INFINT 2017: Information interactions 2017 / Informačné interakcie 2017 University library in Bratislava / Univerzitná knižnica v Bratislave Bratislava, Slovakia, October 17, 2017 |
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Abstract registration deadline | August 30, 2017 |
Submission deadline | September 10, 2017 |
INVITED TALK: Martijn van Otterlo
The ethics of artificially intelligent algorithms in society, public libraries and archives
Our society is increasingly controlled by artificially intelligent, pervasive software systems that feed on our neverending growing heap of data traces that represent our characteristics, our wishes, our desires, our beliefs, and even our darkest secrets. Well-known examples are giant tech-firms like Google, Twitter, and Facebook, but there are numerous digital parts of our society where algorithms are being employed to monitor us, predict us, manipulate us, and to control us. Such systems increasingly replace interactions that were once purely physical. For example, Amazon's Kindle e-reader now intermediates aspects of buying, browsing, reading, and marking up, books. The dating app Tinder replaces aspects of finding, meeting and looking at potential partners. Facebook mediates many once-physical activities, such as talking with people, showing photographs, commenting on the quality of a friend's outfit, and so on. Physical interactions that were once fire-and-forget events are now being turned into a data memory and can be analyzed indefinitely by intelligent algorithms that can generalize over behavioral patterns, link data to other data, and predict the likelihood of future events to happen. Ethical norms that were once established for the physical world are now being challenged by many kinds of novel situations in the digital world. It is often unclear whether new technologies are only creepy, or that they are possibly illegal, or that they require new laws and regulations. The emerging field of "ethics of algorithms"1 studies the ethical aspects of the algorithmic transformation of our society.
In this talk I will discuss the ethics of algorithmic developments such as machine learning and artificial intelligence and outline general ethical aspects of algorithms with increasing agency. I will additionally employ the domain of public libraries, and that of archival practices, to illustrate potential effects of digitalization [6] and algorithmization. I will draw upon my research in sensor-based digitalizations of public libraries and the potential of user monitoring and manipulation [3] in the BLIIPS project [1,5,7,8], research into the ethics of acces in archival practices and how human ethical codes of conduct could be utilized to gain insight in how to provide intelligent algorithms with ethical behavior [9], and our recent empirical, qualitative studies with both public library professionals as well as archivists, aimed to map out the perceived threats and opportunities of algorithms in these professions. My aims in this talk are i) introducing the new field of ethics of algorithms and why it is important, ii) illustrating how different algorithms, with different capabilities and levels of agency, create particular ethical issues, iii) zooming in on public libraries and archives as particularly interesting examples of digitalization and algorithmization because they represent vital societal functions, iv) sketching the contours of solutions to ethical challenges induced by algorithms, for example by employing adaptive [2] capabilities of algorithms themselves to learn from human ethical value systems, and v) generally increase algorithmic literacy [4].
- [1]
- [2] Wiering, M.A. and van Otterlo, M. (2012) Reinforcement Learning: State-of-the-Art, Springer Berlin Heidelberg (ISBN 978-3-642-27644-6) (Now being translated into Chinese, 2016-2017).
- [3] van Otterlo, M. (2014) Automated Experimentation in Walden 3.0. : The Next step in Profiling, Predicting, Control and Surveillance in: Surveillance and Society, volume 12, number 2.
- [4] van Otterlo, M. (2015) The Libraryness of Calculative Devices : Artificially intelligent librarians and their impact on information consumption, in: Algorithmic Life, L. Amoore and V. Piotukh (eds.) Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, London UK.
- [5] van Otterlo, M. (2016) Project BLIIPS: Making the Physical Public Library more Intelligent through Artificial Intelligence, Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries (QQML) 5: 287-300, 2016
- [6] van Otterlo, M., & Feldberg, F. (2016). Van kaas naar big data: Data Science Alkmaar, het living lab van NoordHolland noord. Bestuurskunde, 29–34
- [7] van Otterlo, M. (2017) Technical fixes and ethical challenges for activity monitoring in physical public libraries through big data and artificial intelligence --- Invited talk at the 9th International Conference on Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries (QQML2017) in Limerick, Ireland (May 2017)
- [8] van Otterlo, M. and Warnaar, M. (2017) Towards Optimizing the Public Library: Indoor Localization in SemiOpen Spaces and Beyond, proceedings of the Benelux Conference on Machine Learning (Benelearn-2017)
- [9] van Otterlo, M. (2017) From Intended to Intentional Archivists: Ethical Codes for humans and machines in the archives, to appear in Archives in the Infosphere, Smit, F., Glaudemans, A. and Jonker, R. (eds.) Martijn van Otterlo obtained his PhD (artificial intelligence, A.I.) from the University of Twente (Netherlands, 2008) with a dissertation on expressive knowledge representation in machine learning from evaluative feedback. He published two books on such adaptive learning algorithms (2009 IOS Press; 2012 Springer, together with Dr. Wiering). Martijn has worked on robotics, vision and language and held positions in Freiburg (Germany), Leuven (Belgium), Nijmegen (The Netherlands). His second research interest, which arose from his expertise in A.I., concerns the ethics and implications of adaptive algorithms on privacy, surveillance and society. He has served as committee member and reviewer for dozens of international journals and conferences on machine learning, data science and artificial intelligence. In his current position at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (The Netherlands) he combines data science and ethics with his third interest: libraries. He currently studies the digitalization of physical, public libraries, and also the ethical consequences of datafication of library processes and services. More information can be found at
International Workshop Information interactions 2017 (Seminár Informačné interakcie 2017) - 17th of October 2017
- Main topic: information behaviour of researchers, digital scholarship, information literacy
- Objectives: present research results; discuss theory, methodology and practice; presentations of doctoral students´ projects; discuss of methodological problems of information science
- Content: research papers, PhD. students´ research projects
- Audience: researchers, doctoral students, computer scientists, collaborators, practitioners, managers of libaries and information institutions
- Hlavná téma: informačné správanie vedcov, digitálne vedy, informačná gramotnosť
- Ciele: prezentácie výsledkov výskumu, diskusia o aktuálnych otázkach teórie a praxe, prezentácie projektov doktorandov, diskusia k metodologickým problémom informačnej vedy.
- Obsah: výskumné príspevky, projekty doktorandov, výskumníkov, informatikov, zahraničných kolegov
- Cieľová skupina: výskumníci, doktorandi, informatici, informační a knižniční profesionáli, manažéri knižníc a informačných inštitúcií
Submission Guidelines
- Paper proposals (abstracts – of one half standard page in English language) should be submitted into Easy chair system by 15th of September 2017 (in case of any problems, please send by email to
Important dates:
- 30th August 2017 - abstract submission deadline
- 20th September 2017 - acceptation of abstracts
- 17th October - workshop
- Návrh témy príspevku (projektu) s abstraktom (1 strana v anglickom jazyku) vložte do tohto systému do 15.9.2017 (v prípade akýchkoľvek problémov môžete aj na adresu
Dôležité termíny:
- 30.8.2017 - zaslanie abstraktu
- 20.9.2017 - akceptácia abstraktu
- 17.10.2017 - konanie konferencie
List of Topics
- information behaviour of researchers, digital scholarship, information literacy, social networks, digital libraries, information repositories, open science, digital humanities, HCI, HII and more ...
- informačné správanie vedcov, digitálna veda, informačná gramotnosť, sociálne siete, digitálne knižnice, informačné repozitáre, otvorená veda, digitálne humanitné vedy, otvorená veda, HCI, HII ai...
Program Committee
- Jela Steinerová (Programme chair)
- Jaroslav Šušol
- Mária Bieliková
- Elaine Toms
- Horatiu Dragomirescu
- Alojz Androvič
- Pavol Rankov
- Barbora Drobíková
- Pavla Kovářová
Organizing committee
- Katarína Buzová (Organization chair)
- Andrea Hrčková
- Františka Tomoriová
- Jakub Fázik
- Michaela Kmeťová
Organizing institutions: Department of Library and Information Science, Comenius University, University Library in Bratislava.
Location: University Library in Bratislava, Lecture Hall, Venturska street 11, Bratislava
(south location on the map:
Other info:
The participation is free of charge. Preferred langue si English, but also Slovak and Czech languages can be considered.
We can arrange for the accommodation and travel for partiicpants, however we are not able to fund the costs of the stay of participants.
The papers of the conference can be published in our Annual reveiw of Library and Information Science. The deadline for submission is Janury 31st 2018.
All questions about submissions should be emailed to or .
Need accomodation?
If you would like to join in for more days, and you didn’t find a place to stay at, we can recommend you these hotels, which are all very close (less then 10 minutes by walking or only few stops by tram) to the place where conference will take place (University library, Venturska 11 street) and are on a lower budget:
- Hotel Druzba, Botanicka 25 Single room * 27.30 € /night
- Old City hotel, Michalska 2 Single room 35 Eur/night
- Hostel Petit, Suche mýto 19 Single room 35 Eur/night
If you have any question, do not hesitate to contact us.
We are looking forward to you!
Katarina Buzova On behalf of Library and Information Science dept., Faculty of Arts, Comenius University in Bratislava