JFMS 2020: Journées Francophones de la Modélisation et de la Simulation IES de Cargèse Corse du Sud, France, November 2-6, 2020 |
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Abstract registration deadline | October 3, 2020 |
Submission deadline | October 3, 2020 |
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Explain what JFMS 2020 is.
- Alexandre Muzy : « Rétrospective sur le formalisme DEVS »
- Philippe Mathieu : « SMA, simulation et approche orientée interaction »
- Raphaël Duboz et Romain Franceschini : « Historique des associations DEVS & SMA »
- Grégory Beurier : (à venir)
- Pierre Castagna : (GT SIMPA, sujet à venir)
Submission Guidelines
All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference. The following paper categories are welcome:
- Abstract 1 page
- Short papers 4-6 pages
- Full papers +8 pages
- Posters A0
Communications must be in French or English. Translations into French of articles published in SpringSim or WinterSim or other simulation conferences are not recommended, but may be offered provided that this is stated and that reference is made to the original article.
Newly submitted papers will not be included in the proceedings (Book to the Cépadues edition) or only appear the accepted papers for the April issue.
List of Topics
- Simulation
- Modelling
- Multi-Agent Systems and Agent Based Model
- Theroy of Modeling and Simulation
- DEVS and his extensions
- Discret Event Modeling
- V&V, meta modeling, MDA / MDE
- Reproductibility
- ...
Program Committee
Paul-Antoine Bisgambiglia (UCPP - CNRS)
Raphaël Duboz (CIRAD)
Gauthier Quesnel (INRA)
David R.C. Hill (UCA - ISIMA)
Gregory Zacharewicz (IMT – MINES ALES)
Fabien Michel (LIRMM)
Thierry Antoine-Santoni - MCF Université de Corse
Paul Antoine Bisgambiglia - Pr Université de Corse
Bruno Bonté - Chercheur à l’IRSTEA
Laurent Capocchi - MCF Université de Corse
Vincent Chevrier – Professeur ENSEM LORIA
Saikou Y. Diallo – Asso. Prof. Old Dominion University
Romain Franceschini – PostDoc Université de Corse
Claudia Frydman – Professeur Université de Marseille
Amine Hamri – MCF LSIS, Marseille
David R.C. Hill - Pr Université de Clermont Auvergne
Eric Innocenti - MCF Université de Corse
Sylvain Jasson - MIAT, INRA, Toulouse
Jean-Pierre Muller - Chercheur Green, Cirad, Montpellier
Bruno Patin - Dassault Aviation
Bastien Poggi - MCF Université de Corse
Eric Ramat - Professeur Université du Littoral
Jean-François Santucci - Pr Université de Corse
Chungman Seo - Senior Research Engineer RTSync Corp (USA)
Jean-Christophe Soulié - PAM, Cirad, Montpellier
Mamadou Traoré – Pr Université de Bordeaux
Ronan Trepos – Ingénieur INRA Toulouse
Hans Vangheluwe – Pr Université d'Anvers (Belgique)
Gabriel Wainer - Pr Université de Carleton (Canada)
Stéphane Galland - CIAD, UTBM / U Bourgogne
Nicolas Marilleau - UMI UMMISCO, IRD
Philippe Mathieu - CRISTAL, Université Lille
Gildas Morvan - LG2IA, Université d’Artois
Julien Saunier - LITIS, INSA de Rouen
Frédéric Amblard - IRIT, Université Toulouse 1
Organizing committee
- Paul-Antoine Bisgambiglia (UCPP)
- Raphaël Duboz (CIRAD IRD)
- Gauthier Quesnel (INRA)
- Gregory Zacharewicz (IMT)
- David R.C Hill (UCA)
- Fabien Michel (LIRMM)
- Romain Franceschini (UCPP)
- Eric Innocenti (UCPP)
- Nicolas Poiron Guidoni (UDCPP)
- Paul-Henri Martelloni (UCPP)
All questions about submissions should be emailed to bisgambiglia at univ-corse dot fr