![]() | GI/ACM I4.0 WS: GI/ACM Informatik2018 Standardisation Workshop on Industry4.0 Automation and Control Systems Smart Data Forum @ Heinrich-Hertz-Institut (HHI), Salzufer 6, TU Berlin 10587 Berlin, Germany, September 24, 2018 |
Conference website | https://informatik2018.gi.de/giacm-workshop/ |
Submission link | https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=i40iacsws |
NOTICE: only Extended Abstract Registration (max.4 pages) due to | August 12, 2018 |
Abstract registration deadline | September 21, 2018 |
PC Peer Reviewing of Full Paper Submissions only | September 21, 2018 |
Submission deadline | September 21, 2018 |
Final Paper Ready due to LNI Publication Guidelines | September 24, 2018 |
The Workshop 'GI/ACM I4.0' intends to bridge the gap between standards, regulations, implementation and technology issues of all fields addressed in the 'Standardization Roadmap Industry4.0' (SRM I4.0). 'I4.0' comprises digitization of smart factories with advanced Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) methods and technologies.
Submission Guidelines
All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference. The following paper categories are welcome:
- Full papers (less than 10 pages) describing from an industrial best practices - but also from technology research point of view issues of the design, testing, implementing, verification and validation of Smart Factories, Industrial Internets of Things, Industrial Automation and Control Systems (IACS), Digital Infrastructures and Platforms etc.
- Posters highlighting an up-to-date technical treatment or problem solution of IACS in the domains of Stanardization, Labour, Human-Machine Interfacing, Formal Specification, Model-based Testing, Smart Factoring etc.
- Short Papers / Extended Abstracts (less than 4 pages) represent intended current work and investigations into new technologies, regulations, industrial products or services.
List of Topics
- Industry4.0 Regulations and Standards on HMI, Safety, Security, Privacy;
- AI, Machine Learning Methods, Distributed Ledger Technologies;
- I4.0 Large-scale System Solutions of IAC Systems, Smart Factories;
- Information Security Indicators, Metrics, Formal Methods, Model-based Testing;
- Big Data Analysis, Measurement Reference Architectures;
Program Committee
- Industry, Smart Factories, IIoT:
- Günter Hörcher guenter.hoercher@ipa.fraunhofer.de
- Rainer Falk rainer.falk@siemens.com
- Steffen Fries steffen.fries@siemens.com
- Peer Reymann pr@itqs.de
- Maik Seewald maseewal@cisco.com
- Jochen Link link.bruehl@t-online.de
- Laws, Regulations, new worlds of work/society:
- Peter Schaar schaar@eaid-berlin.de
- olga.meyer@ipa.fraunhofer.de
- doris.meurer@uba.de
- International Relations:
- Ulrich Seldeslachts ulrich@anakyn.be
- Scott W. Cadzow scott@cadzow.com
- Gerard Gaudin gerard_gaudin2@hotmail.com
Organizing committee
- Jan deMeer demeer@ACM.org
- Karl Waedt karl.waedt@framatome.com
- Hans-Joachim Hof hof@insi.science
- Axel Rennoch axel.rennoch@fokus.fraunhofer.de
Invited Speakers
- N.N. - invited speakers are to be decided from the list of submissions
Publication and Registration
GI/ACM I4.0 Standardization WS proceedings will be published in 'GI LNI Springer Verlag' as part of the GI Informatik2018 Proceedings. Please read the publication guidelines carefully: https://gi.de/service/publikationen/lni/
Notice: Publications that do not adopt the LNI guidelines cannot be published as part of GI JT'18 Conference Proceedings!
Any accepted publication presupposes a valid registration of the presenting authors and participants of the I4.0 WS, which is an integral part of the yearly assembly 'GI Jahrestagung2018' in Berlin!
registered participants of the I4.0 WS are also registered for the GI Conference!
Hence please register first at: https://informatik2018.gi.de/anmeldung/
Umbrella Event: Sept.26-27 2018, 'Informatik2018' GI Yearly Assembly: informatik2018.gi.de!
At Sept.24 2018, the GI/ACM I4.0 Standardization WS is going to happen @ Smart Data Forum at Heinrich-Hertz-Institute (HHI), Salzufer 6, 10587 Berlin
Contacts of the WS Co-Chairs
demeer@t-online.de (Jan deMeer, WS General Chair) + karl.waedt@framatome.com (Karl Waedt, WS Co-Chair) + axel.rennoch@fokus.fraunhofer.de (Axel Rennoch, WS Co-Chair) + hof@insi.science (Hans-Joachim Hof, WS Co-Chair)