ICSGE 2025: 2025 International Conference on Smart Grid and Energy HOTEL NIKKO GUANGZHOU Guangzhou, China, December 12-14, 2025 |
Conference website | http://www.icsge.org |
Submission link | https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icsge2025 |
Submission deadline | July 10, 2025 |
Welcome researchers, experts, scholars, engineers and students from all areas of Smart Grid and Energy to participate "2025 International Conference on Smart Grid and Energy" amid December 12-14, 2025 in Guangzhou, China, which is sponsored by South China University of Technology, China. ICSGE aims to be a prestigious event that brings together experts, researchers, practitioners, and industry professionals from around the world to exchange knowledge and discuss the latest advancements in the field of smart grids and energy systems. The conference serves as a platform for the dissemination of cutting-edge research, innovative technologies, and best practices in the domain of sustainable energy.
Submission Guidelines
Full paper submission: Full Paper is requested for publication purpose.
The paper length should start from 4 full length pages per paper. When a paper exceeds 5 pages, the extra pages will be charged. Full Paper submissions should be strictly edited by following the conference template and limited to a maximum of ten (10) pages, in the 2-column format, including the bibliography and any possible appendices.
All submissions will be double-blind reviewed by the Committee on the basis of Relevance to the Conference, Originality Appropriateness of the research/study method, Innovation, Relevance and clarity of graphics and tables, Presentation. The paper content with quality is the most important part during the review.
Abstract submission: For presentation only purpose
Abstract submission should be better within around 300-400Words and should reflect the overall content of the paper including the problem to be resolved, the method to solve the problem, results and conclusions achieved,ect. It's better without figures and references. And there is no template for abstract submission, one pdf or word file with requirement is ok.
List of Topics
ICSGE aims in proclaim knowledge and share new thoughts amongst the professionals, industrialists and students from research areas of Smart Grid and Energy to share their research encounters and indulge in interactive discussions and special sessions at the event. Contributions are encouraged from, but not limited to, the themes and topics in the following areas:
► Microgrid, smart grid, cloud system ► Smart grid strategy ► Energy saving ► Large power grid security control ► Power Electronics and Energy Conversion ► Sustainable development ► Communication-based control and protection ► Energy storage and management ► Sustainable energy policy ► Energy transfer and interaction technology ► Electronic smart meters for transmission technology ► Renewable energy ► Smart sensors and advanced metering infrastructure ► Embedded and autonomous systems ► Green technology ► Smart grid safety and reliability ► Distributed resource integration ► Green energy ► Smart grid testing and evaluation technology ► National/Global Energy Interconnection ► Progress in green energy technology ► Smart grid implementation and field test ► Smart grid technology and equipment ► The future of green energy systems ► Smart grid network and communication ► Smart grid architecture and model ► Nano environmental technology ► Smart grid network and physical security
Conference Chairs
Jizhong Zhu, South China University of Technology, China, IEEE Fellow
Joe Dong, Nanyang Technological University,Singapore, IEEE Fellow
Program Chairs
Justin Pang, Singapore Institute of Technology, Singapore
Jiang Fan, Singapore Polytechnic, Singapore
Program Co-Chairs
Zhifang Yang, Chongqing University, China
Viboon Sricharoenchaikul, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
Local Chair
Xu Yan, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Regional Chairs
Chaojie Li, University of NSW, Australia
Rui Zhang, University of NSW, Australia
Publicity Chairs
Kei Eguchi, Fukuoka Institute of Technology, Japan
Chonghui Song, Northeastern University, China
Philip W. T. Pong, New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA
The submission of ICSGE2025 will be carefully double-blind peer reviewed by Technical Program Committee and sub-reviewers. All accepted (Registered & Presented) papers of ICSGE2025 will be collected in the conference proceedings, which submitted to indexers Ei Compendex, Scopus etc. major databases.
Address: 1961, Huaguan Road, Tianhe Disrict, Guangzhou, 510520 P.R.China
Sara Young
(86) 155-7490-6062 (CN)
(00) 1 6193091099 (EN)