LAKathon 2021: The 7th LAKathon: Is Learning in Isolation a Mission Impossible? Cyberspace Online, CA, United States, April 12-13, 2021 |
Conference website | |
Submission link | |
Submission deadline | February 9, 2021 |
The 7th Learning Analytics Hackathon
The 7th LAKathon: Is Learning in Isolation a Mission Impossible?
The 7th Learning Analytics Hackathon (LAKathon 2021) is a pre-conference workshop taking place during the Learning Analytics & Knowledge Conference 2021. LAKathon 2021 has evolved due to the pandemic into an online laboratory. The focus is the future Learning Analytics (LA) applications with an emphasis on supporting Learning and mental health through online strategies.
Do you have a research question, a dataset or online support orientated idea you would like to explore? Bring your own ideas to the LAKathon. We encourage joining this inclusive online workshop no matter what your background or skills, everyone is welcome. We address the science-practice divide by having practitioners and researchers from diverse fields working in multidisciplinary teams towards common objectives.
You have an opportunity to submit proposals for research questions to be addressed and explored at LAKathon 2021.
Submission Guidelines
We are looking for short contributions following this template with a length of max two pages and when accepted a video pitch. The contribution should formulate clear research question(s) that are relevant for the LAKathon, provide context through the referencing of previous research and explaining the targets you wished to be achieved. We expect the following structure for the short paper:
- Background: context and a short description of the problem to be addressed
- Research question(s): clear research question(s) to be answered at the hackathon
- Expected outcome(s): Description of the expected solutions to the research questions
Please submit your paper through Easychair by the 9th February 2021 (AoE)
An accepted paper will also need submitted two weeks before the workshop:
- Video pitch with a maximum of 10 minutes of playtime or less.
- At least one author signed up on the website
- Optional: A handout describing any initial setup to work effectively in your team
Note: If your permission is given then the video pitch will be made available via links on the LAKathon website so as to later support future researchers.
List of Themes
The purpose of submitting a paper proposal is to describe an open research question relevant to the LAK conference and therefore to the LAK Hackathon. We are not looking for finished work. We are not even looking for started work. We are looking for clear challenges that can be the starting points for tasks to be completed at the Hackathon. Each contribution should therefore briefly provide some context for the proposed research question, explain the expected outcomes and objectives that the author wish to be achieved by exploring this question at the LAK Hackathon 2021.
Examples of possible themes, taken from the expected outcomes of LAK Hackathon 2021 include:
- Hacking the Hackathon
- Labour Market-Education Divide
- Video Conferencing Analytics
- Psychological Ramifications of Learning in Isolation
- Digital Infrastructures
- Diminishing the negative effects of Covid-19
Read here more in detail the proposed themes for the LAK Hackathon.
- Daniele Di Mitri, DIPF | Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education
- Alan Berg, University of Amsterdam
- Gábor Kismihók, Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology
- José Ruipérez-Valiente, University of Murcia
- Kirsty Kitto, University of Technology Sydney
- Jan Schneider, DIPF | Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education
- Atezaz Ahmad, DIPF | Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education
- Stefan Mol, Amsterdam Business School, University of Amsterdam
Important dates
9 February 202118th February 2021 (extended): Workshop papers submission deadline- 23 February 2021: Notifications sent out
- 4th March 2021: Camera-ready paper due
- 15th March 2021: Submission of the video pitch in the platform
(All deadlines at 23:59 Anywhere on Earth time.)
LAKathon2021 proceedings will be published in the Companion Proceedings of the Learning Analytics & Knowledge Conference. Check the LAK website for more information and any changes in dates
Check the website for the updated programme and updates about the workshop.
You can follow the #LAKathon activities using the Twitter hashtag
All questions about submissions should be emailed to