![]() | ISLS2024: International Symposium on Language Sciences: Interdisciplinary Research and the Legacy of Yuen Ren Chao 語言科學國際研討會:趙元任學術思想與跨學科研究 The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Hong Kong, Hong Kong, May 10-11, 2024 |
Conference website | https://www.polyu.edu.hk/fh/ISLS |
Submission link | https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=isls20240 |
Abstract registration deadline | January 31, 2024 |
Submission deadline | January 31, 2024 |
Notification of acceptance | February 15, 2024 |
Early-bird registration deadline | March 1, 2024 |
Registration and payment deadline | March 15, 2024 |
The Faculty of Humanities at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), in collaboration with the Department of Chinese and Bilingual Studies and the Department of English and Communication, is pleased to announce the International Symposium on Language Sciences (ISLS): Interdisciplinary Research and the Legacy of Yuen Ren Chao. The Symposium will take place on 10-11 May 2024 (Friday and Saturday) at PolyU in Hong Kong.
The Faculty of Humanities of PolyU is dedicated to fostering collaboration between language, history, culture, communication, and technology in both education and research. With a broad scope that encompasses various areas of language sciences, the Faculty has a distinguished team of scholars and researchers specialising in linguistics, language technologies, Chinese-English bilingual studies and translation, and intercultural communication. Our scholars ardently pursue language science research and contribute to language education. As the initiator and host of the Symposium, it exemplifies the Faculty’s commitment to uphold the PolyU motto, “To learn and to apply, for the benefit of mankind”. By actively engaging in knowledge discovery, knowledge transfer, and social advancement, the Faculty aims to make significant contributions to the progress of society.
Objectives and Aims
The ISLS aims to provide a platform for interdisciplinary dialogues and the exchange of ideas among leading scholars, researchers, students, and professionals in the fields of linguistics and language sciences. The symposium will foster the exploration of novel concepts, the sharing of research findings, and the establishment of professional connections. Additionally, it seeks to inspire future generations of linguists and language sciences researchers to continue advancing these fields. The symposium also intends to pay tribute to the remarkable contributions of Professor Yuen Ren Chao in language sciences.
Keynote Speakers
- Prof. CUI Xiliang, Professor of Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, Beijing Language and Culture University
- Prof. LUKE Kang Kwong Kapathy, President’s Chair Professor of Linguistics, Nanyang Technological University
- Prof. Alain PEYRAUBE, Chair Professor of Chinese Linguistics, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales
- Prof. SUN Chaofen, Professor of East Asian Languages and Cultures, Stanford University
- Prof. Ovid Jyh-Lang TZENG, Academician of Academia Sinica
Theme of Symposium
- Bilingualism and Multilingualism
- Corpus Linguistics and Computational Linguistics
- Discourse Analysis and Pragmatics
- Interculturality, linguistic diversity, and social inclusion: Current issues and future challenges
- Interdisciplinary Approaches to Language Studies
- Language Acquisition and Development
- Language and Health
- Language Teaching and Pedagogy
- Metaphor Meets Machine: Contemporary Research, Application, and Pedagogy
- Neurolinguistics and Brain Imaging
- Professor Yuen Ren Chao’s Contributions to Linguistics and Language Sciences
- Psycholinguistics and Cognitive Linguistics
- The Research-teaching Nexus in English for Academic Purposes
Call for Papers
Individual Papers (oral or poster)
- The proposals should consist of a clear preference for either oral or poster presentation and should not exceed one A4 page or 500 words in length, excluding references.
- Oral presentations will be organised into sessions, with each individual presentation allocated 20 minutes. There will be a 20-minute session for collective discussion session at the end of each panel, which will be presided by the Panel Chair.
- Selected papers will be invited to submit full versions in an edited volume after the Symposium.
- Poster presenters must be available physically to engage in discussions about their work during the dedicated poster session. They will stand by their posters during the designated session and engage with interested attendees who approach their posters.
Roundtable: Career Development
- This format is specifically designed to cater to early career researchers pursuing doctoral or postdoctoral studies, as well as experienced researchers working on or planning pilot projects, or interested in sharing preliminary results.
- It offers an excellent opportunity for participants to seek feedback, discuss challenges and successes, and receive valuable input from both their peers and experienced researchers.
- The proposals should not exceed one A4 page or 500 words (excluding references), and should aim at an oral presentation.
- The roundtables will be organised with each presentation lasting 10 minutes. There will be a 20-minute discussion at the end of the session.
Format of Proposal
The proposal should be submitted in either English or Chinese. The names and complete contact information for all authors should be provided. There should be a clear indication of which author(s) will present the paper and the language of the presentation. Please submit an abstract through this link: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=isls20240.
Proposal Selection Criteria
All proposals will undergo a review process. Multiple proposals may be submitted, but normally only one proposal will be accepted for oral presentation. Any additional accepted proposals may be presented as poster(s).
Authors are advised to consider the following criteria, which will be used as the basis for selection:
- Originality of the topic and its relevance to the Symposium
- Background contextualisation of the study
- Coherence and alignment between the title and content of the proposal
- Theoretical and methodological appropriateness
- Clarity of claims and their relevance to the conference
Notifications regarding acceptance or rejection will be sent out in mid-February 2024. If the application is formally accepted, the responsible (presenting) authors must register for the symposium before the registration deadline.
An application for awards is not necessary, as the organiser will evaluate and select the recipients of awards through the assessment of proposals and presentations. The assessment will be mainly based on the abstract and presentations.
- Best Paper Award (for oral presentation only)
It recognises the outstanding contribution of a research paper presented at ISLS. It aims to acknowledge and honour the paper that demonstrates exceptional originality, depth of research, theoretical or practical significance, and overall excellence in the field of language sciences. The recipient of this award will have made a significant impact on advancing knowledge and understanding in language science research.
Number of awards: 1
Prize: cash prize of HK$ 3,000
Student Research Award (for students pursuing postdoctoral or doctoral studies)
It aims to support selected student researchers in their participation at ISLS by covering part of their conference expenses. It is open to students who submit proposals for oral/poster presentations, or for the Roundtable: Career Development at the Symposium. The first author/major contributor is eligible for the award.
Number of awards: 5
Prize: cash prize of HK$ 1,000
Registration Fees
- Category A: Oral paper, poster and roundtable presenters (excluding those in Category B): HK$2,500
- Category B: Postdoctoral fellows, doctoral students, other students and general participants (non-presenters): HK$1,000
- Registration fees are non-refundable.
Registration fees include:
- Access to all keynote and presentation sessions of the Symposium;
- Networking lunches and refreshments at the Symposium; and
- Gala dinner cum Chao Prize Award Presentation Ceremony.
- Early-bird Registration: Participants who register on or before 1 March 2024 will enjoy a 20% discount on the registration fees.
- Group Registration: Group registrations from the same institution/organisation with three or more participants can enjoy a 20% discount on the registration fees.
Important Dates
- Proposal submission deadline: 31 January 2024 (extended)
- Notification of acceptance: 15 February 2024
- Early-bird registration deadline: 1 March 2024
- Registration and payment deadline: 15 March 2024
- Symposium: 10-11 May 2024
Presenters: Please submit an abstract of your paper through EasyChair first.
General participants: Please click here to register.
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU)
*The Symposium details are subject to change.