HPC-FM@SCA20: Workshop on large-scale HPC facility management (EU-S'pore) @ SCA20 Suntec Singapore Convention & Exhibition Centre Singapore, Singapore, February 24-27, 2020 |
Submission link | https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=hpcfmsca20 |
Abstract registration deadline | January 7, 2020 |
Submission deadline | February 18, 2020 |
Workshop date | February 26, 2020 |
1st Workshop on Large Scale HPC Facilities Management (HPC-FM@SCA20)
In conjonction with SuperComputing Asia 2020 (SCA'20), Suntec Singapore Convention Center, Singapore, February 26 2020
Important dates
- Submission Deadline: January 31, 2020 11:59pm AOE
- Author Notification: February 9, 2020
- Workshop: February 26, 2020
With the advent of the technological revolution and the digital transformation that made all scientific disciplines becoming computational nowadays, High Performance Computing (HPC) is increasingly identified as a strategic asset and enabler to accelerate the research and the business performed in intensive computing and large-scale Big Data analytic.
Behind the scenes, the management of an HPC facility to provide state-of-art computing systems, storage and software is a complex enterprise and a constant area for discussion and improvement. To provide the best end-user experience while ensuring the efficient usage of the computing and storage resources put at their disposal, the dedicated team of operations personnel, system administrators and service managers have to invent innovative solutions to consolidate the existing workflows performed on the platform while adapting to the emergence and sophistication of new paradigms (such as Cloud Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, Smart Data Analytics, Edge and Fog computing...) and regulations (such as the General Data Protection Regulation in Europe) which are pushing the limits of the system.
This workshop aims to bring together HPC facility managers and researchers supporting large-scale HPC systems and thus work on large facility management and related technologies to present their deployed environments, exchange on best practices and provide an overview of the strategy supporting the local, national and regional HPC developments.
Topics of interest include synthetic contributions summarizing for the managed systems most if not all of the following topics:
- Technical design and architecture specifications of the system
- Optimization measures of the management middleware for Operational Management (Resource and Job Management System, automated deployment and system provisioning, Configuration management, …)
- Security and Privacy, including compliance to data protection regulation and hosting site IT Security
- Tiered Data storage management, including backup and archiving strategy
- Procurement and Commissioning of HPC System, including tendering management
- Software environment and performance engineering
- Performance and System Monitoring
- Energy efficiency, incl. Power Measurement facilities
- Quality of Service (including SLA definition and compliance), availability management of the HPC Center
- Connectivity and Network management
- Continuous integration and benchmarking assessment
- Access model (incl. Access control, Access portal, Traffic Monitoring and Traceability, Authentication, Data protection and access policy for external consortiums),
- SLAs and Measurement of the User Satisfaction
- Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) and business model
- Issue Management and High Level User Support
- Training and support for sectoral and joint priority areas
- HR and Organization, Research Computing
Submission Guidelines
All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference. The following paper categories are welcome:
- Full papers, up to 18 pages
- Short papers, up to 8 pages
All submissions for HPC-FM@SCFA20 must follow Springer’s LNCS format without changing default margins, fonts, etc. The total page limit is 18 pages (for full papers) or 8 pages (for short papers), excluding references. Submissions must be complete, intelligible and self-contained within the page limits bound and each submission must be a single PDF file. You can submit your proposal on Easychair:
The HPC-FM@SCA20 workshop proceedings are planned for publishing with Springer in their Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series as part of SCAsia'20 proceedings (final approval pending).
Steering Committee
- Prof. Tan Tin Wee, National Supercomputing Centre (NSCC), Singapore
- Jerry Lim, NSCC, Singapore
- Stephen Wong, NSCC, Singapore
- Prof. Lawrence Wong, Singapore Advanced Research & Education Network (SingAREN)
- Eugene Low, NSCC, Singapore
General chairs
- Dr. Sebastien Varrette, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
- Dr. Asif M. Khan, Perdana University, Malaysia
- Dr. Kenneth Hon Kim Ban, NUS, Singapore
- Yves Poppe, NSCC, Singapore
The workshop will be held in the Suntec Singapore Convention Center, Singapore on February 26, 2019. For more details, see https://www.sc-asia.org/venue/
With regards accomodations, information can be found on https://www.sc-asia.org/accommodation/
All questions about submissions should be emailed to Dr. Sebastien Varrette <Sebastien.Varrette@uni.lu>.