ELERS2019: Education Research in Law and Engineering Symposium USQ Toowoomba Campus Toowoomba, Australia, September 30, 2019 |
Conference website | https://www.usq.edu.au/study/faculty-events/2019/09/law_engineering_symposium |
Submission link | https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=sperled2019 |
Abstract registration deadline | July 1, 2019 |
Advice of abstract acceptance | July 15, 2019 |
Submission deadline | September 2, 2019 |
Submission Guidelines
ABSTRACT PROPOSALS DUE 1st JULY 2019. Advice on acceptance of your proposal will be 15 July 2019. Final papers and posters to be included in the conference program due 2nd September 2019.
Submit your abstract summarising the proposed paper or poster. Submit a 500 word abstract for papers or 200 word poster proposal using the default EasyChair template (enter details into the dialogue boxes). Identify the category from those provided below. Provide all names and affiliations and three keywords.
Opportunity for submission to special Journal publication:
There is an opportunity for best work to be published in special edition Journal. The editorial team of the Symposium will be looking for the most significant and original pieces of research presented at the symposium and invite authors to expand their submission for a special issue Journal. Post-Symposium, a call will be made for these full papers. Submitted papers will be peer-reviewed and accepted papers will be published in a special edition journal.
The following paper categories are welcome. Please identify category on abstract:
Categories for papers and posters (please nominate on your proposal)
The ‘Student’ Master
- Students as ‘clients’
- Student satisfaction
- Changing student demographics
- Online learning
- Low SES students
- ‘First nations’ students
- HDR students
The ‘University’ Master
- Retention and progression of students
- Building resilience
- Mental health and wellbeing in the workplace
- The role of the academic in the 21st century
- Publish or perish?
The ‘Professional Association’ Master
- Oversight by professional bodies
- The role of ethics in teaching
- The impact of professional misconduct
- Designing good assessment for the professional student
Poster Guidelines
Please see below for design suggestions and size limitations:
- Each poster is limited in size to A0, portrait (1189 x 841mm).
- Choose one or two main messages to focus your poster on, keep it simple and do not overcrowd the poster; it does not need to convey everything about your project/research as you want people to ask you questions about it.
- Ensure your poster is organised with a logical flow and is in ‘bite size chunks’ for easy reading.
- Use fonts that are large and easy to read; we recommend the following sizes: Title 72 pt; Headings 48-60 pt; Body text 24-48 pt.
- Check that you can still read the text if you are reproducing the poster on an A4 handout.
- Include graphics that help communicate your main message and emphasise points with the use of colour.
- Include a QR code for easy exchange of contact details.
Compulsory content: author name(s), author organisation(s), organisation logo(s), contact details (website, email).
Please take your poster tube with you after your poster has been hung. Any poster tubes left in the poster area will be removed.
It is advisable to stand next to your poster during catering breaks to answer questions from delegates.
All questions about submissions should be emailed to steven.goh@usq.edu.au or pauline.collins@usq.edu.au