![]() | IXPUG Mid-Year Workshop 2021: IXPUG Mid-Year Workshop 2021 Online Online, TX, United States, June 21, 2021 |
Conference website | https://www.ixpug.org/events |
Submission link | https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ixpugmidyearworkshop |
Abstract registration deadline | May 24, 2021 |
Submission deadline | May 24, 2021 |
Event Date: June 21, 2021 (6am-10am PDT / 8am-12pm CDT / 9am-1pm EDT / 3pm-7pm CEST / 10pm-2am+ JST)
The community-driven Intel Extreme Performance Users Group (IXPUG) will host this summer a Mid-Year Workshop 2021 preceding two major events for our community – ISC High Performance 2021 Digital and the oneAPI Developer Summit.
We continue to see heterogeneous HPC architectures (XPUs) continue to become a dominating supercomputing platform for state-of-the-art model-driven simulations and artificial intelligence and big data applications to help the society to cope with significant challenges these days. The COVID-19 pandemic posed a grand challenge to the entire world. Several teams of scientists and HPC practitioners came together, combined computational simulation and artificial intelligence methods, and used HPC systems to rise to the challenge.
This half-day workshop is organized along with two major themes reflecting these challenges both at the technical and at the societal level – (i) experiences with oneAPI on GPUs and (ii) COVID-19 related biomedical simulations and data analytics applications.
The workshop will provide code developers, users, and providers of heterogeneous HPC systems an opportunity to share work-in-progress results and report best-practice solutions, give feedback to Intel experts, and to network with colleagues within the HPC community.
We plan to have full length (30 minutes) presentations including time for Q&A. Late breaking or early work could be submitted as short lightning talks (15 minutes). The workshop will include invited keynotes from both Intel and the COVID-19 research community.
We invite the HPC developer community to submit proposals for presentations to the following topics:
- Experiences with oneAPI on GPUs, including (but not limited to):
- Challenges and best-practice solutions for migrating code to DPC++ or OpenMP5
- Code adaptation and optimization strategies for specific target-devices (GPU, CPU, others)
- Experiences with the Intel performance analysis tools during the migration process from CPU to GPU
- Success stories and experiences applying model-driven simulations and machine learning techniques on Intel-based and heterogeneous platforms to help fighting against COVID-19 including (but not limited to):
- Large-scale, e.g., atomistic and multi-physics simulations
- Analysis of complex interaction networks
- Coupling of simulations and machine-learning techniques in complex workflows
- How HPC could specifically speed-up drug design process
Submission Guidelines
Authors are invited to submit their work for either a full length talk or a lightning talk. For full length talks, the submissions are limited to a short paper of up to 4 pages. For the lightning talk, the submission should not exceed an extended abstract of 1 page. All submissions should be made in 10 pt fonts in IEEE format. The page limit includes figures, tables, and appendices but does not include references.
Please submit your proposals no later than May 24, 2021 (updated!) via EasyChair.
Important Dates (Updated!)
- May 24, 2021 – Submissions close
- June 1, 2021 – Author notifications
- June 18, 2021 – Presentations due
- June 21, 2021 – Workshop
Program Committee
- Program Committee Chair: Thomas Steinke, Zuse Institute Berlin
- R. Glenn Brook, University of Tennessee Knoxville
- Melyssa Fratkin, Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC)
- Richard Gerber, NERSC/Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
- Maria Girone, CERN openlab
- Toshihiro Hanawa, The University of Tokyo
- Clayton Hughes, Sandia National Laboratories
- David Keyes, King Abdullah University of Science & Technology
- Nalini Kumar, Intel Corporation
- James Lin, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
- David Martin, Argonne National Laboratory
- Amit Ruhela, Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC)
All accepted presentations and their recordings will be published on the IXPUG website and YouTube channel. Authors retain the copyright to their work and are encouraged to publish it elsewhere as well.
This workshop is a digital event and free of charge. Registration link coming soon.
Visit the IXPUG Mid-Year Workshop 2021 webpage for detailed event information. Questions? Email events@ixpug.org