ICIL 2025: International Conference on Industrial Logistics Tokyo, Japan, October 30-November 2, 2025 |
Conference website | https://icil2025.iciil.net/ |
Submission link | https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icil2025 |
Abstract registration deadline | May 15, 2025 |
Submission deadline | August 7, 2025 |
The International Conference on Industrial Logistics (ICIL) 2025 will take place in Tokyo, Japan, from October 30th to November 2nd, 2025, hosted by the International Centre for Innovation and Industrial Logistics (ICIIL).
ICIIL is a non-profit professional association which has been developing an integrated view of Industrial Logistics, sharing and exchanging ideas and research results among students, researchers, academics and industrialists. ICIL is the main mean to attain these objectives worldwide, moving from France 1993 to Brazil 1995, USA 1997, Russia 1999, Japan 2001, Finland 2003, Uruguay 2005, Lithuania 2006, Israel 2008, again Brazil 2010, Croatia 2012, 2014 and 2023, Poland 2016 and again Israel 2018. In 2025, Japan will welcome researchers and practitioners once again.
The conference will feature a multidisciplinary program that will include original research results and contributions to the fields of logistics and supply chain management. Organizing and Scientific Committees gladly invite professionals, academics, students and industrialists to send contributing papers to the Conference.
Submission Guidelines
All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference. The following paper categories are welcome:
- Full papers presenting original research results and contributions to the fields of logistics and supply chain management.
List of Topics
- Supply Chain Management
- Purchasing and Procurement
- Inventory Management
- In-plant Logistics
- Material Handling
- Plant Layout
- Operations Management and Scheduling
- Plant Location
- Warehousing
- Warehouse/DC Design and Layout
- Storage Equipment and Systems
- Warehouse Process Optimization
- Warehouse Location
- Distribution Design and Planning
- Distribution Management
- Transportation
- Transportation Modes, Intermodal Transport
- Transportation Management, Route Optimization
- Simulation Modelling of Logistics Systems and Processes
- Logistics 4.0
- Robotics in Logistics
- Digital/Smart Logistics
- Logistics Information Systems
- Identification and Communication
- E-logistics
- Packaging and Labeling
- Reverse Logistics
- Recycling and Waste Management
- Sustainable (Green) Logistics / SCM
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- Reliability and Maintenance of Logistic Systems
- Financial and Economic Modelling / Aspects of Logistics
- Forecasting
- Customer Service
- After-sales Support
- Logistics Outsourcing
- Global Logistics
- Ergonomics in Logistics
Program Committee
- Axmann B. (Germany)
- Bakir N.O. (Oman)
- Benavides A.J. (Peru)
- Bielecki M. (Poland)
- Bortolini M. (Italy)
- Brlek P. (Croatia)
- Burinskiene A. (Lithuania)
- Cajner H. (Croatia)
- Canen A.G. (Brazil)
- Cancela H. (Uruguay)
- Cohen Y. (Israel)
- Dubreta N. (Croatia)
- Dujak D. (Croatia)
- Dukic G. (Croatia)
- Fernandez I. (Spain)
- Gajsek B. (Slovenia)
- Helo P. (Finland)
- Hirz M. (Austria)
- Kolar D. (Croatia)
- Kulturel-Konak S. (USA)
- Lehrer T. (Slovenia)
- Manzini R. (Italy)
- Mayrhofer W. (Austria)
- Menipaz E. (Israel)
- Ozturk U.A. (Japan)
- Opetuk T. (Croatia)
- Piñeyro P. (Uruguay)
- Quezada F. (Colombia)
- Rogic K. (Croatia)
- Rossit D. (Argentina)
- Safran M. (Croatia)
- Sawik T. (Poland)
- Schmidt S. (Germany)
- Syahrial E. (Malaysia)
- Tanaka K. (Brazil)
- Tammela I. (Brazil)
- Tharmmaphornphilas W. (Thailand)
- Tohme F. (Argentina)
- Viana V. (Uruguay)
- Wellbrock W. (Germany)
- Wu X. (China)
- Yildiz H. (USA)
Organizing committee
- Prof. Hector Cancela - Universidad de la Republica, Uruguay
- Prof. Alberto G. Canen - COPPE, Federal University Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- Prof. Goran Dukic - FMENA, University of Zagreb, Croatia
- Prof. Isabel Fernandez - University of Oviedo, Gijon, Spain
- Prof. Petri Helo - University of Vaasa, Finland
- Prof. Tone Lerher - University of Maribor, Slovenia
- Prof. Ehud Menipaz - Ben Gurion University, Beer Sheva Ira Center for Business Technology and Society, Israel
- Prof. U. Aytun Ozturk - Ritsumeikan University, Japan
All questions about submissions should be emailed to ozturk@fc.ritsumei.ac.jp