FiNo2022: Fonologi i Norden 2022 Aarhus University Aarhus, Denmark, January 13-14, 2022 |
Conference website | |
Submission link | |
Submission deadline | November 1, 2021 |
Dear phonologists and phonologically-minded researchers,
It’s time for another Fonologi i Norden (FiNo)! Following on from the very first meeting (Fonologi i Skandinavia / FiSk), organised by Laura Downing and Martin Krämer, and the now many successful FiNos sprinkled across the Nordic countries, we invite abstracts for the 2022 installment of the meeting.
The meeting will take place on the 13th-14th of January 2022. This time around, FiNo takes us to Aarhus in Denmark.
FiNo is meant to be a relatively informal workshop for phonologists in the Nordic countries (including, but not limited to Denmark, Estonia, the Faeroes, Finland, Greenland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, and Sweden), and phonologists from elsewhere who are interested in Nordic topics (broadly understood). Everyone is invited to share some of your work with us, and help us build the Nordic phonology network.
We very much hope that you’ll contribute to another fine FiNo experience by attending the event and – better still – that you’ll submit an abstract.
Your FiNo organisers,
Anna Bothe Jespersen, Birgitte Poulsen, Míša Hejná, Ocke-Schwen Bohn, and Søren Sandager Sørensen.
Submission Guidelines
Abstracts are accepted on any topic in phonology, and abstracts related to Nordic phonology are particularly encouraged. Please submit your abstract in PDF format to EasyChair by November 1, 2021. Authors will be informed about acceptance by the 1st of December 2021.
The abstract should not exceed one A4 page. References can be on a second page. Authors may use the abstract template found here:
When submitting your abstract via EasyChair, please indicate whether you prefer an oral presentation or a poster.
The conference will be held in Aarhus, Denmark. We are planning the conference as an in-person event, but are aware of the possibility that we may have to switch to an online platform.
All questions about submissions should be emailed to Anna at