![]() | IXPUG Annual Meeting 2020: IXPUG Annual Meeting 2020 Virtually Hosted by Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC) Austin, TX, United States, October 13-16, 2020 |
Conference website | https://www.ixpug.org/ixpug-2020 |
Submission link | https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ixpugannualmeeting20 |
Abstract registration deadline | August 21, 2020 |
Submission deadline | August 21, 2020 |
IXPUG 2020 Annual Meeting
This Intel eXtreme Performance User Group (IXPUG) conference is focused on all aspects of adopting and employing state-of-the-art technologies and practices for optimal application execution. This includes accelerators (e.g., co-processors, FPGAs, GPUs), as well as topics related to system hardware beyond the processor (memory, interconnects, etc.), software tools, programming models, HPC workloads, troubleshooting, and more — all with a focus on Intel platforms. The conference will provide an interactive experience, organized around key themes associated with high-performance computing, data analytics, artificial intelligence (machine learning and deep learning), cloud computing, and more. The conference will feature keynote presentations, invited expert talks, 30-minute technical sessions, 10-to-15-minute lightning talks, and two-hour hands-on tutorials. Speakers come from a wide variety of HPC organizations and share their real-world experiences. Attendees will encounter an open forum, through which Intel and renowned industry experts will share best practices and techniques for maximizing software productivity and efficiency. The conference will provide an opportunity to share experiences in leveraging Intel architectures and technologies with all attendees, including expert software developers, scientists, researchers, academics, systems analysts, students, and end-users, etc. The challenges surrounding application performance and scalability will be covered across at all levels, including tuning and optimization of diverse sets of applications on large-scale HPC systems.
Submission Guidelines
A short abstract should be submitted by August 21, 2020 (updated!) via EasyChair and the content should reflect the topics of interest that are listed below. All final presentations are due by October 9, 2020. We would like you to include keywords that pertain to the techniques, Intel products, and associated domains that pertain to your technical work. Please see the full list below:
Techniques: Artificial Intelligence (Machine Learning/Deep Learning), Algorithms & Methods, Compiler Flags, Software Environment & Tools, Libraries & Tools, Parallel- Programming (Communications, Thread & Process Management Experience, All), Multi-node, Memory Management, Vectorization, etc.
Products: Intel® Xeon Scalable processor, Intel® Omni Path Fabric, Intel® FPGA, Intel® SSDs/NVMe Solutions, Intel® Lustre Software and DAOS, Visualization Technology, Intel® SW Tools, OneAPI, Intel Xe graphics, Intel Processor Graphics
Domains: Astrophysics, Bioinformatics, Chemistry, Climate & Weather, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Data Analytics, Energy/Oil & Gas, Financial Services, Geophysics, Life Sciences, Material Science, Medical imaging, Molecular Dynamics, Nanotechnology, Physics, Visualization, High Energy Physics, etc.
Abstract Topics of Interest
- Implications of workload behavior on system design at extreme scale (Power, Reliability, Scalability, Performance, Processor Design, Memory System, I/O)
- Software environments and tools for computing at extreme scale (Instrumentation, Debugging/Correctness, Thread and Process Management, Libraries and Language Development)
- Experience using extreme scale systems: Usability, In-situ Visualization, Programming Challenges, Algorithms and Methods, etc.
- Application characterization on emerging technologies: Novel Memories (NVM), processors (Intel® Xeon Scalable processor, Intel® FPGA, etc.)
Important Dates (Updated!)
- Abstract Submission Deadline: August 21, 2020
- Abstracts Reviewed by IXPUG Committee: August 24-September 11, 2020
- Acceptance Notification: September 17, 2020
- Agenda Posted to IXPUG Website: September 21, 2020
- Final Presentations Due from Speakers: October 9, 2020
- IXPUG Sessions: October 13-16, 2020
IXPUG 2020 Program Committee
- Stephen Harrell (co-Chair), Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC)
- Amit Ruhela (co-Chair), Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC)
- Richard Gerber, NERSC/Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
- Clayton Hughes, Sandia National Laboratories
- Nalini Kumar, Intel Corporation
- Ying Wai Li, Los Alamos National Laboratory
- David Martin, Argonne National Laboratory
- Christopher Mauney, Los Alamos National Laboratory
- Anna Pietarila Graham, Los Alamos National Laboratory
- Thomas Steinke, Zuse Institute Berlin
- R. Glenn Brook, University of Tennessee Knoxville
IXPUG Annual Conference 2020 presentations will be published on the IXPUG website.
Location: Online - information coming soon (Virtually Hosted by TACC)
Questions? Email events@ixpug.org