![]() | ICTL-19: 19th International Conference on Turkish Linguistics Nazarbayev University Astana, Kazakhstan, August 17-19, 2018 |
Conference website | https://shss.nu.edu.kz/news/ictl-2018 |
Submission link | https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ictl19 |
Abstract registration deadline | March 15, 2018 |
Submission deadline | March 15, 2018 |
We are pleased to announce that 19th International Conference on Turkish Linguistics will take place at Nazarbayev University, Astana, Kazakhstan from Friday, 17 August to Sunday, 19 August, 2018. (We suggest Thursday, 16 August as an arrival day, since most flights from Europe usually arrive in the pre-dawn hours in the early morning.)
Submission Guidelines
All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference. Contributions are welcome on Turkish or other Turkic languages in all linguistic domains, and can be in the form of:
- Full papers - individual papers (20 minutes presentation+10 minutes discussion),
- Workshops - to be organized by a group leader who would invite researchers working on a common topic, and poster presentations.
The number of presentations each participant can submit is limited to two abstracts of any type at most: an individual and/or a co-authored one. Abstracts for individual presentations should not exceed 250 words and should be structured according to the format requirements (cf. below).
The internal format of the workshops and the number of papers to be included are under the responsibility of the organizer. Organizers are expected to hand in an abstract of the concept of the workshop which also includes a summary of the individual presentations, in not more than 650 words. In addition, each contributor is expected to hand in an abstract of her/his paper separately. The workshop concept as a whole and each paper within the workshop will be reviewed.
All abstracts will be double blind peer reviewed; the results of the evaluation as well as the comments of the reviewers will be transferred to the applicant individually and confidentially. Selected papers, workshops and posters will be announced by May 4, 2018.
The official language of the conference will be English.
Registration should be made online via the conference website (please contact the organizers to find out other means in case you cannot register online for some reason). To register the conference, please fill out the online registration form and deposit the registration fees with one of the bank accounts which will be provided later.
Participant Information
Information regarding travel, three categories of accommodation, social activities and fees will soon be posted on the conference website. We anticipate a registration fee of 200 Euros, 150 Euros (early bird), and 100 Euros (student). Currently citizens of most countries are able to enter Kazakhstan for up to 30 days without a visa.
Organizing committee
- Uli SCHAMILOGLU, co-chair (Nazarbayev University, Department of Kazakh Language and Turkic Studies) uli.schamiloglu@nu.edu.kz
- Andrey FILCHENKO, co-chair (Nazarbayev University, Department of Languages, Linguistics, and Literatures) andrey.filchenko@nu.edu.kz
- Saule TAZHIBAYEVA, co-chair (Eurasian University, Department of General Linguistics and Theory of Translation) tazhibaeva_szh@enu.kz
- Magripa ESKEYEVA (Eurasian National University, Department of Turkology) eskeeva_mk@enu.kz
- Funda GÜVEN (Nazarbayev University, Department of Kazakh Language and Turkic Studies) funda.guven@nu.edu.kz
- Ainur MAYEMEROVA (International Turkic Academy – www.twesco.org) a.mayemerova@gmail.com
- Olga POTANINA (Nazarbayev University, Department of Languages, Linguistics, and Literatures) olga.potanina@nu.edu.kz
- Serikkul SATENOVA (Eurasian National University, Department of General Linguistics and Theory of Translation) satenova_sk@enu.kz
- Mahire YAKUP (Nazarbayev University, Department of Languages, Linguistics, and Literatures) yakefu.mayila@nu.edu.kz
- Sholpan ZHARKYNBEKOVA (Eurasian National University, Faculty of Philology) zharkynbekova_shk@enu.kz
The conference will be held at Nazarbayev University, Kabanbay Batyr Avenue, 53. The plan of the campus with all the locations will be available on the conference website. The website for Nazarbayev University is: https://nu.edu.kz/
Submitting workshop poposals, paper abstracts:
Abstracts should be submitted over Easychair.
Step 1: Go to SLE 2018 Easychair submission page. (https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ictl19)
a) If you already have an EasyChair account from some previous conference in the past, you can use your existing account for this conference and Go to Step 2. !!! NOTE: you may experience problems if you try to log in with an email address different from the one your account have been created with!!!
b) Create a EasyChair account: if you do not have any EasyChair account, first - you should register by just clicking at the “Create an Account” link on the Login page of EasyChair and fill in a short form. The system will send you an e-mail with the instructions how to finish the registration. !!!NOTE: Some e-mails servers at universities “filter out” automatic e-mails sent by EasyChair system. In case you do not receive an e-mail from EasyChair (within 2 days), try to find it in “junk” e-mails in your account. Sometimes this does not help and it is necessary to use another e-mail address!!!
Step 2: Login by entering your new (or old) EasyChair Username and Password.
Step 3: Click NEW SUBMISSION at the top of the page.
Step 4: By following the instructions fill in the brief form, upload your Anonymous abstract, and then click SUBMIT.
After having submitted your abstract successfully, you should receive a confirmation e-mail from EasyChair.
All questions about submissions should be emailed to ictl2018@nu.edu.kz
The conference website for on-line submission of abstracts will be announced in the next circular and at: https://shss.nu.edu.kz/news/ictl-2018
Important Dates
Submission of abstracts for proposed workshops: |
February 15, 2018 |
Announcement of accepted workshop proposals: |
February 25, 2018 |
Submission of abstracts: individual papers & posters, workshop papers: |
March 15, 2018 |
Announcement of accepted proposals: |
April 15, 2018 |
Registration deadline (early-bird fee) |
June 1, 2018 |
Conference date |
August 17-19, 2018 |