ICCCI2025: 2025 7th International Conference on Computer Communication and the Internet Tokushima University Industrial Hall Tokushima, Japan, June 27-29, 2025 |
Conference website | https://www.iccci.org/ |
Submission link | https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=iccci2025 |
Submission deadline | March 20, 2025 |
The 7th International Conference on Computer Communication and the Internet (ICCCI 2025) will be held in Tokushima, Japan from June 27-29, 2025. ICCCI 2025 is hosted by Tokushima University, and patroned by Shonan Institute of Technology, Nihon University, Okayama University, and Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, USA.
Computer communication and the internet have become integral to our daily lives with the widespread availability of high-speed internet connectivity. This has resulted in a growing need to develop new technologies and methods to improve the performance, security, and reliability of computer communication and the internet. Recent research in this field has focused on key areas such as wireless communication, network security, cloud computing, big data analytics, Internet of Things (IoT), and blockchain technology. These advancements have enabled the development of more efficient, secure, and reliable communication networks, benefiting individuals, organizations, and society as a whole.
ICCCI 2025 aims to facilitate communication and collaboration among researchers, engineers, and practitioners in the broad areas of computer communications and the internet. The conference focuses on original research results in the areas of theoretical findings, design, implementation, and applications of computer communications and the internet. Both theoretical and simulation-based results are welcome.
Submission Guidelines
Full Paper
Papers should contain original contributions not published or submitted elsewhere, and references to related state-of-the-art work. Main conference papers are limited to 10 pages (full papers).
Abstracts are accepted for presentation proposal, if you don't want to publish the full paper, just present your work, you can submit an abstract only.
Reviewing Proedure
1) The paper selection will follow a double-blind review process, meaning that both the authors and reviewers will remain anonymous during the paper selection process.
2) Submitted manuscripts will conduct an initial screening by plagiarism checker.
3) Submitted manuscripts are reviewed by an ICCCI Scientific Technical Committee that covers the topic of the manuscript.
4) Submissions are rated by the committee members based on (i) originality (ii) design novelty (iii) advancement within the field and (iv) technical quality. Authors should provide clear evidence of what is novel in their work and/or the extent to which it advances the state-of-the-art. Many submissions will be stronger in novelty or advancement, so both are equally weighted by the committee. A high level of technical quality and clarity is a requirement for all submissions.
5) Submitted manuscripts must not have been previously published or currently being considered by others for publication.
List of Topics
- Cooperative Networking
- Cross-layer Optimization and Control
- Delay Tolerant Networks
- Optical Networks
- Router and Switch Design
- Routing & Multicast
- Smart Antenna Based Networking
- Wireless LAN, Ad Hoc, and Mesh Networks
- Cellular, Broadcasting, WSN, and WLAN Technologies Coexistence Solutions
- ...etc
Advisory Chair
Nobuo Funabiki, Okayama University, Japan
Advisory Co-Chair
Yutaka Ishibashi, Aichi Sangyo University, Japan
Conference Chairs
Kazuhiko Kinoshita, Tokushima University, Japan
Shinji Sugawara, Chiba Institute of Technology, Japan
Technical Program Committee Chairs
Kiyoshi Ueda, Nihon University, Japan
Hiroshi Fujinoki, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, USA
Kostas E. Psannis, University of Macedonia, Greece
Takana Kaho, Shonan Institute of Technology, Japan
Local Organizing Chair
Masaki Aida, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan
Local Organizing Committee
Alberto Gallegos Ramonet, Tokushima University, Japan
Erdenetuya Dorj, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan
Publicity Chair
Hideya So, Shonan Institute of Technology, Japan
Publication Chairs
Minjie Liu, Wuhan University, China
Ava Patel, Massey University, New Zealand
Yihan Wei, Central China Normal University, China
Registered and presented papers will be included in ICCCI Conference Proceedings.
Tokushima University Industrial Hall
Address: 2-1 Minami-Toshima-cho, Tokushima City, Tokushima University, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Japan
Conference Secretariat’s Name: Ms. Ito Kanan
Mail: conf-iccci@outlook.com