![]() | DECOR2022@ICDE: 5th International Workshop on Data Engineering Meets Intelligent Food and COoking Recipes 2022 virtual Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, May 9, 2022 |
Conference website | http://research.nii.ac.jp/decor/decor2022.html |
Submission link | https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=decor2022icde |
Abstract registration deadline | February 15, 2022 |
Submission deadline | February 15, 2022 |
The past decades have seen enormous growth in the research related to the digital food and cooking recipes underpinnings of data engineering, as food is essential for human life and related health. The ability to collect, store, process, and evaluate cooking recipes has advanced immensely, and data science-driven methods have had an unprecedented impact on food experience sharing and recommendations at large. Mainly because of their success in analyzing and predicting human cooking expectations, flavor, and taste preferences. Data Engineering stands to benefit from the food computing and recipe cooking revolution in similar ways but realizing this vision requires thoughtful and concerted effort.
The 5th International Workshop on Data Engineering meets intelligent food and COoking Recipes (DECOR2022@ICDE) aims to accelerate research in data science by providing a forum for the latest innovations in the intersection of Data Engineering and Intelligent Food and Cooking Recipes. Intelligent Food and Cooking Recipes domain comprises not only the process of cooking but also includes intelligent methods for enhancing human-food interactions, ranging from devising technology, playful interactions, multisensory experience design, understanding cross-cultural food eating habits, and perception, as well as food choices and their health connections. Consequently, increasing the ability to influence food eating habits and choices that promote, simultaneously, healthful eating decisions and creative new human-food interaction experiences (for information on previous editions of DECOR visit: DECOR2021; DECOR2020; DECOR2019; DECOR2018).
Focus and goals of the 4th IEEE DECOR workshop:
The fifth DECOR will have special attention to "Cooking Recipes and food Data Engineering." We envision that this workshop will continue:
a) To bring together researchers and practitioners from the data engineering and the food computing and social media communities, with the goal of investigating and leveraging new research opportunities in the design and implementation of data infrastructure and real-world applications with emerging food and cooking recipe computing technologies.
b) To promote discussions on how to push forward innovative solutions for the challenging problem of how to store, access, and retrieve pertinent information and knowledge from an increasing amount of data available to everyone.
c) To discuss several challenges associated with the progress of the multiple aspects of the Intelligent Food and Cooking Recipes area as a sub-field of the Data Engineering and Big Data arena.
All these are tailored to be aligned with ICDE 2022 topics.
Special events:
2 Keynote Speakers: TBA
Interactive discussion session: Mulsemedia food expectation and tasting experience
Enlightening Student Session
Awards: one best paper; one best student paper
Check DECOR2022 website!!! http://research.nii.ac.jp/decor/aboutdecor22.html
Authors will be encouraged to submit contributions addressing a range of topics in the intersection of Data Science, Data Engineering, and Applied Computational Science, with impacts on on-going standardization, especially in cooperation with ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 42, the international standards committee responsible for standardization in the area of Artificial Intelligence (AI). We will call for contributions related to model design, use case best practices, technologies, and intelligent data management tools supporting Intelligent Food and Cooking Recipes processes. In addition to primary investigations applying advanced analytic pipelines to data already stored in repositories, desirable contributions also include the reports of the full set of digital and/or Mulsemedia objects that are produced. These digital objects might include original data, software, software pipelines, models, workflows, containers, virtual machines, intermediary data, and metadata strategies.
The proceedings of the workshop will be published jointly with the ICDE conference proceedings and all papers must be prepared in the IEEE format.
All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference. Authors are invited to submit long papers (6 pages), or short papers (4 pages), or demonstrations (4 pages). Students are also invited to submit long papers and short papers in the special enlightening student session.
Important dates:
For all DECOR 2022 Accepted papers, demo, or short papers
March 30, 2022 Camera-ready papers due
May 9, 2022 Workshop date (tentative date)
January 14, 2022 |
Full & Short Papers, demo, Submissions due |
February 5, 2022 |
Acceptance Notification |
February 18, 2022 |
Revision Submission due |
March 4, 2022 |
Final Notification |
February 15, 2022 |
Full & Short Papers, demo, Submissions due |
February 29, 2022 |
Acceptance Notification |
March 12, 2022 |
Revision Submission due |
March 16, 2022 |
Final Notification |
Submission Guidelines
Submission link: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=decor2022icde
The papers should be prepared for blind review and submitted through EasyChair using the link above.
Dataset: if an original dataset has been used in the submitted paper, the dataset should be published on the IEEE Dataport site and cited in the paper. It is a requirement for the paper review process.
To be included in the IEEE Xplore Library, accepted papers must be registered and presented. Additionally, supporting data sets must be made available at the time of Camera-ready submission. If the authors do not provide adequate assurances that they comply with the publication requirements for sharing data sets, we reserve the right to refuse publication.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Foundation and Technologies for Intelligent Food and Cooking Recipes
- Data engineering and Design Science in the food domain
- Big Data and cooking recipes
- Cooking and recipe computing
- Nutrition data mining
- Cooking recipe benchmarking
- Data semantic modelling and ontology engineering for food data
- Recipe data management
Data Analytics in Recipe Computing
- Recipe data analytics
- Open cooking linked data analysis
- Food ontology
- Social data analysis for recipe computing
- Eating behavior analysis
- Culture analytics for food recommender system
- Multimedia food data analysis
Machine Learning and Deep Learning for Computational Cooking
- Multi-modal representation learning (Image/text alignment)
- Recommendation systems, benchmarking, and performance evaluation
- Classification for food data
- Multi-modal retrieval techniques for recipe management
- Content generation for recipe computing
Collective intelligence for Recipe Computing
- Knowledge discovery from recipe computing
- Data visualization for food decision making
- Decision-making in the intelligent food system
- Interactions in recipe computing
- Food recommender systems for group
- Data visualization for enhancing food sensorial experience
Nutritional Value and Applications for Intelligent Food Systems
- Automated recipe and nutrients conversion
- Nutritional model for the intelligent food system
- Healthy eating models- Health-aware food recommender systems
- Personalization and health model
Workshop co-chairs
- F. Andres, National Institute of Informatics, JP
- G. Bagler, Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology Delhi, IN
- F. Fotouhi, Wayne State University, US
- M. Leite, Univ. South Florida St. Petersburg, US / Basque Center for Applied Mathematics, Spain
Publicity co-chairs
- R. Kannan, Bishop Heber College, IN
- M. S. Karim, Universiti Putra Malaysia, MY
- A. Pester, The British University in Egypt, EG
- Y. Sulema, Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, UA
- B. Thuraisingham, University of Texas Dallas, US
Program committee
- C. Anantaram, IIIT and Tata Consultancy Services Ltd, IN,
- M. Bhardwaj, Halliburton, US
- A. Cardoso, University of Coimbra, PT
- X. Dai, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, US
- L. D’Orazio, University Rennes, CNRS, IRISA, FR
- G. Ghinea, Brunel University, UK
- I. Ide, Nagoya University, JP
- M. S. Karim, Universiti Putra Malaysia, MY
- D.L. Lee, HKUST, HK
- F. Ofli, QCR Institute, Qatar
- M.T. Restivo, University of Porto, PT
- E. B. Saleme, Federal Institute of Espírito Santo, BR
- F. Sedes, IRIT, Toulouse, FR
- A. Shakya, Tribhuvan University, Nepal
- C. Shimizu, Kansas State University, US
- Y. Wang, Texas Southern University, US
- K. Yanai, The University of Electro-Communications, JP
Steering Committee
- Hever, Alan. University of South Florida, US
- Ioannidis, Yannis. University of Athens, GR
- Kapetanios, Epaminondas. University of Westminster, UK
- Kitagawa, Takuya. Rakuten, JP
- Levy, Pierre. University of Ottawa, CA
- Nuessli Guth, Jeannette. ETH Zürich, CH
- Thuraisingham, Bhavani. The University of Texas at Dallas, US
- Yamakata, Yoko. The University of Tokyo, JP
- Zhang, Aidong. University of Virginia, US