IAIL 2025: Imaging the AI Landscape after the ai act Pisa, Italy, June 9, 2025 |
Conference website | http://iail2025.isti.cnr.it |
Submission link | https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=iail2025 |
Abstract registration deadline | April 6, 2025 |
Submission deadline | April 6, 2025 |
IAIL 2025 - The Fourth Workshop on IMAGINING THE AI LANDSCAPE AFTER THE AI ACT: Bridging the AI Act and the Digital Services Act
The regulation of Artificial Intelligence is at an important stage, with the European Union taking the lead through key legislative frameworks such as the AI Act (AIA) and the Digital Services Act (DSA). These regulations aim to create a safer and more accountable digital environment while safeguarding fundamental rights. However, while the European Union has outlined a clear direction in terms of regulation, their practical implementation remains an open challenge. In particular, the interaction between these two frameworks requires closer examination to understand how they address the risks AI poses to fundamental rights, such as privacy, non-discrimination, and freedom of expression.
The primary objective of this workshop is to provide the community with a deeper understanding of the AIA and DSA, their implications for AI development and deployment, and their alignment with human rights principles. Through dedicated discussion sessions and keynote speakers, we aim to critically analyze what these regulations achieve and the new challenges they pose from an implementation perspective. A key focus of the workshop will be to explore how these regulations can be made operational, identifying the tools and technologies required to support their implementation and defining the objectives these tools should address.
Submission Guidelines
All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference. The following paper categories are welcome:
- Research papers (short, i.e., 5+ pages, and regular, i.e., 12+ pages) present completed and validated research.
- Position papers (short, i.e., 5+ pages, and regular, i.e., 12+ pages) present an arguable opinion about one of the workshop topics of interest.
- Extended abstract present a very early stage of research or previously published work.
List of Topics
- The AI Act and the Digital Services Act
- Applications of AI in the legal domain
- The operationalization of law requirements in AI systems
- Ethical and legal issues of AI technology and its application
- Ethical and legal issues in Online Social Media
- AI and trustworthiness
- AI and fundamental rights
Organizing committee
- Francesca Pratesi (CNR)
- Francesca Naretto (University of Pisa)
- Lorenzo Mannocci (University of Pisa)
- Roberta Savella (CNR)
IAIL 2025 proceedings (for regular and position papers) will be published by CEUR worshop
The conference will be held in Pisa.
All questions about submissions should be emailed with tag [IAIL2025] to francesca [dot] pratesi [at] isti [dot] cnr [dot] it