and
- The main paper (to be uploaded), which should
- be strictly no more than 4,000 words, including title and footnotes (suitable for a 45-min presentation);
- be in .doc(x), .txt, or .pdf formats; and
- contain no information identifying the author or the author’s institutional affiliation.
- We particularly encourage submissions by philosophers from groups who are underrepresented in the discipline.
For further enquiries, please see the FAQ on our website: http://users.ox.ac.uk/~gradconf/faq.shtml or email gradconf[at]philosophy.ox.ac.uk
All the best,
The Organising Committee for the 22nd Oxford Philosophy Graduate Conference