HBPSC2022: 6th HBP Student Conference on Interdisciplinary Brain Research Innsbruck, Austria, February 22-25, 2022 |
Conference website | https://www.humanbrainproject.eu/en/education/HBPSC2022/ |
Submission link | https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=hbpsc2022 |
Abstract registration deadline | November 10, 2021 |
Submission deadline | November 10, 2021 |
6th HBP Student Conference on Interdisciplinary Brain Research
Date: 22-25 February 2022
The human brain is such a complex system that it can only be understood by combining knowledge and practices from multiple scientific fields. The 6th HBP Student Conference provides an open forum for the exchange of new ideas among early career researchers working across various sciences relevant to the Human Brain Project (HBP). Attendees will be exposed to the data-driven and multidisciplinary brain research approach of the HBP and have the opportunity to use the EBRAINS platform. The conference offers a space for extensive scientific dialogue, both intra- and interdisciplinary, among peers and faculty through a variety of discussion sessions, lectures, workshops & hands-on training sessions and social events. It will take place as a hybrid event, organised and supported by the HBP Education Programme.
Call for Submissions
We invite original high-quality submissions describing innovative research in all disciplines addressed in the HBP. These contributions can emphasize theoretical or empirical works relating to a wide spectrum of fields including but not limited to: neuroscience, computer science, robotics, medicine, psychology, cognitive science or philosophy. We particularly encourage submissions with a potential to inspire collaboration in the research community by introducing new and relevant problems, concepts, and ideas, even if the work is at an early stage of development.
The conference will be a 4-day hybrid conference from the 22-25 February 2022 with certain sessions being made available online.
Participation in the 6th HBP Student Conference is open to the entire student community and early career researchers, regardless of whether they are affiliated with the HBP or not. Participants are also welcomed without contributing to the scientific programme. We encourage all young scientists to register and aim at an equal representation of all sexes.
Registration for on-site and virtual attendance is now open!
Would you like to present your own work? Find further information on the abstract submission below.
Abstract submission deadline: 27 October 2021
Extended Abstract submission deadline: 10 November 2021
Abstract Submission
Please submit an abstract and you will have the opportunity to present your work during the 6th HBP Student Conference. Your presentation can include a brief oral plus a poster presentation, or a poster presentation only.
All submissions will be evaluated by the Programme Committee with regard to their relevance for the conference in terms of topics and areas of interest, their scientific merit, correctness, and the quality of presentation. Abstracts must be in a Word document format. Please note that abstracts have to adhere to the conference submission template and must be organised according to the IMRaD format.
Please note that registration for the conference is mandatory.
Topics and areas of interest include, but are not limited to:
Mouse brain organisation
Brain transcriptomics and proteomics
Brain macrostructure, vasculature, cells and synapses
Data aggregation and analysis
Human brain organisation
Multi-level organisation of the brain
Data aggregation and analysis
Systems and cognitive neuroscience
Motivation, decision and reward
Learning and memory
Networks underlying brain cognition and consciousness
Theoretical neuroscience
Simplified neuron and neural circuit models and modelling brain signals at different scales
Synaptic plasticity, learning and memory
Large-scale models of human cognitive function
Principles of brain computation
Tools for brain atlases
Tools for structural and functional data analysis
Predictive neuroinformatics
Data curation and integration tools
Interactive visualisation, analysis and control
High-performance computing: mathematical methods, programming models and tools
Brain simulation
Data-driven reconstruction of brain models
Molecular dynamics simulation
Multi-scale models of the brain
The brain multiscale connectome
Development and integration of brain simulators (Neuron, NEST, Arbor, TVB, etc.)
Virtual experiments on HPC
Neuromorphic computing
Neuromorphic computing with physical emulation and digital many-core implementation of brain models
Software tools for neuromorphic computing
Novel technologies for neuromorphic circuits
Design of brain-inspired controllers
Robot designer, brain interfaces & body integrator
Neurorobotic simulations of behaviors
Artificial Intelligence
Ethics and society
Industrial, economic and social consequences of the HBP
Conceptual and philosophical issues
Researcher awareness
Brain atlases
Multi-scale brain data
Brain imaging
Brain connectivity
Medical informatics and clinical neuroscience
Collection and management of federated clinical data (EEG, fMRI, etc.)
Data mining and machine learning approaches to clinical data analysis
Biological signatures of brain diseases
Models and simulations of brain pathologies
Submission Guidelines
Please accurately include all co-authors and their affiliations. If in doubt whether a person’s contributions should or should not be considered as authorship, please refer to http://www.icmje.org/icmje-recommendations.pdf.
Abstracts must be in a Word document format. The abstract word and character limits are as follows:
Title: 500 characters
Text: 1,000 words
Number of Figures: 2
No Supplementary Material
Given the nature of an interdisciplinary conference, formatting of abstracts has to be organised according to the IMRaD format [Introduction/Motivation, Methods, Results and Discussion]. Abstracts must adhere to the template available on the conference website and on the submission platform.
References should be included at the end of the abstract. Please note that the word count includes captions but not references. It is allowed to add acknowledgments to the abstract.
In general, submissions of completed research are encouraged. However, submissions may also contain research in progress and, in particular, abstracts that demonstrate research plans and proposals, i.e., the idea, aims, hypotheses and possible implications of the proposed research.
Poster Guidelines:
The recommended poster size in Pixel: 1080 width x 1536 height – portrait orientation
Poster size in cm: 38,1 width x 54,2 height – portrait orientation
Font size: ≥16
Adding hyperlinks to posters is allowed
All posters displaying results from HBP-funded research groups must contain the HBP logo and the European Union logo as well as EC funding acknowledgments.
The following information should be included on the poster: Authors’ names, surnames, and affiliations.
Posters should be clear and easy to read.
Programme Committee
Joana Covelo (August Pi i Sunyer Biomedical Research Institute)
Sandra Diaz (Forschungszentrum Jülich)
Alice Geminiani (University of Pavia)
Tabea Kirchner (Forschungszentrum Jülich)
Carmen Lupascu (Italian National Research Council)
Paschal Ochang (De Montfort University)
Oluyinka Oyeniji (De Montfort University)
Taylan Özden (Technical University Darmstadt)
Jens Egholm Pedersen (Royal Institute of Technology)
Ingrid Reiten (University of Oslo)
Alper Yegenoglu (Forschungszentrum Jülich)
Organising committee
- HBP Education Programme Office (Medical University Innsbruck)
All questions about submissions should be emailed to education@humanbrainproject.eu