ICI3C-2023: 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Communication & Convergence IIMT, Bhubaneswar Bhubaneswar, India, December 16-17, 2023 |
Conference website | https://iimt.ac.in/ICI3C/ |
Submission link | https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ici3c2023 |
Abstract registration deadline | November 30, 2023 |
Submission deadline | December 6, 2023 |
3rd International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Communication & Convergence (ICI3C-2023) being organized by Interscience Institute of Management & Technology (IIMT), Bhubaneswar, India and Hunan University of Economics and Finance, China during 16th and 17th December 2023. The aim of the conference is to provide the platform for Academicians, Researchers, Scientists, and Professionals to share their knowledge and expertise in the field of Intelligent Computing, Communication and Convergence. Authors are invited to submit previously unpublished original research papers and not under consideration for publication elsewhere. It has tree tracks as follows:
- Track-1 Intelligent Computing
- Track-2 Intelligent Communication and Networking
- Track-3 IT Convergence
Submission Guidelines
Submission Methods
Prospective authors are invited to submit their complete papers (including all sections, figures, tables, and references) through easy chair.
Paper Formatting
Papers must be submitted in WORD and PDF formats.All submissions must be original, unpublished, and not submitted concurrently for publication elsewhere.All papers should be written in English. This includes all sections, figures, tables, and references.All submissions must be more than 6 less than 12 pages in length.Paper Format: IEEE Template (Available in IEEE site)
Program Committee
- Professor Brij Bhoosan Gupta, Professor of Computer Science & Information Engineering, Asia University, Taiwan
- Dr. Anil Kumar Bandrana, Guildhall School of Business and Law, London Metropolitan University (LMU), London, United Kingdom (UK)
- Prof. Dr. Adil Baykasoglu, Department of Industrial Engineering, Chair, Faculty of Engineering, Dokuz Eylül University, Tinaztepe Campus, Izmir, Turkey
- Prof. Charbel Salloum, EM Normandie Business School, France
- Dr. Euiyoung Kim, Department of Design, Organization, and Strategy (DOS),Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering, Delft University of Technology (TU Delft)
- Prof. Renato Pereira, Department of Marketing, Operations and General Management, ISCTE Business School, LISBON, Portugal
- Prof. Marco Valeri, Department of Organizational Behavior; Faculty of Economics,Niccolò Cusano University; Rome; Italy
- Dr. Vipul Jain, Associate Professor in Supply Chain & Logistics Management, Wellington School of Business and Government, Victoria University of Wellington, Department of Supply Chain and Information Management (SCM), The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong (HSUHK)
- Dr. Kim Seong-Hee, Creative Convergence Education Center, Hanyang University, South Korea
- Prof. Fred Paas, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands
- Professor SnejanaYordanova, Faculty of Automation, Technical University, Sofia, Bulgaria
- Prof. Valentina Emilia Balas,Faculty of Engineering, University of Arad, Romania
- Prof. Margarita N. Favorskaya, Head of Department of Informatics and Computer Techniques Siberian State Aerospace University (SibSAU), Russian Federation
- Dr. Xiaolong Li, Indiana State University, USA
- Dr. Yeon Mo Yang, Kumoh University, Korea
- Dr. Sugam Sharma, Iowa State University, USA
- Dr. Debiao He, Wuhan University, China
- Dr. Yaser I. Jararweh, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Jordan
- Dr. Nadia Nouali-Taboudjemat, Research Centre on Scientific and Technical Information, Algeria
- Prof. Doo Heon Song, Yong-in SongDam College, South Korea
- Prof. Baojiang Zhong, Soochow University, China
- Prof. NitaigourMahalik, California Sate University, Fresno, CA
- Prof. Guangzhi Qu, Oakland University, USA
- Prof. Peng-Yeng Yin, National Chi Nan University, Taiwan
- Dr. Jayanthi Ranjan , Information Management and Systems, Ghaziabad
- Dr. Arturo de la EscaleraHueso , Intelligent Systems Lab, SPAIN
Organizing committee
- Prof. (Dr.) Ekbal Rashid, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, RTC Institute of Technology, Ranchi Jharkhand, India
- Dr. K. Karibasappa; Dayananda Sagar University; Bengaluru, Karnataka-INDIA
- Mrs. Deepti Patnaik, IIMT, Bhubaneswar
- Mrs. Sroojani Mohanty, IIMT, Bhubaneswar
- Mrs. Ratnamanjari Mishra, IIMT, Bhubaneswar
- Mr. Alok Arun, IIMT, Bhubaneswar
- Ms. Soma Mitra, IIMT, Bhubaneswar
- Mr. Duryodhan Ping, IIMT, Bhubaneswar
- Mr. Pradeep Kumar Baxla, IIMT, Bhubaneswar
- Mr. Kamalakanta Swain, IIMT, Bhubaneswar
- Mr. Smita Ranjan Dutta, ABIT,Odisha, India
- Mr. Abhilash Pati, SOA University, Bhubaneswar
- Mr. S.R.Laha , Siksha 'O' AnusandhanUniversity, India
- Mr. SashikantaPrusty,Siksha 'O' AnusandhanUniversity, India
- Mr. AmrutanshuPanigrahi,Siksha 'O' AnusandhanUniversity, India
Ms. Soma MitraConference Secretary, ICI3C-2023
Interscience Institute of Management and Technology, Bhubaneswar, India
Phone: +91- 7978030110 Email: secretary@interscience.ac.in