![]() | IDC-2024: 12th IDRBT Doctoral Colloquium Institute for Development and Research in Banking Technology Hyderabad, India, December 12-13, 2024 |
Conference website | https://www.idrbt.ac.in/idrbt-doctoral-colloquium/ |
Submission link | https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=idc20241 |
Submission deadline | August 1, 2024 |
12th IDRBT Doctoral Colloquium
The Institute
The Institute for Development and Research in Banking Technology (IDRBT) is the premier Institute of Banking Technology in India. Established by Reserve Bank of India in 1996, the Institute spearheads efforts in providing state-of-the-art technologies for the Indian Banking and Financial Sector.Right from creating Technology Infrastructure, engaging in quality Development and Research, to moulding the Technology Talent required for the Banking Sector, IDRBT enables the technology transformation of the Indian Banking and Financial Sector. IDRBT is the only Institute in the country exclusively focused on the niche area of Banking Technology.IDRBT is actively engaged in a number of Research Projects aimed at developing the standards and systems of Banking Technology in India. The Institute provides Advisory and Consultancy Services to Banks and Financial Institutions on various technology issues. IDRBT is a Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (SIRO), recognised by the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India.The Institute in collaboration with the University of Hyderabad has been offering a unique M. Tech programme in Information Technology (with specialization in Banking Technology and Information Security since 2001). IDRBT offers Ph.D. Fellowships to Full-time Ph.D. Students of premier technological institutes like IIT Hyderabad, UoH, NIT Warangal and NIT Trichy through which Ph.D. students pursue research on full-time basis in the IDRBT campus. IDRBT also offers Post-Doctoral Fellowship to nurture the research areas of mutual interest for the practitioners.The vision of the IDRBT is "To be the premier and preferred Research and Development Institution on Financial Sector Technology and its Management, working at the intersection of Banking and Technology for the Indian Banking."
12th IDC
With the objectives of networking technology researchers, sharing knowledge and learning from each other and exploring emerging areas of research in various areas of technology, the Institute announces the 12th IDRBT Doctoral Colloquium. The colloquium will be held on December 12-13, 2024, at the Institute for Development and Research in Banking Technology (IDRBT) campus in Hyderabad, India. Students pursuing Ph.D. can share their research work and are benefitted from the academic community by obtaining valuable feedback for making progress in their research. The Colloquium involves extensive participation of faculty members and technical experts from IDRBT as well as from other top technical institutes, banks, financial institutions, and industry in various capacities such as reviewers, presenters and members of the Jury. The Doctoral Colloquium is a significant effort towards bringing together the best and latest in technology research related to Banking.
List of Topics
The colloquium invites submissions reflecting the current trends in the areas mentioned below and other closely related topics with an application to Banking Technology:
- Applied Cryptography: Access Control, Anonymity and Privacy, CryptographicProtocols, Key Management, Key Agreement Protocols, Privacy Enhancing TechniquesZero-knowledge Proofs, Secure Multiparty Computation, Differential Privacy, Homomorphic Encryption, Public Key Cryptography, Light Weight Cryptography, Postquantum Cryptography, Quantum Computing, Quantum Communications
- Authentication and Identity Management: Pattern Recognition, Image Processing, Multimodal Biometrics, Physiological and Behavioural Biometrics, Multi-factorAuthentication, Single Sign-on, Privacy Preservation, Digital Rights Management
- Cyber Security: Network Security, Web Security, Application Security, Malware Analysis, Hardware Security, IoT Security, Mobile Security, Software Security, Information Security, Security Testing, Digital Forensics, Cyber Defence, Recent Trends in Cyber Attacks and Mitigation Techniques, Vulnerabilities and Controls, FormalVerification Methods
- Data Centres, Virtualisation and Cloud Computing: Green Computing, Open source technologies, Architectures, Security and Privacy, Edge and Fog Computing, MicroServices, Multi-Access Edge Computing, Data Center Management, Data Security and privacy, Scalability and Performance, Big Data and NoSQL Databases, Graph Databases
- Data Science: Artificial Intelligence (Subsuming Explainable AI, and Causal Inference) &Machine Learning (subsuming Reinforcement Learning, Deep Learning, Deep RL, LLMs, Adversarial ML, Auto ML, Privacy-Preserving ML, and MLoPS), Big Data Analytics(subsuming streaming data analytics), Social Media Analytics, Financial Fraud Analytics, Chatbots, Robotic Process Automation, Data Warehouse/Data Lake/Data Lakehouse, Predictive and Prescriptive Analytics, Information Retrieval and Extraction, QueryProcessing and Optimization
- Mobile Computing and 5G: Banking Apps, Security Testing, Network Orchestration,5G Use Cases for BFSI, Multilingual Services, Mobile Governance, Mobile EdgeComputing, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Sensor Based Threats, WirelessNetworks: BAN, LAN, WAN, LoRa, WiFi, 5G/6G, Satellite, IoT networks, Control Plane -Management, Orchestration and Composition: Core Services in 5G/6G, Slicing, Management and Network Exposure APIs, Mobility Management
- Payment Channels and Systems: Digital Currency, Card Payments, ATM, PoS Devices, Mobile Payments, Drones, Blockchain, Distributed Consensus Protocols, DistributedLedgers, Wallets, Protocols for Secure Transactions, Decentralized Finance(DeFi), Smartcards, Secure Tokens, and Secure Hardware
- Program Analysis – Dataflow, Control-flow Integrity, Secure Programming Practices, Open APIs
- Use Cases and Experience: Banking Apps, Security Testing, Multilingual Services, AR/VR, Machine Triggered Transactions, Green / Zero-impact / Carbon-credit, MobileGovernance, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Metaverse, Sensor-based Threats, Micro-Insurance, Trading, Post-disaster Payments, Account-aggregator, Lending andFraud, Auditing, AI/ML Applications
- Web Services: Semantics, Ontologies, Discovery and Secure Composition, SoA, InternetBanking, Customer Education
Research Scholars currently enrolled in any Indian Institute for a full-time Ph.D. in any discipline directly related to the above-mentioned areas and have completed a minimum of two years of research after enrolling for full-time Ph.D. are eligible to participate in the Colloquium.
Candidates who have applied to the IDRBT Doctoral Colloquium previously and who have already defended their PhD thesis need not apply.
Submission Guidelines
Submitted papers should give a clear description of the Ph.D. work being conducted by the author of the paper. In particular, papers must:
- Provide a clear problem statement outlining the research challenges that drive the proposed work.
- Describe the proposed solution with research methodology, its expected impact, and preliminary results.
- Discuss the potential improvements the work will make to the state-of-the-art.
- Compare the research outcomes with current literature and approaches (cite key papers).
- Potential applications in the Banking and Financial Sector.
Formatting guidelines and templates are available here.
Each paper must be at most six pages in length, including figures, tables, references and annexures, if any. Please email a scanned copy of your Institutional Identity Card to idc@idrbt.ac.in, and mention “<your name> – ID card” in the subject line of the email.
The above guidelines are strictly enforced, and papers not adhering to these guidelines risk rejection without a review.
A single PDF file should be submitted through the EasyChair Submission System by August 01, 2024.
The copyright of the work presented in the colloquium shall rest with the author. However, the Institute would publish the title and abstract of the work presented in the Institute's newsletters/reports.
Important Dates
- Paper Submission: August 01, 2024
- Notification of Acceptance: October 15, 2024
- Camera Ready: December 2, 2024
- 12th IDRBT Doctoral Colloquium: December 12-13, 2024
An eminent jury will evaluate the papers and the presentations and the top three scholars will receive prizes of INR 1,00,000/- (Rupees One Lakh), INR 50,000/- (Rupees Fifty Thousand) and INR 35,000/(Rupees Thirty-Five Thousand) respectively in order of their standing. All presenters will also receive a certificate of participation.
Dr. Dipanjan Roy Dr. Susmita Mandal
Assistant Professor, IDRBT Assistant Professor, IDRBT Telephone: +91 (40) 2329 4308 Telephone: +91 (40) 2329 4303 Email: droy@idrbt.ac.in Email: msusmita@idrbt.ac.inContact
Telephone: +91 (40) 2329 4308
Email: idc@idrbt.ac.in