ICE-MTM 2022: International conference on Excellence in Marketing & Tourism Management (Date Revised) Virtual Mode Turkey & India, Turkey, January 15-16, 2022 |
Conference website | |
Submission link | |
Notification of Acceptance for Presentation (Rolling bases) | November 25, 2021 |
Abstract registration deadline | December 25, 2021 |
Submission deadline | December 25, 2021 |
ICE-MTM 2021
Date Re-Scheduling 1st - 3rd August 2021 to 15th - 16th January 2022
Greetings from ICE MTM-2021,
At these trying times, we stand together with you all to make health and safety the priority. Let's do our part as global citizens to observe the preventive measures and take good care of ourselves, our family, neighbours, and communities.
We want to share with you that we have re-scheduled the conference date on the demand of participants globally. Earlier 7th FsCongress2021 "International Conference on Excellence in Marketing & Tourism (ICE MTM-21) was scheduled to be held from 1st – 3rd August 2021, but now it is finalized to be held from 15th – 16th January 2022.
The main reason for the change in the conference date is to give the authors sufficient time to align their manuscript with the Special Issue' themes & sub-themes taken for the conference and mould their full manuscript as per the associated Journals. As everyone was having a callous time during the last 3-4 months due to COVID-19, there are several requests to give them extra time to write quality papers to meet the standard of the Journals' requirements. So, considering this pandemic situation, we decided to extend the conference date. I believe you all will support us and give your positive feedback on this re-scheduling.
About Us
On behalf of FsCongress - International Congress on Social Science - Turkey, and BlueForskning Research Academy - India, we would like to extend a heartfelt welcome to all the esteemed delegates at the International Conference on Excellence in Marketing & Tourism Management, which will be organized virtually during 15th - 16th January 2022.
We also have a journal in our bucket "Fiscaoeconomia journal." This journal is the product of the Fsecon Community (Fsecon Society). which was founded under the leadership of Ahmet Arif Eren and Orhan Şimşek. It is possible to consider the congress titled “Quovadis Social Sciences” organized in 2014 by Ahmet Arif Eren 2014 as the starting point of the journal. Fiscaoeconomia is a peer-refereed open-access international journal focusing on political economy. Fsecon tries to make significant contributions to the relationship between state, economy, and society and wants to become an important means of communication. In addition to book reviews, each issue contains the products of original research on economics, sociology, and other related social sciences. The increasing interest in the journal as the first issue was published in 2017, revived the idea of organizing a congress that contributed to the existence of the journal.
Fiscaoeconomia Journal indexed in 23 indexes internationally, approximately 120 international articles were published in a short period of 3 years. More than 450 papers were presented in 4 international congresses held until May 2020.
About the Conference:
Fscongress-International Conferences have been well attended and hugely successful for many years. This year, we have decided to have a conference on Excellence in Marketing & Tourism Management, Which will bring together tourism and hospitality industry leaders, educators, researchers and scholars from around the world. This year we are focusing on learning from the best practices around the world in rebuilding, as since the beginning of the last year 2020 the tourism and marketing industry has been struggling unprecedentedly, facing the biggest global challenge in 100 years – COVID-19 Pandemic.
This conference will be a platform for industry practitioners, academicians, entrepreneurs, and research scholars to come together, to learn, share and discuss current and emerging topics in Marketing, Tourism and, sustainable energy consumption with leaders, technologists, and learning experts. This conference would be a great knowledge-sharing event for a diverse audience embracing international and national participants. The event has inspirational keynote speakers, practitioner-led workshop sessions, and mutually beneficial networking opportunities. In these unprecedented times, technology and innovation provide new alternatives to achieve organizational goals. Consequently, organizations achieve cost/time effectiveness and can engage talent from worldwide without physical relocation. We invite original papers from interested professionals and researchers to present and participate in the conference virtually.
Papers jointly written by industry leaders and academics are preferred for this conference, as industry-academia collaboration is powerful in finding practical and innovative solutions to the challenges.
Conference Objectives
To promote research and developmental activities in state-of-art technology-oriented Marketing & Sustainable Tourism.
- To understand how the businesses for the Marketing & Tourism sector have embraced the change brought about by adopting digital technologies in their product offerings for sustainable consumption.
- To understand appropriate and effective strategies in dealing with opportunities, threats, and challenges in Marketing & Tourism management amid dynamic environmental concerns.
Submission Guidelines
All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference.
Guidelines for Extended Abstract Submission
The selection of papers for presentation and discussion will be based on the extended abstract submitted. The abstract of about 800–1200 words (excluding references) must include the purpose, objective, methodology, major findings in short, and theoretical & Managerial contribution of the research along with the suitable keywords. It should follow the guidelines given below:
Font: Times New Roman; Font Size: 12 points; 1.5-space
Title Page: Title, Author(s), Affiliation(s), Contact Details
Abstracts are to be submitted using EasyChair account only. Details are given below.
Guidelines for Full Paper Submission
Manuscript Requirements
Word Length: Full-length papers should usually not exceed 8,000 words including tables & Figures (excluding references).
Parts of the ManuscriptThe manuscript should be submitted in a single file, which would have a title page (1); Main Manuscript, References, etc.
The title page should contain:
A short abstract of 250 words containing the major keywords. The title should not contain abbreviations
A short running title of less than 40 characters;
The full names of the authors along with their institutional affiliations, contact details (postal address, email, and telephone) for the corresponding author.
Full Manuscript
The title of the manuscript
A short abstract of 250 words containing the major keywords (maximum 5).
Full Manuscript followed by references. Kindly place the Tables and Figures at their respective places in the manuscript only.
Spacing: 1.5, Font: Times New Roman, Font Size: 12 Points, Margin of one inch all around
References: APA formatting style.
The paper must have not been published or accepted for publication elsewhere an undertaking to this effect should appear in the cover letter in the manuscript.
Abstracts and full papers are to be submitted to the conference using an easy-chair account.
Themes & Sub-themes
This conference intended to invite prospective academicians and practitioners to present their original work in the form of conceptual and empirical papers that fit into the theme of the conference.
Themes of the conference include:
Track 1. Consumer Behaviour in Marketing & Tourism in the digital edge
Digital Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Consumer behavior in digital edge, Sustainable consumer behavior, decision-making, expectations, virtual experience and satisfaction, Brand Management, Strategic Branding using Gamification in Global Market Place, Uses of Emojis for Marketing Communication practices, Industrial Marketing, Services Marketing, Retail Marketing, Neuro-Marketing, Luxury Marketing, Industrial Marketing, Permission Marketing, Green Marketing, Sustainable Marketing, Rural Marketing, International Marketing, Strategic Marketing & Planning, Use of AR (Augmented Reality) in sales and marketing, Ethics & Social Responsibility in Marketing, Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Marketing Communications, internationalization of tourism, hospitality and event education, IT, ICT, e-tourism, and Destination branding
Track 2: Artificial Intelligence & Data Analytics for sustainable Tourism & Marketing
The application of machine learning, measurement techniques, and advanced research methodologies related to marketing & tourism. Role of Big Data analysis, text mining, recommender systems analytics, supervised and unsupervised learning, social network analytics, and deep learning computing in developing the marketing & tourism industry. Robotics, AI, deepfakes, privacy concerns, fake news, data security, digital influencers, blockchain, gamification techniques, digital engagement, online nudging, alternative realities (VR, AR, MR), wearables, etc. for the growth of the marketing & tourism sector, Sustainable Innovation, creativity and change management
Track 3. Sustainable Tourism practices & Eco-Tourism development
Tourism and culture, Tourism patterns, Sustainable tourism, Tourism for economic development, Tourism and destinations, Tourism development and hospitality, Tourism in contemporary society, Tourism industry, Sustainable development and effective management of competitive city destinations, Accessible city tourism for all and cultural heritage management, Connectivity and tourism competitiveness, Sports & Event tourism
Protected Areas and Tourism, Urban Tourism and Cultural Heritage, GIS Applications in Tourism, Tourism, and environment, Tourism planning and regional development, Entrepreneurship in Tourism and Hospitality, Gastronomic Tourism, New types of Tourism (Dark/Grief Tourism, Event Tourism, Film Tourism, etc.), Animation in Tourism, Hunting Tourism
Track 4. Human Resource Management practices for sustainable marketing & Tourism
Green Jobs, Sustainable Leadership, Digital HR, Strategic HRM, Industrial Relations &Legal Aspects Of HRM, Employee Turnover & Attrition, Strategic Training & Development, Transformation HR, Employee Engagement, Talent Management, Leadership Development, E-Recruitment, Integration of Technology in HR Practices, Skillset for Industry 4.0, Virtual Teams and Environments for Innovation, Performance measurement and management, AR (Augmented Reality) and Training, Information and Knowledge Management, Spiritual practices for sustainable development in the organizations.
Track 5. Responsible behavior towards Energy Consumption, Entrepreneurship, and green production
Business Models, Entrepreneurial Strategy for sustainable development, Entrepreneurial Growth, Social Entrepreneurship, Financing entrepreneurship ventures, Money Management for entrepreneurs, Family-based social entrepreneurship, Acquired and tacit knowledge in family-based business operations, Non-Governmental Organizations, and Family Business Relationships, succession, and transition issues, growth and scale-up, Innovation Tools. Energy-saving & consumption, consumer attitude toward energy saving, responsible energy consumption behavior, green production and supply chain process, Green Building Design, Green and Renewable Energy, Green Technology and Ecosystem adaption
Note: The above list is indicative. Papers conforming to the overall theme of the conference but not mentioned in the topics above are also welcome. Apart from the technical sessions, Panel Discussions will also be organized during the conference.
ICE-MTM 2022 Awards
Best Paper Award
The best paper award (including certificate) will be given to the authors from each track for his/her work of ingenuity, importance, and quality research as adjudged by the Conference Committee. To compete for the best paper award, submission of a full paper is mandatory. Participants must submit the full paper by 25th November 2021.
ICE-MTM 2022 Awards will be given to the studies which will be selected by the academic jury among the presented papers/posters in congress. Nominees will be evaluated with a blind peer review system from the jury.
The study’s relevance to the congress’ scope, its scientific contribution, technical merit, originality, writing style, the potential impact on the field and quality of the presentation at the conference will be considered in the evaluation process.
Best Paper: The “Best Paper Awards” will be given for each discipline.
Young Researcher of the year: The Young Researcher of the Year Award (Conditions: Being a participant in the congress, younger age of 40, application with a CV)
The winners of the best paper/best researcher awards will be formally announced during the closing ceremony or just after the conference on the webpage.
Publication Opportunities
All accepted and presented abstracts will be published in the Book of Abstracts and Conference Proceedings Book with ISBN in pdf version on our web page.
We have associated with the following Journals for potential publication opportunities;
Procedure for publication in recommended Journals:
We will shortlist the few best papers on merit and may be considered for potential publication opportunities in the following Journals. The shortlisted Manuscript would first go through the blind peer review process done by the conference committee, then based on the quality of a revised manuscript would be guided to submit to the respective Journal by the corresponding authors themselves are relevant to the aims and scope of the Journal, and would go through a peer-review process like any submission to the regular issue.
List of Journals:
Special Issue
1. Special issue of International Journal of Technology Management and Sustainable Development on the theme of "New Age of Marketing & Tourism Practices for Sustainable Business Growth". Journal is listed in Scopus & ABDC.
2. Special issue of International Journal of Spa and Wellness on the theme of "Body and Mind: Role of Wellness Tourism and Destination Branding". Taylor & Francis listed Journal, Ranked in ABDC.
Associated Journals
1. Tourism Review - ABDC - B & SCOPUS
2. Baltic Journal of Management (BJM) - ABDC & SCOPUS
3. Journal of Indian Business Research (JIBR) - ABDC & SCOPUS
4. Asian Journal of Business Research (AJBR) - ABDC & SCOPUS
5. International Journal of Tourism Cities (IJTC) - ABDC & SCOPUS
6. Electronic Journal on Information Systems in Developing Countries (EJISDC) - ABDC & SCOPUS
7. European Journal of International Management - ABS & SCOPUS
8. Journal of Content Community and Communication - SCOPUS
9. South Asian Journal of Marketing (SAJM) -
Note: The articles will be shortlisted on merit and may be considered for potential publication opportunities in the above-listed Journals. The conference organizers and Journals editors do not guarantee any publication.
The conference will be held Virtually using the online platform.
Important Dates
Extended Abstract/ Full Paper Submission : 20th December 2021
Abstrac Approval (Rolling bases) : 20th November 2021
Full Paper Submission (For Best Paper Award) : 25th November 2021
Last Date of Registration : 30th December 2021
Conference Date : 15th - 16th January 2022
Note: Extended Abstract is optional. You can directly submit your full paper by 20th December 2021.
Registration from the single author is sufficient to avail the presentation certificate for all co-authors. The number of authors must be limited to four per paper.
Registration Details
Turkey citizens | Indian Citizens | Foreign Delegates (Non-Indian & Non-Turkish) | |
Academicians | 5000 INR | $ 125 | |
Industry/Corporate delegates | 8000 INR | $ 125 | |
Research Scholars/Students | 5000 INR | $ 125 |
Note-1: For Foreign Participants - The transaction charges of the Registration Fee transfer will be borne by the participant.
Note-2: Each applicant can submit and present up to 2 abstracts/papers by paying a separate registration fee for each paper. If all authors (s) are the same in both the manuscript then one registration is enough to present both the papers at the conference otherwise, they have to register separately for both the papers.
Note-3: Registration from the single author is sufficient to avail the presentation certificate for all co-authors. The number of authors must be limited to four per paper.
Note-4: Please share the Digital Receipt of the money transfer as proof for documentation purposes using google form.
Details of Bank Transfer:
Details of bank account for Indian and foreign participants (excluding Turkish participants)
Account Name BlueForskning Research Academy
Bank Name: HDFC Bank, India
Bank A/C Number: 50200056521337
IFSC Code: HDFC0009588
OR, IFSC CODE Centralized for all HDFC branches: HDFC0000001
MICR code: 247240703
Branch Code: 9588
Swift Number: HDFCINBB
Google Pay/PayTM Number: +91 9361232711
Please fill this Google form after completing the registration process.
Link for Google Form:
Participants are requested to join the WhatsApp group only after the registration is done, as this group is exclusively for participants who will take part in the virtual conference.
Link for Whatsapp Group:
Certification: The conference presentation/participation certificate will be given jointly by the International Organization FsCongress-Turkey & Blueforskning Research Academy, India. All registered participants/delegates will be given Digital Certificate.
Advisory Committee
Prof. (Dr.) JUSTIN PAUL - USA University of PR, USA Editor-in-Chief - International Journal of Consumer Studies (A-Rank- ABDC Australia) Associate Editor - Journal of Business Research Associate Editor - European Management Journal |
Prof. (Dr.) Dimitrios Buhalis - UK Bournemouth University - UK Editor-in-Chief - Tourism Review Editor-in-Chief - Encylopedia of Tourism Management & Marketing |
Dr. HIRAM TING - Malaysia Faculty of Hospitality & Tourism Management, UCSI University, Malaysia
Chairman, Sarawak Research Society (SRS) Ambassador - Emerald Publishing (East Asia) Managing Editor - Asian Journal of Business Research Editor-in-Chief - Journal of Responsible Tourism Management (JRTM) Guest Editor - Journal of Consumer Behaviour, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, British Food Journal |
Dr. Jayantha N. Dewasiri - Sri Lanka & UK Faculty of Management Studies Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka Editor-in-Chief - South Asian Journal of Marketing Managing Editor - South Asian Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Managing Editor - Sri Lanka Journal of Management Studies Chairman: ICMR 2021 |
Ann Suwaree Ashton - Thailand Associate Professor & Associate Dean Administration Graduate School of Tourism Management National Institute of Development Administration (NIDA) Chief Editor of Journal of International and Thai Tourism Editorial Board Member for Journal of Responsible Tourism Management |
Dr. Vanessa GB Gowreesunkar - South Africa Professor & Head of Department - Tourism and Hotel Management, University of Africa, Bayelsa State, Nigeria Emal:
Organizing committee
Dr. Ahmet Arif -Turkey Dr. Vikas Arya-India
Conference Chair Conference Chair & Convenor (International)
call at +90 5325 69 92 78 call at +91 9760 32 62 62
Dr. Anshuman Sharma - UAE, Dubai Dr. Vanessa GB Gowreesunkar - Africa
Conference Convenor Executive Member Email:
call at +97 1589 23 54 65
Track Chairs
Please communicate with the track chair, if you have any clarification or quarry related to the topics covered under respective tracks. The details of the Track-Chair is given below.
Track 1. Consumer Behaviour in Marketing & Tourism in the digital edge
Dr. Thair Islam - China
Associate Professor and Senior Research Fellow
School of Economics and Management,
Tongji University, Shanghai, PR China
Track 2: Artificial Intelligence & Data Analytics for Sustainable Tourism & Marketing
Dr. Amandeep Dhir, DSc. (Tech) PhD - Norway
Full Professor (Marketing & Methods),
School of Business and Law, University Agder, Norway
Professor II (Visiting Professor), Norwegian School of Hotel Management (NHS), University of Stavanger, Norway
Extra-ordinary Professor (Honorary position), Optentia Focus Area, North-West University, South Africa
Track 3. Sustainable Tourism practices & Eco-Tourism development
Dr Vanessa GB Gowreesunkar - Nigeria
Professor & Head of Department
Tourism and Hotel Management,
University of Africa, Bayelsa State, Nigeria
Track 4. Human Resource Management practices for sustainable marketing & Tourism
Dr. Glenn Muschert - UAE
Professor of Sociology,
Khalifa University of Science and Technology, Abu Dhabi, UAE
Track 5. Responsible behavior towards Energy Consumption, Entrepreneurship, and Family Business
Dr. Dilek basar dikmen - Turkey
Associate Professor
Department of economics, Hacettepe university
All questions about submissions should be emailed to ...
For general inquiries and more information about the virtual conference, please write to us at or