![]() | CumulusMTY24: Cumulus Monterrey 2024 | Design Across Borders: United in Creativity Tecnológico de Monterrey & Universidad de Monterrey Monterrey, Mexico, October 15-18, 2024 |
Submission link | https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=cumulusmty24 |
Abstract registration deadline | June 2, 2024 |
Notification of abstract acceptance/rejection | July 7, 2024 |
Submission deadline | August 4, 2024 |
Notification of full paper acceptance and other formats acceptance | August 16, 2024 |
Final camera-ready submissions | September 15, 2024 |
Art and design are omnipresent disciplines in the city of Monterrey. From the architecture that defines its urban landscape to the artistic expressions that give meaning and voice to the heritage of Monterrey. Monterrey has become an epicenter of art and design in Mexico, recognized for its vibrant creative scene. The city is home to prestigious design schools, such as Tecnológico de Monterrey and Universidad de Monterrey (UDEM), which train the new generations of talents.
But Monterrey is not only important for its prowess in design; it holds a special significance in the cultural panorama of Mexico. As one of the most industrialized and dynamic cities in the country, Monterrey serves as a beacon of progress and innovation. Its strategic location, solid economy, and entrepreneurial spirit have made it a center of business and technology.
Furthermore, art and design in Monterrey go beyond aesthetics; they are deeply intertwined with its identity and aspirations, serving as powerful tools for innovation, communication, and social development. In this context, the importance of art in Monterrey cannot be overstated. Art and design serve as catalysts for creativity, dialogue, and cultural exchange. They add vitality to the urban landscape, stimulate critical thinking, and foster a sense of belonging among its inhabitants. Ultimately, art and design in Monterrey are not just expressions of creativity; they are drivers of progress and social change. They embody the dynamic spirit of the city, its commitment to excellence, and shape a better world for future generations.
Cumulus Monterrey 2024 | Design Across Borders: United in Creativity
The Cumulus Association invites scholars, researchers, educators, practitioners, and creatives from around the world to submit contributions for the upcoming conference on "Design Across Borders: United in Creativity." This event seeks to explore and celebrate the transformative power of design in addressing global challenges and fostering collaboration across borders.
Conference theme:
The Design Across Borders: United in Creativity conference aims to be a celebration of the transformative power inherent in design—a force that transcends geographic and cultural boundaries. In an era characterized by unprecedented connectivity, the theme of the conference embodies the spirit of unity, collaboration, and creativity.
By fostering collaboration and embracing diversity, the conference seeks to illuminate the ways in which design serves as a powerful catalyst for positive change, propelling us towards a future where creativity becomes a universal language that knows no borders.
Design Across Borders: United in Creativity is an invitation to dive into the depths of design thinking, to embrace its capacity to bring people together, and to witness the profound impact it can have on shaping a more harmonious and interconnected world. As we embark on this collective journey, we recognize that creativity knows no bounds, and through design, we can forge connections that transcend the limitations of space and time. Together, we celebrate the immense potential of design as a force that unites us in a shared pursuit of innovation, expression, and positive transformation.
Some of the questions that we are looking for answers are: In what ways does design transcend geographic and cultural boundaries to generate a positive impact?, How can design be used as a catalyst for positive social change in a globalized world?, Can design become a universal language that overcomes language barriers? If so, how can this be achieved?, How can inclusion and cultural diversity be ensured in international design projects?, What challenges exist for communicating design to audiences from different cultures?, How can design be used to promote empathy and intercultural understanding?, What role will design play in building a more harmonious and interconnected world?
Track 1: Design for Change
Social Innovation | Co-creation | Participative Design | Sustainability | Diversity, Inclusion and Equity | Climate Change | Inclusive Business Models | Circular Economy
We invite authors to contribute their research and experience to this transformative track, focusing on social innovation, co-creation, participative design, sustainability, diversity, inclusion, equity, climate change, inclusive business models, and the circular economy. Submissions will contribute to reshaping the discourse surrounding design's role in fostering positive societal change.
Track 2: Speculative Futures
Future of Art and Design | Technology | Immersive Experiences and Virtual Realities | Artificial Intelligence
Authors are encouraged to submit papers and contributions exploring the future of art and design, the interplay between technology and creativity, immersive experiences, virtual realities, and the implications of artificial intelligence. Your insights will enrich discussions on the speculative frontiers of artistic and design endeavors.
Track 3: Education in Art and Design
Educational Innovation | Interdisciplinarity | Global Collaborations | Digital Transformation
Researchers, educators and professionals are invited to submit their works and proposals on educational innovation, interdisciplinarity, global collaborations, and digital transformation within art and design education. Your contributions will shape the future of pedagogical approaches in the field.
Track 4: Translocality
Global South | North-South Borders | Migration, Immigration and Displacement | Decolonization
Scholars are invited to submit their proposal addressing global dynamics, including but not limited to the Global South, North-South borders, migration, immigration, displacement, and decolonization. Your contributions will illuminate the complexities of a world interconnected through art and design.
- Academic papers
- Slide decks (presentation of creative and professional work)
- Posters
- Workshops
- Format X
Academic papers
Apply with an abstract of no more than 500 words (excluding references).
Authors of approved abstracts will be notified and invited to write full academic papers.
An academic paper presented at Cumulus should be between 4,000 and 6,000 words (excluding references).
Each presentation should last 15 minutes with 5 minutes for Q&A.
Academic papers will be published digitally in the conference proceedings.
Stage 1: Submission of abstracts (until June 2nd 2024)
Abstracts should be not more than 500 words long (excluding references).
Make sure that your abstract submission is appropriately anonymized.
Authors of approved abstracts will be notified and invited to write full academic papers.
Stage 2: Submission of full papers (until 15th July 2024)
In this stage, authors are invited to submit a full contribution.
All academic papers will be restricted in length to between 4,000 and 6,000 words (excluding references).
Files should be submitted in both a PDF and an editable Word file (docx). Other formats cannot be accepted.
Make sure that your full paper submission is appropriately anonymized.
If reviewers recommend any revisions to a full paper that is submitted, authors will be asked to resubmit their papers and papers will be reviewed again.
Make sure your paper is formatted based on the template provided (the templates will be available at the conference’s website).
Stage 3: Final, camera-ready submission (until 13th August 2024)
Accepted authors should submit their camera-ready papers, in both a PDF and an editable Word file. Other formats cannot be accepted.
Submission in this stage should include authors' names and affiliations.
Slide decks (presentation of creative and professional work)
Academic, industry and art professionals are encouraged to present their (creative and professional) works, whether it is research, design or artistic, at the conference.
Apply with a 500-word abstract (excluding references) and a slide deck.
Slide decks should have a maximum of nine slides, formatted using a 16:9 horizontal aspect ratio.
Approved authors will be notified and invited to submit a final slide deck.
Each presentation of a creative and professional work should last 15 minutes with 5 minutes for the Q&A.
Slide decks abstracts will be published digitally in the conference proceedings.
Stage 1: Initial submission (until 15th June 2024)
Authors are invited to apply with a 500-word abstract (excluding references) and a slide deck.
Each submission should relate to one of the conference tracks.
Slide decks should:
use a 16:9 horizontal aspect ratio, be a maximum of nine slides long, plus an additional title slide.
The title slide (first slide) should use the template provided (the templates will be available at the conference’s website).
The bottom area of the first slide, which contains conference partner logos, should be left empty.
The rest of the slides can be formatted freely.
The sequence of the slides should tell a story and form a coherent narrative.
Please use the designated typeface – Google fonts: Open Sans.
Text type should be 30 pt in size or larger.
The poster should follow the template (the templates will be available at the conference’s website).
The most straightforward method for creating such slide decks is using either Keynote, PowerPoint or InDesign.
The following sections are dedicated to the contents:
- Title page (the templates will be available at the conference’s website)
- Research / project focus and objectives
- Methodology and tools
- Research / creative process
- Expected / obtained results
- References
The contents of the slide can be presented as short texts, schematic representations, infographics, or images. Always concentrate on your core message. When planning your slides, you should always keep in mind the question: What is the key message (or three key points) for my audience to take away?
Use a master slide and create guides to help with placement and coherent formatting. Zone where you would like critical elements of your presentation, such as headline, text and images, to be.
In the abstract, authors are expected to state the contribution and uniqueness of their work clearly and explicitly: What is the problem? How does your approach affect change? Why is it better than other approaches? Authors should focus on the contribution of their work rather than the background, including just enough detail to clarify how their work differs from others’ research or practice.
The abstract may be chosen based on the significance of the problem or the originality of the approach.
Authors' names and affiliations should be omitted for the initial submissions to guarantee the blind review process.
Stage 2: Final submission (until 13th August 2024)
Selected authors will be invited to submit a final contribution.
They should submit a PDF as well as in an editable file format (PowerPoint, Keynote, or InDesign).
Make sure to use the template for the final slide deck submission (the templates will be available at the conference’s website).
At this stage, submissions should include the authors' names and affiliations.
Presentation at the conference
For the oral presentations of slide decks, authors can increase their number of slides to a maximum of 20 slides to show more visuals, but the content of the slides should not be materially different.
Authors can also include videos, animations, or sound if it helps them tell their stories.
However, authors should keep the message of their slides intact, focus on concise messaging and be conscious of the length of the presentation.
We welcome poster submissions that leverage the power of visual communication for design artifacts, documenting tangible research methods and results.
Posters should present the research in a visually rich format, containing visuals (such as photographs, drawings, tables, and diagrams) and an abstract of up to 500 words, to be inserted in the submission management system.
The poster size is 70 x 100cm.
Authors of accepted poster contributions should complete the conference registration to exhibit their posters.
Posters will be exhibited for the entire duration of the conference.
Authors will have the opportunity to explain their posters during dedicated poster sessions.
Posters will be published digitally in the conference proceedings.
Stage 1: Initial submission (until 15th June 2024)
Apply with a 500-word abstract (excluding references) and the poster.
Posters should reflect on one of the conference tracks.
The poster submission should be in PDF file format.
The poster should follow the template (the templates will be available at the conference’s website).
The header and footer area should respect the defined font and formatting, while the rest can be formatted freely.
Posters must contain the following elements:
- Title of project, author(s) and affiliation(s) (anonymized for initial submission)
- Abstract
- Main focus/objectives of the (research) project
- Description of outcomes/results to date
- Explanation of the (social) relevance and the anticipated impact of the contribution
- References
Please use the designated typeface – Google fonts: Open Sans.
Authors’ names and affiliations should be omitted for the initial poster submissions to guarantee the blind review process.
Authors of approved posters will be notified and invited to submit the final 500-word abstract and the final poster.
Stage 2: Final submission (until 13th August 2024)
The final abstract and the final poster submission should be in both PDF and an editable file format (PPT or AI).
Authors’ names and affiliations should be included for the final version.
Printing and poster installation will be handled by the conference organizers.
Make sure to use the template for poster submissions (the templates will be available at the conference’s website).
We welcome submissions that propose 45, 90, 120 or 180-minute workshops, with 10-20 participants.
We aim to schedule shorter workshops (45 or 90 minutes) on conference days (16-18 October 2024). Longer workshops (120 or 180-min) will likely be scheduled on the pre-conference day, Day zero (Tuesday, 15 October 2024).
Workshop abstracts will be published digitally in the conference proceedings.
Stage 1: Initial submission (until 15th June 2024)
Apply with an abstract of 300-500 words (excluding references), outlining: workshop theme and objectives, target audience, expected number of participants, agenda, and equipment needed.
Authors of approved workshops will be notified and invited to submit a final description and host a workshop with participants.
Make sure that your initial submission is appropriately anonymized.
Stage 2: Final submission (until 13th August 2024)
Submit a 500-word final description.
Authors’ names and affiliations should be included for the final version.
The final submission should be in both PDF and Word format.
Make sure to use the template for the final submission (the templates will be available at the conference’s website).
Format X
We welcome submissions that propose new, experimental formats that actively involve 15+ participants and let them come together and discuss, debate, play, paint, scratch, bend, tear apart, or X a specific topic. The format should be engaging, social, inclusive, cooperative and highly interactive.
Format X sessions should last 15, 30, 45, 60 or 90 minutes.
Participants can bring in an existing format, something they experienced, or something they invented themselves.
Participants can also propose new, experimental formats they want to test at the conference.
Stage 1: Initial submission (until 15th June 2024)
Apply with an abstract of 300-500 words (excluding references), outlining:
The topic to discuss
The logic and "rules" of the format
Timing, tools and infrastructure needed
Make sure that your initial submission is appropriately anonymized.
Authors of approved sessions will be notified and invited to submit a final description and host a session with participants.
Stage 2: Final submission (until 13th August 2024)
Submit a 500-word final description.
Authors’ names and affiliations should be included for the final version.
The final submission should be in both PDF and Word format.
Make sure to use the template for final submission (the templates will be available at the conference’s website).
Onsite participation
All participants are welcome to speak in person. Conference organizers request that at least one presenter for each paper is onsite and fully registered for the conference.
How to prepare for your presentation
High-quality presentations better captivate their audiences and create a more engaging conference experience for our participants. Effective and engaging presentations can leave a lasting impression, which we hope participants will take home from Monterrey. To help make this happen we encourage participants to:
- Balance concise text with impactful visuals
- Utilize imagery, charts, and graphical elements to effectively communicate key messages
- Use minimal text to enhance the audience's comprehension and retention of key points
- Prepare presentation slides that are visually appealing
- Follow a cohesive design, thoughtful use of color and typography and clear organization that supports the narrative of the presentation
- Prepare and rehearse for an engaging delivery
By submitting proposals for publication in the conference proceedings, authors are allowed for the publication of their work and assign copyright of the papers they submit to the conference host and Cumulus. Authors’ traditional rights will not be infringed upon by assigning copyright in this manner, as authors retain the right to re-use the content of the papers.
All proposal should be submitted via the Easy Chair platform: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=cumulusmty24.
15 May 2024: Deadline for abstract submissions
15 June 2024: Deadline for submission of posters, slide decks, workshops and Format X
15 July 2024: Deadline for submission of full papers
13 August 2024: Deadline for final submission of posters, slide decks, workshops and Format X
30 August 2024: Final program announced
Registration dates:
15 July 2024: Early Bird registration finishes
20 August 2024: Deadline for registration for presenters and contributors
General Submission Guidelines
- All submissions except for short papers, should reflect on the conference theme and one of the conference tracks.
- The submissions should clearly define the topic, type of contribution, scope and method, and should clearly state how they contribute to the conference themes. Abstracts should be followed by the keywords capturing the most important aspects of the submission.
- All submissions and presentations should be in English.
- Abstracts and submissions will be reviewed on the basis of:
- Originality and rigour
- Alignment and fit to conference themes and tracks
- Clarity and communication
- Paper submissions should follow the APA style (sixth edition) for in-text citation and reference lists (https://apastyle.apa.org/).
- Authors are responsible for proofreading their own papers.
- Authors are responsible for the copyright of the images and illustrations used in their article and are required to request permission from the copyright owners of all such content.
- Authors of accepted contributions should complete the conference registration in order to present their papers and works, exhibit their posters or host their sessions.
- For co-authored submissions, at least one author should register for the conference in full to present.
- For co-authored submissions, one or two authors are expected to present.
- All proposals should be submitted via the submission system.
- All contributions will go through a double-blind peer review process.
- For submission deadlines and review timelines see Key Dates.
- Publishing of conference proceedings will take place in the Cumulus Conference Proceedings Series with an ISBN and ISSN number.
- Contributions which are not presented at the conference will be excluded from the official proceedings.
Templates are available in shared folders, under the following links:
Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/12EwgKBUyoZfBuBetzfBASk_PdLQUaTV1?usp=sharing
Contact the organizing team at cumulusmonterrey2024@udem.edu.